The Ultimate Child Prodigy Quiz

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1 min
The Ultimate Child Prodigy Quiz
Image: Justin Lewis/Stone/Getty Images

About This Quiz

A child who excels in a certain area of study, such as the arts or mathematics, may be viewed as a prodigy. Ever wonder if your child has the skills and abilities to be one of these unique few? Take this quiz and learn about what makes a child a prodigy.
Who was considered a child prodigy?
Marie Curie
Pablo Picasso
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Marie Curie, a Nobel Prize winner, taught herself how to read. Pablo Picasso was painting from a very early age.

What is a child prodigy?
a child with significant talent prior to age 11
a child with a very high IQ
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A child prodigy is defined as a child who has a talent that is discovered prior to 11 years of age. Some very talented individuals do not discover their calling until well after childhood.

What can you do if you suspect your child may have a unique talent?
Expose them to different academic subjects.
Expose them to different artistic activities.
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Child prodigies rarely stumble upon their talent. Parents need to encourage their children to explore a variety of different academic subjects and artistic activities to potentially reveal their child's unique talent.


As a parent, you have _______ over your child's intellectual growth.
no control
some control
complete control
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Parents can have a big influence on their child's intellectual development. Parents are encouraged to enrich their child's environment for maximum intellectual potential.

How can a parent promote intellectual growth in their child?
by being involved and interested
by setting an example
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Parents can promote their child's intellectual growth by being interested in their child's activities. Parents should also set a good example for their children by also engaging in activities that promote intellectual growth.

A child prodigy may be gifted in:
science, art or music
literature or mathematics
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A child prodigy shows early onset giftedness in a certain field of study, such as science, art, music, literature or mathematics.


A child prodigy in literature may be reading by age:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Child prodigies exhibit early skills in certain areas and their growth in that field is exponential compared to typical development. A child who reads by age two may be an indication of a child prodigy.

Child prodigies are at risk of:
burning out
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Due to an increased push in academic pursuits, child prodigies are at risk of burning out or experiencing high levels of anxiety.

What do many child prodigies regret when they are adults?
missing out on a childhood
not being more successful
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many adults who were once child prodigies report missing out on a normal childhood. Instead of playing with dolls and going to soccer practice, these kids were enrolled in university classes and composing music.


Many child prodigies typically grow up to be:
unaccomplished and destitute
relatively average in their fields
wealthy and highly successful
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The gap between child prodigies and their peers tends to narrow over time. As adults, these once child geniuses seem more on par with their same-age peers.

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Justin Lewis/Stone/Getty Images