Name That Fascist Dictator Quiz

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Name That Fascist Dictator Quiz
Image: Topical Press Agency/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The definition of fascism is a bit controversial, but in general a fascist regime is a right-wing organization that consolidates power and promotes intolerance through violence and intimidation. Think you know your fascism facts? Take this quiz.
Who founded fascism?
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Francisco Franco
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mussolini founded the first fascist party in 1919.

This dictator passed the Enabling Act of 1933 to consolidate his power.
Adolf Hitler
Augusto Pinochet
Fulgencio Batista
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Long before invading Poland to start World War II, Hitler had to grab absolute power in Germany.

The CIA under the Nixon administration helped this fascist dictator take power in Chile.
Francisco Franco
Augusto Pinochet
Carlos Castillo Armas
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The U.S. has helped quite a few fascist regimes gain power in Latin America, including Pinochet.


This Spanish dictator overthrew the democratic government during the Spanish Civil War.
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, marques de Estella
Juan Maria Bordaberry
Francisco Franco
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Francisco Franco ruled Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975.

This dictator's nephew joined the American navy and fought against the Axis powers during WWII.
Getulio Vargas
Francisco Franco
Adolf Hitler
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

William Hitler was born in Britain but moved to America where he not only became a citizen but joined the U.S. Navy. He fought in the Pacific during WWII.

This dictator called himself "El Caudillo."
Juan Maria Bordaberry
Francisco Franco
Jorge Gonzalez von Marees
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"El Caudillo" means "The Ruler." How humble of Franco!


This dictator was elected in Uruguay in 1971.
Juan Maria Bordaberry
Carlos Castillo Armas
Alfredo Stroessner
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Bordaberry began his rule as an elected president but became more militaristic over time. He even suspended the constitution during his rule.

This dictator formed the Spanish National Movement.
Francisco Franco
Ion Antonescu
Engelbert Dollfuss
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Franco united a handful of right-wing parties in Spain, including the Falange, to form the political group he used to take power.

Who was the Cuban dictator who preceded Fidel Castro?
Hugo Banzer
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Fulgencio Batista
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

After Castro overthrew Batista, Batista hid out in the Dominican Republic until 1959.


This powerful dictator was only 4 feet 11 inches (150 centimeters).
Luis Somoza Debayle
Engelbert Dollfuss
Anastasio Somoza Garcia
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dollfuss' height didn't stop his rapid rise in Austrian politics.

President Nixon helped put this Bolivian dictator in place in 1971.
Juan Jose Torres
Ante Pavelic
Hugo Banzer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

General Banzer replaced socialist Juan Jose Torres, who fled to Argentina after the coup.

This general was in power in Paraguay for 35 years, from 1954 to 1989.
U Ne Win
Alfredo Stroessner
Augusto Pinochet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

General Stroessner's regime worked with Pinochet and other Latin American dictators at the time in Operation Condor, which violently silenced opposition to their power.


This 1932 Austrian dictator based his ruling philosophy on Mussolini's principles.
Ante Pavelic
Engelbert Dollfuss
Ferdinand Marcos
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It was Mussolini who encouraged Dollfuss to dissolve Austria's political parties and amend the constitution to align with Fascism.

During this dictator's "dirty war," the Argentine government kidnapped, illegally detained, tortured and often killed political opponents.
Jorge Rafael Videla
Boris III
Juan Jose Torres
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Videla was in power from 1976 to 1981, when he resigned. He was arrested for war crimes in 1983, for which he received a life sentence.

This Portuguese dictator rewrote the country's constitution to further consolidate his power.
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Luis Somoza Debayle
Juan Jose Torres
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The military overthrew the Portuguese government and named Salazar prime minister in 1932. He was a good friend of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.


Newspaper presses and radio transmitters were a common target of this Paraguayan dictator's police force.
Alfredo Stroessner
Benito Mussolini
Engelbert Dollfuss
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Under Stroessner's leadership of the Colorado Party, freedom of the press was not a thing.

This dictator practiced public speaking by taking photos of himself while he spoke.
Adolf Hitler
Francois Duvalier
Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

No, he didn't have a selfie stick. Heinrich Hoffmann, a German photographer, was hired to take the photos of Hitler. He didn't destroy them as ordered.

This dictator was expelled from boarding school for stabbing a classmate.
Francisco Franco
Benito Mussolini
Boris III
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mussolini was only 10 years old when he stabbed a classmate the first time. He stabbed another student at the school he attended after that first expulsion.


This dictator was head of the Arrow Cross Party and spent most of World War II in prison.
Ferenc Szalasi
Porfirio Diaz
Juan Jose Torres
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Hungarian government sent Szalasi to jail many times during the war. When the Nazis captured Hungary in 1944, they put him in power. After the war he was executed for war crimes.

Part of his legacy is called "The Caravan of Death."
Milton Obote
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Augusto Pinochet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

After a coup attempt, Pinochet sent military forces to Chilean villages to destroy his opponents. They brutally slaughtered 97 people in under a month.

This dictator was a vegetarian.
Idi Amin
Adolf Hitler
Miklos Horthy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Hitler was not only a vegetarian, but he also became very careful about food after an attempt on his life. He had food tasters whom he kept locked up so they couldn't become disloyal.


This dictator's father was a socialist.
Benito Mussolini
Juan Jose Torres
Adolf Hitler
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mussolini's father even named him after a socialist, Mexican president Benito Juarez.

Who wrote a book based loosely on his own life?
Alessandro Pavolini
Adolf Hitler
Francisco Franco
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Franco's book, Raza, was even made into a film directed by Jose Luis Saenz de Heredia.

The Chilean economy boomed under this dictator's rule.
Ferenc Szalasi
Augusto Pinochet
Francisco Franco
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A good economy doesn't make up for the kidnappings and mass killings that were almost routine when Pinochet was in power.


He was also known as the "Duce of Fascism."
Francisco Franco
Nikos Sampson
Benito Mussolini
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When Allied forces captured Mussolini in 1943, Hitler ordered his troops to free the fascist dictator. They succeeded in Il Duce, but he was captured again and executed two years later.

This dictator was pardoned for his crimes then sentenced to life in prison again 20 years later.
Jorge Rafael Videla
Boris III
Ioannis Metaxas
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Argentinian president Carlos Menem pardoned Videla in 1990, but the dictator went to trial again in 2010 and received another life sentence. He died in prison in 2013 at age 87 and insisted until his death that the violence he used — even against newborn babies — was necessary.

After his term ended, this politician left the country then returned to overthrow the government.
Sir Oswald Mosley
Fulgencio Batista
Ferenc Szalasi
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Batista left Cuba for eight years after his first term in office. His second stint as ruler was brutally authoritarian.


Because of a massive stroke, this dictator never knew that he'd been deposed.
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Rafael Trujillo
Benito Mussolini
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Marcello Caetano became prime minister of Portugal, replacing Salazar in late 1968. Salazar had no idea.

This president of Paraguay won power using the slogan "peace, justice, democracy."
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Luis Somoza Debayle
Alfredo Stroessner
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In a rare interview with a reporter, Stroessner bragged about the peace he brought to Paraguay. Secret police documents that came to light shortly afterward told a different, much more violent story.

Most fascist dictators rule for many years to several decades, but this one only held power for two years.
Engelbert Dollfuss
Francisco Franco
Pol Pot
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Austrian Nazis assassinated Dollfuss in 1934 because he refused to join forces with Germany for economic reasons.


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