Manatee Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Manatee Quiz
Image: Andrea Izzotti/Thinkstock

About This Quiz

While sharks can be scary, whales sometimes overwhelming and dolphins extra-smart, manatees fall into their own category of lovably funny-looking, docile and silly sea mammals. Don’t let their looks fool you, though -- manatees are also shockingly intelligent creatures!

These gentle giants are often spotted in coastal or river areas where there’s lots of seagrass or vegetation to enjoy. They migrate regularly depending upon the weather. Manatees that live in North America are commonly found in Florida during the winter, but can spend the summer all the way up the Atlantic coast to Massachusetts and in the west out toward Texas. One of the best places to see manatees is at Three Sisters Springs in Crystal River, Florida. The Big Bend Power Station in Tampa, Florida also has a viewing platform. Since manatees come so close to land it’s not unusual for bystanders get near enough to snap a picture or two. If you ever see one that appears to be injured, dead or bothered by humans, however, take steps to report the situation immediately to officials or at

If you have manatee fever, but don’t live in an area they frequent, don’t worry! You can “adopt” a manatee to support their care and conservation efforts. Many of these manatees have been tracked and monitored for decades, and are particularly popular with visitors to the state parks they frequent.

Want to check your knowledge of these friendly, intriguing sea creatures? Take this quiz to find out how much you truly know about manatees!

Manatees are also sometimes called what?
sea mules
sea cows
sea sloths
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Their placid grazing is similar to grass-chomping cows.

True or False: Manatees are a type of fish.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Like whales (and humans), manatees are warm-blooded mammals.

What's the approximate maximum weight for adult manatees?
about 2,800 pounds
about 1,300 pounds
about 900 pounds
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Adults max out at about 1,300 pounds and can measure about 13 feet long.


How many living species of manatee are there?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The species name is Trichechidae, which fall into the order Sirenia.

When did the fourth species of manatee become extinct?
18th century
19th century
20th century
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Steller's sea cow was found all over the North Pacific and then hunted into extinction in the 1700s.

When they are relaxing underwater, about how long can a manatee hold its breath?
about an hour
about 15 minutes
about 4 minutes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When they are actively swimming, manatees will breathe more often.


What is a dugong?
a manatee's nose
a species of manatee
manatee fecal matter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many dugongs, a species of manatee, are found near Australia and other parts of the West Pacific.

Fossil evidence shows that Steller's sea cows reached what length?
up to 20 feet
up to 25 feet
up to 30 feet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They were easily the biggest manatee species and some of the largest creatures ever to roam Earth's oceans.

Manatees suffer when their habitat drops below what temperature?
68 degrees Fahrenheit
58 degrees Fahrenheit
48 degrees Fahrenheit
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Even with ample layers of blubber, manatees require fairly warm waters for survival.


True or False: Manatees are omnivores.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Manatees are herbivores, meaning they eat plant material for sustenance; once in a while they will munch on other sea creatures.

Which species of manatee spends all of its life in freshwater?
Trichechus senegalensis
Trichechus manatus
Trichechus inunguis
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Also called the Amazonian manatee, these creatures cruise the waters of the Amazon basin and don't do saltwater at all.

What's the maximum speed for a manatee?
about 10 mph
about 15 mph
about 25 mph
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

That's faster than most people can run, but quite a bit slower than a Great White shark (25 mph).


What's one trait that immediately distinguishes a dugong from a manatee?
number of flippers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A dugong's snout, like a vacuum, is turned down to suck up delicious plant matter from the ocean floor.

True or False: Manatees never hoist themselves onto land.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You see that tasty snack up on the shore? You really think that rotund manatee is going to let a little dry land keep it from a delicious treat?

What is a group of sea cows called?
a murder
an aggregation
a congregation
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Manatees aren't particularly social animals, so their aggregations don't often number more than six or so.


Manatees are distant relative of which land mammals?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In addition to elephants, manatees are also related to furry little hyraxes, which look like chubby rodents.

True or False: Manatees are nocturnal creatures.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Some manatees skew towards being more active at night, but in general they'll feed or travel at any hour.

What percentage of its body weight can a manatee devour in food in just 24 hours?
about 10 percent
about 20 percent
about 25 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

For a 1,300-pound manatee, that means it would be gulping 130 pounds of food in just a day.


Why do many manatees have scars on their backs?
from fishing nets
from fighting
from boat strikes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Their shallow habitat and need for air means they're often struck by boats, sometimes with fatal consequences.

What's the gestation period for pregnant manatees?
about 9 months
about 12 months
about 5 months
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Females carry their fetuses for about a year and the babies, of course, are born underwater.

How many neck vertebrate does a manatee have?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Most mammals have seven but the manatee has just six.


About how long does it take for newborn manatees to swim by themselves?
about 15 minutes
about an hour
about a day
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

For about an hour, the mother will nuzzle and encourage the baby to surface for air, after that they tend to figure it out for themselves.

What is the approximate lifespan of a dugong?
20 years
40 years
70 years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These creatures have amazingly long lifespans of around 70 years.

Why do manatees have good hearing?
large inner ear bones
huge ear lobes
enormous ear canals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They may not have external ear structures, but manatees have big inner ear structures that make for good hearing.


How much do manatee calves weigh when they are born?
about 10 pounds
about 60 pounds
about 100 pounds
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They are about 60 pounds, and they may be up to around 4 feet long.

How good is the long-term memory of manatees?
very good
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They have also proven their ability to make complex associations; they are far smarter than they look.

Which of these animals has the greatest numbers in the wild?
Amazonian manatee
West Indian manatee
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Underwater animals are notoriously hard to count, but dugongs are relatively numerous, with populations totaling perhaps 80,000 worldwide.


What are marching molars?
molars found in the back of a manatees throat
molars that are constantly replaced
teeth that proud manatee killers wear
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Because manatees chomp and chew through so much vegetation, they've evolved to replace their molars through their lives.

At which unusual place can you see manatees for yourself in Florida?
near Big Bend Power Station
in front of Monty's Tiki Bar
by Key Largo City Hall
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Manatees love the warm waters generated by (and around) Tampa Electric's Big Bend Power Station. So many of them return every winter, the power company has built a viewing center open to the public.

True or False: Manatees are considered to be at significant risk of extinction.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Some experts think the population could dive by one-third in the next two decades because of collisions with watercraft and loss of habitat.


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Andrea Izzotti/Thinkstock