Packing It Up: Frugal School Lunches Quiz

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2 min
Packing It Up: Frugal School Lunches Quiz
Image: Stockbyte/Thinkstock

About This Quiz

Kids gotta eat, but what you feed them -- and whether you pay too much for it -- is entirely up to you. Find out what you know about frugal, homemade school lunches with this 20-question quiz.
According to the USDA, which type of lunch box is best for keeping food cold?
hard-sided metal boxes
brown paper bags
insulated, soft-sided bags or boxes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Though the USDA says any lunch bag or box will work as long as you include an ice pack to keep food cold, the best type to maintain chilled food is the insulated kind.

Sandwiches piled with deli meat are one of the most popular lunch options. What are the two most popular deli meats in the United States?
roast beef and ham
turkey and ham
turkey and bologna
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Turkey and ham are about equal in popularity -- each making up about 30 percent of deli meat sales, according to the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association.

True or False: All school lunches are unhealthy, so you should always pack your child's lunch.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many school lunches are pretty healthy, while others might not be. It's important to take a look at the school's lunch menu day-by-day to determine whether or not to give the go-ahead on buying.


One of the best ways to save money on lunches is to do what?
Have your kids buy school lunches, which are always cheap and nutritious.
Make extra dinner the night before and send the leftovers for lunch.
Buy pre-portioned, pre-packaged foods, since you're charged less for the smaller portions.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Buying a few extra ingredients to make that spaghetti dinner bigger is a lot cheaper than buying a whole new set of ingredients to make lunch. Plus, eating leftovers for lunch ensures nothing goes to waste, which definitely saves some bucks.

True or False: A public school in Chicago banned students from bringing their lunches from home (unless they had a medical excuse).
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The school's principal said her intention was to ensure that students had a healthy lunch -- which wasn't always the case when they brought food from home.

According to the USDA, perishable food must be kept ________ until lunchtime.
in an airtight container
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Keeping food cold inhibits the growth of bacteria, ensuring a safe and healthy lunch.


The average cost of a single serve bag of chips is around 69 cents. What's the average cost of a serving of fruit or vegetables?
25 cents
50 cents
75 cents
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the USDA, at 25 cents, a serving of fruit and vegetables is not only healthier than a bag of chips, it's cheaper too!

True or False: It's cheaper to use disposable lunch bags because they cost less up front than expensive reusable ones.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the long run the more expensive reusable ones will be the real money savers. As long as you keep them clean and your kids remember to bring them home, they'll pay for themselves in no time.

When packing your kids' lunches, you might want to consider their calorie intake. What's the recommended daily calorie intake for a moderately active kid aged 9-13?
1,600-2,200 calories
1,800-3,000 calories
1,000-1,500 calories
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Growing kids need a lot of fuel (1,600 to 2,200 calories) to keep them going.


What's the average cost of a school lunch packed at home?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the School Nutrition Association the cost of an average lunch from home ($3.43) is more than a school lunch, which averages around $2.08.

True or False: Most kids have a place at school to keep their lunches cold, such as a refrigerator.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Most kids' lunches will stay at their desks, in a locker or in a common area until lunchtime -- not in a refrigerator. That's why it's important to make sure all their food stays cold by using ice packs.

True or False: Buying food items in bulk, then portioning them out, is cheaper than buying individual-sized snacks.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It may take a little extra effort, but you'll save dough in the long run if you divide large portions of snacks -- like popcorn, chips and even yogurt -- into smaller, lunch-sized portions instead of shelling out for the convenient, small sizes.


How much time does the average elementary school kid have to eat lunch?
25 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lunch is short, only 25 minutes, but one advantage to packing lunch is that your kids won't use up valuable time waiting in the lunch line!

Many pre-packaged deli meats often contain what added ingredient?
corn starch
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Since deli meat is usually sold by weight, check the packaging to see if water has been added. Sometimes there is up to 10 percent water in packaged deli meat, which means you're paying for more water and less meat.

Which is the more expensive sandwich maker -- wraps or bread?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Depending on what type of bread you buy, wraps might seem a bit pricier. But they're usually healthier. Try buying them in bulk and freezing them to cut down on the per-wrap cost.


Nutrition experts recommend you include what two things in your child's lunch to help keep them feeling full until dinnertime?
protein and dairy
protein and carbohydrates
potato chips and soft drinks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Nutritionists say a combination of protein and carbohydrates from lean meats, beans, vegetables and fruits will make sure your kids make it through the rest of their day (and hopefully stay awake for that afternoon math class).

True or False: You should refrigerate perishable food before ever packing it in the lunchbox.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

True! If you cook something in the morning, then immediately pack it in a lunchbox with ice packs, it'll never get fully chilled. The USDA recommends preparing food ahead of time and refrigerating it until it's completely chilled before ever putting it in the lunchbox.

True or False: It's always cheaper to bring your lunch from home.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Packing lunch can sometimes be cheaper than the alternatives, but only if you make smart shopping decisions and plan your meals ahead. If you don't pay attention to your budget, it's easy to overspend on food.


How many kids eat school lunches every day?
12 million
32 million
52 million
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The majority of the country's 57 million schoolchildren don't bring their lunches from home, but an incredibly large number (32 million) still does!

When packing lunch for your kids, you might want to avoid including what common allergen food?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Peanut allergies are pretty common, so some daycares and elementary schools actually ban them from lunches. That includes peanut butter too.

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