How Well Do You Remember Jurassic Park? Quiz

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How Well Do You Remember Jurassic Park? Quiz
Image: ExperimentalSpace/YouTube

About This Quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge to find out how much you remember about Jurassic Park.
What year was Jurassic Park released?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Jurassic Park debuted to much fanfare in 1993 and was a massive box office success.

Who directed Jurassic Park?
Steven Spielberg
Martin Scorsese
Ron Howard
Clint Eastwood
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Acclaimed director Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park along with numerous other award-winning movies and box office successes. He has often worked with Tom Hanks, in addition to a variety of other actors.

Who is the park's founder?
Ian Stockholm
Sam Neill
Stark Nielson
John Hammond
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Billionaire John Hammond believed in the park's potential and its safety, but unfortunately the park wasn't quite as safe as he had hoped.


Which actor plays Dr. Alan Grant?
Sam Neill
Jeff Goldblum
Martin Ferrero
Samuel L. Jackson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sam Neill plays Dr. Alan Grant, a dinosaur expert who also appears in the third Jurassic Park film.

What is the name of the island in Jurassic Park?
Isla Nublar
Isla Sorna
Isla Nueva
Isla Icca
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Isla Nublar was the original island featured in Jurassic Park. The second and third films featured Isla Sorna, but Jurassic World returned to the original island.

Based on what we see in Jurassic Park, which dinosaur is generally referred to as the most intelligent dinosaur?
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In Jurassic Park, the velociraptor is portrayed as being one of the most intelligent and cunning dinosaurs. Often throughout the film and other movies, we see how the raptors can communicate and plan their attacks.


The velociraptors have a distinct barking sound when they communicate. What real-life animal actually made this sound for the movie?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The sound of the velociraptors communicating is actually the sound of tortoises mating, believe it or not.

What bioengineering company did John Hammond found?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

InGen is the name of the bioengineering company founded by John Hammond. There are several "fake" InGen websites in existence to promote the movies.

Which person gets eaten while on the toilet in Jurassic Park?
Tour Guide
IT personnel
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In a fit of terror, the lawyer ran into the bathroom and sat on the toilet but ended up getting eaten by a T. Rex. Note to self: bathrooms are not a good hiding place when running from a T. Rex.


Which type of dinosaur did Ellie Sattler want to take care of when she discovered it was sick?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ellie and some of the other characters come across a sick Triceratops, and Ellie decides to stay behind to help take care of it while the others move along.

Which dinosaur in Jurassic Park had a venom-spitting capability and a rattling, expanding neck?
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Dilophosaurus had neither a venom-spitting capability nor an expanding neck in real life. Based off a book by the same name, Jurassic Park's author invented the venom-spitting ability, and director Steven Spielberg added the scary neck.

Near the end of the film, a T. Rex is shown standing among a destroyed building. A banner falls around it. What does the banner say?
Welcome to Jurassic Park
Beware of Dinosaurs
Take a Walk on the Wild Side
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth are the words written on the banner that falls around the triumphant T. Rex after it attacks the Velociraptors, saving the humans int he process.


What liquid ripples in a glass when the T. Rex approaches?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While stuck in one of the Jeeps in the rain, the boy notices that the water in the glass is rippling. This image soon became iconic with the approach of a T. Rex.

Jurassic Park is based on a book by the same name. Who is the book's author?
Stephen King
James Patterson
Michael Crichton
Francis Rivers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Michael Crichton is the author of the book version of Jurassic Park. It's worth reading the book as well as watching the movie, as several details in the book were changed for the onscreen version.

Which adventure star turned down the role of Dr. Alan Grant?
Sylvester Stallone
Harrison Ford
Hugh Jackman
Chris Hemsworth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Harrison Ford turned down the role of Dr. Alan Grant. Perhaps if he had accepted it, he would be a well-known actor today. Oh wait, he's hugely famous. It's all good.


What is the movie's running time?
127 minutes
300 minutes
93 minutes
260 minutes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Jurassic Park has a running time of 127 minutes, which is just over two hours of soaring musical scores and dinosaur goodness. Out of the 127 minutes, only 15 minutes contains dinosaur footage.

Where was most of Jurassic Park filmed?
Hawaii's Kauai Island
The Dominican Republic
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Jurassic Park was mostly filmed on Hawaii's Kauai Island, even while Hurricane Iniki stormed through.

What does Dennis Nedry use to smuggle dinosaur embryos out of the park?
Lunch box
Soda bottle
Shaving cream can
Cardboard box
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Nedry uses a Barbasol shaving cream can that has been modified to smuggle the embryos out of Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar. This strategy did not go according to plan due to the torrential rain and a pesky Dilophosaurus.


Which actor played the role of John Hammond?
Jeff Goldblum
Sam Neill
Samuel L. Jackson
Richard Attenborough
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Richard Attenborough played the role of John Hammond, founder and optimistic believer in Jurassic Park. He passed away in August of 2014, but left a lifetime of memorable movie quotes in his wake.

Which Jurassic Park cast member reprised their role in the fourth film, Jurassic World?
Laura Dern
Sam Neill
BD Wong
Jeff Goldblum
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

BD Wong plays Dr. Henry Wu in both Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, receiving significantly more screen time in Jurassic World. He can also be seen in TV's Gotham.

Which character primarily wears black throughout the film?
Dr. Alan Grant
Dr. Henry Wu
Ian Malcolm
John Hammond
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Jeff Goldblum's character, Ian Malcolm, is shown wearing black for most of the movie while John Hammond is shown wearing white. The color contrast is meant to show their opposing viewpoints on most things in life.


InGen was mining what in order to find dinosaur DNA?
Iron ore
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

InGen was mining amber to see if they could find blood-sucking insects and animals trapped inside the amber; then, they could try to extract the blood to determine if the animal had bitten a dinosaur and therefore possessed dinosaur DNA in the blood in its body.

What was the name of the cartoon character designed to explain the dinosaur cloning process to guests?
Prehistoric Joe
Dino Dan
Wild Wally
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mr. DNA was the name of a cartoon character that appeared in a film at Jurassic Park, telling guests how scientists were able to recreate dinosaurs. This cartoon did not appear in the novel, but condensed a good portion of the novel explaining this very process.

What type of dinosaur comes out of the egg in the egg-hatching scene?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the egg-hatching scene, a baby Velociraptor is born. It was originally supposed to be a Triceratops but was later changed.


What nickname did the movie crew give the Dilophosaurus?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The crew gave the Dilophosaurus the nickname of "Spitter" and was made deliberately smaller than the Velociraptors to avoid confusion.

What is Dr. Alan Grant's job title?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dr. Alan Grant is a Paleontologist invited to the park by John Hammond. He appears again in Jurassic Park III.

How many people die in the original Jurassic Park movie?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the first Jurassic Park movie, five people bite the dust. One of the most memorable Jurassic Park deaths involves a lawyer, a bathroom, and a T. Rex.


How many dinosaurs died in the original Jurassic Park movie?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Three dinosaurs die in the original Jurassic Park film, and the pattern of less dinosaur deaths than human deaths continues throughout the film's sequels.

Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna are supposed to be islands off the coast of what country?
Costa Rica
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna are supposed to be islands off the coast of Costa Rica. Filmmakers did try to film the actual movie in Costa Rica but decided to go with Hawaii instead when learning that the Costa Rican government would not allow them to build any roads to get to certain areas where they wanted to film.

Near the beginning of the film, in what state are Dr. Grant and Ellie Sattler excavating?
North Dakota
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Montana is the site of real-life fossils as well as fictional ones, as shown by Dr. Grant's excavation in Jurassic Park. Dr. Grant and Ellie Sattler were excavating the fossilized remains of a Velocirapter.


When the park's guests tour the park early in the film, they see a Brachiosaurus with a herd of what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They see a herd of Parasaurolophus and are very impressed; the lawyer in particular comments that they will make a "fortune."

During the scene showcasing the daily feeding of the dinosaurs, what animal was lowered into the pit?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

During feeding time, a cow was lowered into the pit and instantly devoured.

What is the name of InGen's rival corporation?
TimeWarp, Inc.
Wyngyn Classified
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

BioSyn is the name of InGen's rival corporation, and Nedry tries to smuggle the dinosaur embryos out of the park for BioSyn.


Who plays the character of Dennis Nedry?
Samuel L. Jackson
Jeff Goldblum
Wayne Knight
Tom Hanks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wayne Knight, also well-known for his role as Newman on the hit television series, Seinfeld, played Dennis Nedry in the first Jurassic Park film.

What movie is playing on one of Nedry's computer screens?
Star Wars
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

As a fun Easter egg, Jaws was playing on one of Nedry's computer monitors as a little tribute to Steven Spielberg.

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