35 Common Misconceptions You Probably Believe

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4 min
35 Common Misconceptions You Probably Believe
Image: Shutterstock

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Are black holes actually "holes?" Is it true the Vikings wore horned helmets? And can you really be "as blind as a bat?" We're all guilty of believing some falsehoods -- and, contrary to popular belief, that includes all three of these. Let's see how many myths you can debunk.
Is it true that George Washington's teeth were made out of wood?
Yes, he had wooden teeth.
Yes, but it was just one of several pairs.
No, he never had wooden teeth.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Contrary to popular belief, this Founding Father and first president of the United States did not have wooden teeth. It's true that Washington wore dentures, but none of the four sets made for him were composed of wood. Instead, he had a gold pair, a pair carved from hippopotamus ivory, a pair fashioned with animal and human teeth, and a pair made from lead.

How long does it take your body to digest a piece of swallowed chewing gum?
It can't be digested, and gets stuck in your stomach.
It can't be digested, but is passed the same as other food.
It takes 7 years to break down.
It takes about a year to break down.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It takes seven years, according to the commonly repeated myth about digesting gum. But in reality, it doesn't take nearly that long, though. Your body can't actually digest it, but that doesn't matter much -- your body passes gum through the digestive system as it does any other food, and at at the same rate (several hours to a few days).

Does shaving make hair grow back thicker and darker?
Yes, shaving thickens hair.
No, but it does cause two hairs to grow back instead of one.
No, but blunt stubble makes it seem so.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Scientists have known this one is a myth since the 1920s. But a lot of us have been slow to catch up. And that's because shaving makes it feel like hair has grown back coarse and dark -- but it's just a trick of the stubble. As your hair grows back, the end is blunt from the razor and that makes it appear thicker. As soon as it begins to grow a bit, it softens.


How do dogs sweat?
By panting
By salivating
Through their nose
Through their paw pads
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ever wonder why your dog's paws smell like corn chips? It's because sweat is salty -- that's right, dogs primarily sweat through their paw pads. Although sweating is primarily how humans cool down, most of a dog's sweat glands are located in its paws. Panting, which isn't sweating, is really how dogs cool down. Panting allows water to evaporate from its tongue, nasal passages, and lungs, and that helps lower its body temperature.

What color is the sun?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The sun looks yellow, or sometimes orange or red in the sky, but that's just the Earth's atmosphere playing tricks on you. It's actually all the colors of the rainbow mixed together, which appears to the human eye as white. Although it's hard to see on Earth, it's much easier to see from space.

What's being celebrated on Cinco de Mayo?
Mexico's victory at the Battle of the Alamo
Mexico's victory at the Battle of Puebla
Mexico's Independence Day
Mexico's siege of Los Angeles
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many in the U.S. assume that when we're celebrating Cinco de Mayo with 2-for-1 margaritas, we're raising a glass on Mexico's Independence Day. However, we're not. Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain, which happened in 1810, on Sept. 16. The May 5 celebration is for the Mexican Army's victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla during the French-Mexican War, after which Mexico's president proclaimed "Battle of Puebla Day" or "Battle of Cinco de Mayo" a national holiday.


Which mental health disorder causes the mind to split into more than one identity?
Bipolar disorder
Dissociative identity disorder
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although many people may refer to this as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, it's actually neither of those two conditions that cause multiple personalities. Dissociative identity disorder (DID), which is also known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is the mental health disorder that's characterized by a person having at least two distinct identities and personalities.

Do ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?
Yes, it's part of their mating ritual.
Yes, it's how they cool off.
Yes, it's how they sleep.
No, they wouldn't be able to breathe.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Think about it this way: If you buried your head in the sand, could you breathe? Neither could ostriches, and they don't do it. However, they do dig holes in which they build their nests, and it could appear the birds bury their heads when they are tending to their eggs or little ones in the nest.

Will adding salt to water make it boil more quickly?
Yes, as long as you add about 1 teaspoon.
Yes, as long as you add about 1 tablespoon.
No, it won't help the water boil faster.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you were to cook your pasta in water that's as salty as the sea, it could make a difference. But adding a sprinkle of to fresh water can only help with flavor, not with the speed of the boil.


One human year is equivalent to how many dog years?
It's a 1 to 1 ratio.
It's a 1 to 2 ratio.
It's 7 years.
It depends on the dog's size and breed.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Everyone knows that one year for a human equals seven for a dog. Right? Except it turns out that's not how it works. Figuring out your dog's age will depend on the breed of your dog and its size. And, keep in mind that dogs mature faster than humans, too -- in fact one year of a dog's life equals about 15 human years, more than double what we assume.

Which "nut" is actually a legume?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Despite having "nut" right in the name, peanuts aren't actually nuts, like hazelnuts or almonds that grow on trees. Peanuts are legumes, and grow in pods -- below ground -- on peanut plants.

How much of our brain do we humans use?
Only 10% gets used.
100% of the brain, as it's needed.
100% of the brain, 100% of the time.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Every part of your brain is important, and your body needs the whole brain in order to function properly. Although rumor has it that humans only use 10 percent of our brains, we actually use 100 percent, with different areas firing up as needed.


Drinking an alcoholic beverage on a cold day can make you feel warm, but does it actually warm you up?
Yes, alcohol raises your body's core temperature.
Yes, hard alcohol does, but beer doesn't.
No, alcohol lowers your body's core temperature.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although you feel warmer when you have a hot toddy when it's cold outside, the reality is actually just the opposite. See, the alcohol in your body causes your blood vessels to dilate -- which is known as vasodilation. This makes you feel warmer, but it's only an illusion -- it's stealing heat from your body's core, and that makes you vulnerable to hypothermia. In addition, studies have found that alcohol can make your body less likely to shiver, which is its natural way of heating you up.

What type of animal is a dolphin?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Despite living in water, dolphins aren't fish. They're warm-blooded aquatic mammals. They breathe air with lungs instead of fish gills, and have to frequently swim to the surface to breathe.

Will a mama bird reject her offspring if a human touches one of her babies?
Yes, she'll smell a human scent on them.
Yes, she'll abandon her whole nest.
No, she probably won't be able to smell your scent.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's unlikely a mama bird will smell your scent on her offspring -- birds just don't have that good of a sense of smell for that. So it's unlikely she'll reject her baby birds if you help one (or a few) that have fallen out of the nest. While birds don't abandon their babies if you touch them, they will if they consider you a disturbance to their nest.


How long should you wait after eating before you go swimming?
30 minutes
60 minutes
2 hours
Actually, you don't have to wait.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While our common belief is to wait 30 minutes after eating before going swimming, it's a myth. There is no evidence that a full stomach will increase your chance of drowning. And on the odd chance that you do get a stomach cramp, having recently eaten or not, experts advise you just float for a minute or two while it passes.

What causes warts on human skin?
A virus
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's commonly believed that you can catch warts from toads -- and depending who you ask, maybe from other animals, too. But here's the thing. Those bumps you see on toads aren't warts. They're parotoid glands, which contain a poison that can cause skin irritation (but not warts). Human warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Depending on the strain of the virus, and there are many, it could cause genital warts, warts on your hands, or anywhere there's a small scratch on your skin where it can take hold.

For how long did humans and dinosaurs co-exist?
About 6 million years
About 65 million years
Humans and dinosaurs never co-existed.
More than 180 million years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although 41 percent of U.S. adults believe that humans and dinosaurs lived alongside each other, scientific evidence supports that that's not true. In fact, we've puzzled together through fossils, carbon dating, and other methods that dinosaurs and people missed each other by about 60 million years -- dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago, and our earliest human ancestors didn't start walking our Earth until about 6 million years ago. Humans did, though, co-exist with saber-toothed cats and woolly mammoths.


Will cracking your knuckles cause arthritis in those joints?
Yes, it is directly related to arthritis.
Maybe, for some people.
No, it's not related to arthritis.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cracking your knuckles is not going to cause you to develop osteoarthritis -- and the same goes for noisy elbows, hips, and knees. The pop is caused by an air bubble that's in the fluid around your joint. And as long as the pop isn't painful, it's probably harmless.

Chameleons change their color for all of the following reasons except which one?
For communication
Their mood
The object they're touching
The temperature
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although many people believe chameleons change their color based on their surroundings or the object they are touching, that's actually one time they don't change color. Instead, you can expect chameleons to change color in response to their mood, to the temperature, and as a form of communication.

Eating what causes hyperactivity in kids?
White flour
None of these
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although most people blame sugar for causing kids to bounce off the walls, there isn't much, if any, scientific evidence to support that kind of behavior from a sugar high. Sugar, though, is linked to obesity, diabetes, and cavities.


What kind of animal is a shark?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although many kinds of sharks give birth to live young like mammals do, they actually aren't mammals. They're fish, part of a group known as elasmobranch fish. A shark skeleton is entirely made of cartilage, not a bony skeleton like mammals, and they breathe through several gills located on the sides of their head. Their skin, you might not know, is actually smooth with no scales.

What do camels store in their humps?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's common knowledge that camels store water in their humps, right? Well, actually, it's fat in those humps, like the fat you have below your skin, not water. The fat, though, does help camels survive in the desert -- and under the desert sun -- for a few days at a time without stopping to eat.

Can dogs see colors?
Yes, they see like humans do.
Yes, but they see colors differently than us.
No, dogs and cats are colorblind.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's a myth that our beloved dogs (and cats) are colorblind. However, since we can't just ask them, we have to estimate -- and scientists believe dogs don't see colors the same way humans do. Dogs can see in blue and in green, but because their eyes have fewer cones, which sense color, the colors aren't as vivid as they are for us.


Which of these is not linked to acne breakouts?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Foods that are high in sugar, like candy and soda, spike your insulin levels and raise levels of inflammation in your body. And that rise in insulin and inflammation can make your skin oily, clog your pores, and ruin your complexion. No study has linked chocolate, though, to breakouts. Dark chocolate, 70% to 99%, is the healthiest choice -- with the least amount of sugar and the most heart-healthy benefits.

Of these, which is the best way to cure a hangover?
A Bloody Mary, or two
Going for a run
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If your hangover cure includes a greasy breakfast with a lot of coffee and a few aspirin, you can do better. Although the only real "cure" for a hangover is to wait it out, some studies have found that working out may help your hangover go away a little faster. Or, you can go the classic route: rest, hydrating with water or a sports drink, and aspirin (but never acetaminophen because that can damage your liver).

Why shouldn't you take antibiotics if you have the flu?
It could contribute to superbug infections.
The potential side effects
They don't work against viral infections.
All of these
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Unfortunately, begging your physician for a round of antibiotics to help ease your flu won't help your body's fight against the flu -- and that's because it's a virus. Antibiotics are worthless against infections caused by a viral infection, such as influenza or the common cold. And don't be tempted to ask, just in case. Taking antibiotics when you don't need them can throw off the good bacteria in your gut, and it can also contribute to the growing "superbug," drug-resistant, bacteria.


What color causes a bull to charge?
Actually, bulls are colorblind.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although matadors use red cloth to anger bulls in the arena, bulls can't see the color red. Scientists believe bulls are colorblind, and that it's the motion of the cloth rather than the color of the cloth that causes them to charge.

Why does Thanksgiving Day turkey make you sleepy?
It contains protein.
It contains tryptophan.
It's part of a large, carb-heavy meal.
Only the dark meat does, because it's a muscle.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's not the turkey, or the tryptophan in turkey, that makes you sleepy after eating a traditionally large Thanksgiving dinner. It's the plates of carb-tastic foods we eat that day, not the bird, to blame. After all, cheddar cheese has more tryptophan than turkey does, and you've never blamed it for your nap.

Is it safe to eat food that's made contact with the floor for just 5 seconds?
Yes, the "five-second rule" is a fact.
Yes, but don't eat it after 15 seconds.
Yes, but don't eat it after 5 minutes.
No, once it hits the ground it's no good.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the "five-second rule," yes, go ahead and eat it. However, according to science, there actually isn't any safe amount of time between your food hitting the floor and the amount of bacteria that contaminate it. Moist foods have been found to attract more bacteria than dry, but that's about it.


You know the saying lightning never strikes the same place twice? Is it true?
Yes, that's true.
Yes, but only for cloud-to-ground flashes.
No, that's not true.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lightning likes to strike tall objects, because it's the shortest distance for the bolt to travel. Not only can lightning strike the same place twice, it absolutely does. In fact, the Empire State Building is struck roughly 100 times every year. Plus, a single bolt of lightning can branch out and strike in two places at once.

If you were to drop a penny from the top of the Empire State building, could it kill a person on impact?
Yes, it could be fatal.
No, but it would injure the person.
No, it wouldn't be going fast enough.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dropping a penny from the Empire State building's 102nd floor Observation Deck is not life-threatening to the people below. A penny, which weighs about one gram (the same as a paperclip), would only hit about 50 mph as it fell, tumbling toward the ground. Throwing something larger, however, just might cause injury.

Is the saying, "Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, you’re in the clear," good advice?
Yes, it's a helpful rule.
No, that's backward.
No, it's terrible advice, actually.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There is no scientific evidence that drinking your drinks in a specific order can cause or prevent you from getting sick. It's the amount of alcohol you've had to drink that makes you sick, not beer before liquor.


What causes autism?
Childhood vaccinations
Bad parenting ("refrigerator moms")
No one knows for sure.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Scientists haven't pinpointed the cause or causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but they have ruled a few things out -- and that includes vaccines. Although fears and rumors persist about a link, the connection is based off fraudulent, manipulated data that has since been debunked -- and the study retracted. What research does suggest, though, is that a combination of genetic and nongenetic, or environmental, factors all influence ASD onset.

How many senses do we have?
2 or 3, depending on your genes
We all have 5
Probably about 21
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. But what about pain, such as a headache? Okay, six. Angular velocity and linear acceleration? Hunger and thirst? It turns out that experts don't always agree on the number of senses we have, but they do agree it's more than those five. Some estimate about nine, while others suggest it's closer to 21.

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