About This Quiz
"Sailor Moon" is both a manga and an animated series that premiered on television in 1992. The series has become popular for its fun action sequences, Sailor Moon's adorable cat Luna and the charming Sailor scouts who embody different kinds of Zodiac signs. So if you were one of these scouts for a day, what kind of Zodiac trait would you be?
Would you be like the guardian of thunder and courage who is better known as Sailor Jupiter? After all, she uses her fierce physical strength to take down her enemies (much like the strength of the largest planet in our solar system). But aside from her hand-to-hand combat skills, she also enjoys a wide variety of activities, which may show how versatile you are as a person. Or, perhaps your stars have aligned with Sailor Pluto, who is known as the guardian of space-time and change. We would probably give her the nickname "The Time Traveler" since she's in charge of defending the Space-Time Door, which also shows how mysterious she really is. So who knows? Maybe you feel lonely like Sailor Pluto, or perhaps you're like "The Mermaid," who is the guardian of the ocean (aka Sailor Neptune). The only way to find out what your Zodiac "type" is, is through this Sailor Scout quiz!
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