Are You High or Low Maintenance?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You High or Low Maintenance?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

There are those of us who are downright picky, and there are those of us that couldn't be fussy if we tried! Would being brought the wrong meal in a restaurant send you straight over the edge, or would you politely send it back? Being high maintenance or low maintenance are both great ways to be, but everyone has a different level of standards they need to have fulfilled. 

While your friends might not find you high maintenance, your partner may find you so finicky and demanding that the thought of you being low maintenance would make them laugh! The only way to know for sure where you fall on the scale of neediness is to respond honestly to the questions you are presented. Your personality, the way you react in certain situations, and the way you live your life will go a long way in telling us if you are on the high side or the low side of the maintenance scale!  

Pour yourself a nice glass of wine, and relax into the quiz. Once we know all your little quirks and preferences, we will be able to tell you how others see you. Are you high maintenance or low maintenance? There's only one way to find out!

How often do you work out?
Three times a week
Once a week
How clean is your house?
You could do surgery on my countertops
About 8 out of 10
It's messy but not that dirty
It is a health hazard
Have you ever called out a close friend?
All the time
Once or twice
No. If they're a dick too often, I just drop them


Would you ever litter?
Absolutely not
Only very rarely
Sure, if I can't find a trashcan
Yeah. They hire people for that, you know. It's like I'm a job creator.
What's your ideal holiday?
Visit the art galleries of Florence
Visiting the castles of Romania
Camping in the woods
Lying on a beach
Who's the roommate from hell?
The Dude
Homer Simpson
Ted Mosby
Monica Geller


How often do you do laundry?
Twice a week
Once a week
Twice a month
When I notice people aren't sitting next to me any more
What pet do you have?
How long do you spend grooming yourself?
An hour a day
Twenty minutes a day
Ten minutes a day
I might drag a brush through my hair on a special occasion.


Do you clean the kitchen every time you cook?
Yes, obviously, mopping included
Yes, but not always very thoroughly
No but every few cooking times, I try to
Is that a thing you're meant to do? Jeez.
You've laddered your stocking. What do you do?
Get out my spare set and change in the bathroom.
Take it off and go bare. I've shaved.
Live with it for the day I guess.
I wasn't wearing a stocking. They take too long to get into.
What does your to-do list look like?
It is a thing of beauty: color-coordinated, linked to all my social and email accounts, extremely efficient. I actually use Trello to manage my chores.
Whiteboard on the wall.
It's on the fridge. It's pretty out of date.
I don't have one. Guess my list is, make one.


Ever forgotten to use a condom?
Ew, no
A few times. It'll probably be OK.
Often. I guess I should get tested, huh.
Have you ever left the bedroom without making the bed?
Never! What kind of vagrant would do such a thing?!
Only if I'm in a tremendous rush
On weekdays when I'm busy
Who makes the bed? Seriously?
Ever gone to sleep wearing makeup?
A couple times
All the time. It's a miracle any of my pores are still functioning.


Speed limits. What are they for?
Making money off motorists who are probably a better judge of safety
I treat them as advisory
How far in advance do you plan a night out?
Over a week
Three days
The day of
I wing it
How many time management apps do you know well?
Six or more
That's a thing? Sounds like too much effort.


Spreadsheets: heaven or hell?
Have you ever walked out of a show because it was offensive?
Many times, and I usually write a scathing review.
A few times
Once, because it upset my friend.
No. I paid for the ticket, I'm staying.
Have you ever written to a newspaper?
A few times


Have you ever gotten into a slapfight on Twitter?
All the time. You can't just let people be wrong on the internet.
I got sucked in a few times, against my better judgment.
Once, then I realized it's really dumb.
No. I can't be bothered.
Do you want to run your own company?
I already do.
I'd like that.
Too much pressure
Let's worry about holding down a job first, shall we?
What was your grade point average?
4.0, obviously
Under 3.0


Have you ever learned a new skill to intermediate level, just because?
I speak four languages and play concert level piano.
I play guitar.
I have conversational French.
Only if you count Playstation.
How often do you read a book cover to cover, other than for work?
Twice a week, every week.
Every other week
Once a month
Never. That's boring.
Do you ever bear a grudge?
I'm afraid so.
I used to but I'm getting better.
Only if people hurt my friends.
Nah. That's just letting someone live rent free in my head.


Everyone has a Thing they like to be just so. Some have many Things. How many do you have?
Over 100
About 20
Half a dozen
Just the one: leave me alone please!
If you've ever been dumped by a partner, what was their real reason?
I'm overly demanding.
I can be inflexible.
I say "whatever you want" but really I have a preference, then I get upset when I don't get what I want. I honestly get where they were coming from.
I don't make enough effort or keep my word.
And what was the reason they told you?
I'm too good for them.
I should be with someone who deserves me.
It's not me, it's them.
They don't feel like I'm ready for a serious commitment.


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