Who Said It? The US Presidential Quotes Quiz

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Who Said It? The US Presidential Quotes Quiz
Image: © Bettmann/CORBIS

About This Quiz

Some presidents are known for their inspirational words of wisdom — others, not so much. Can you match these presidential quotes (profound and otherwise) to their rightful owners?
"Peace is a journey of a thousand miles, and it must be taken one step at a time."
Harry Truman
Lyndon B. Johnson
Jimmy Carter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

We might not think of LBJ as the most peaceful of presidents, but this was part of his address to the United Nations shortly after he took office in 1963.

"I have often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go swimming."
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
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Wrong Answer

Whoa. Wonder how long Carter was in the doghouse after that quote.

"Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
John Quincy Adams
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Wrong Answer

A common-sense statement from Abraham Lincoln, the signer of the Emancipation Proclamation.


"There is nothing wrong in America that can't be fixed with what is right in America." 
Bill Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Barack Obama
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Bill Clinton said this at an address at Oscar Mayer Elementary in Chicago in October 1997.

"Man cannot live by bread alone. He must have peanut butter."
William McKinley
Gerald R. Ford
James A. Garfield
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Wrong Answer

James Garfield probably didn't make this proclamation as part of an official address, but they're his words all the same.

"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." 
John F. Kennedy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
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Wrong Answer

This is the mother of all presidential quotes, 20th-century edition. It's from JFK's inaugural address in 1961.


"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Warren G. Harding
Theodore Roosevelt
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This was Teddy Roosevelt's foreign policy manifesto.

"I cannot live without books, but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object."
Thomas Jefferson
Herbert Hoover
Benjamin Harrison
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Wrong Answer

Thomas Jefferson wrote this in a letter to John Adams shortly after Congress purchased his personal library.

"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."
Lyndon B. Johnson
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
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Wrong Answer

George Washington made this statement in the very first inaugural address in January 1790.


"A hippie is someone who talks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah."
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon
Jimmy Carter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Me Ronald, you Nancy?

"My God, this is a hell of a job! I have no trouble with my enemies ... but my damn friends, they're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights." 
Warren G. Harding
Theodore Roosevelt
George H.W. Bush
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Wrong Answer

Warren G. Harding gave this rather desperate-sounding scoop to Kansas journalist William Allen White.

"As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it."
Martin Van Buren
James Buchanan
Franklin Pierce
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Wrong Answer

Sounds like March 4, 1841, was a pretty great day in the life of Martin Van Buren.


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." 
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This is another of the great presidential quotes, from FDR's inaugural address.

"With me it is exceptionally true that the presidency is no bed of roses."
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James Polk
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Polk is generally thought to have had a successful term, but he seems to have had a different view.

"I like the job I have, but if I had to live my life over again, I would like to have ended up a sports writer." 
Richard Nixon
Woodrow Wilson
George W. Bush
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The term probably would've went very differently had Tricky Dick followed this dream.


"Good ballplayers make good citizens." 
Harry Truman
Chester A. Arthur
William McKinley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There might be a few exceptions to this rule, but some people would say Chester A. Arthur hit the nail on the head.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." 
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Technically this isn't a presidential quote because Obama was still a candidate when he said these famous words in February 2008, but we'll let it slide.

"Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the national debt."
William H. Taft
Grover Cleveland
Herbert Hoover
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Herbert Hoover never spoke truer words.


"We must work to bind up the wounds of a suffering world — to build an abiding peace, a peace rooted in justice and in law."
Ronald Reagan
Lyndon B. Johnson
Harry Truman
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Truman told the American people what they must do after Germany surrendered in World War II.

"Politics, when I am in it, makes me sick." 
Calvin Coolidge
William H. Taft
Andrew Johnson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This was an unfortunately prescient claim by Warren G. Harding, who had heart problems and pneumonia when he died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1923. He was president for only two and a half years.

"The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." 
Zachary Taylor
Andrew Jackson
James Madison
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Wrong Answer

James Madison seems to have been quite the cynic.


"I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them."
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Gerald Ford
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Wrong Answer

This line is from a leader in the field of strange quotations (and the father of another), George H.W. Bush.

"May God save the country, for it is evident that the people will not."
Millard Fillmore
James A. Garfield
Gerald R. Ford
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Millard Fillmore, who would be president years after he made this statement, allegedly said this as James K. Polk defeated Henry Clay for the presidency in 1844.

"Social equality is not a subject to be legislated upon, nor shall I ask that anything be done to advance the social status of the colored man."
Rutherford B. Hayes
Andrew Jackson
Ulysses S. Grant
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This was pretty disheartening coming from the leader of the Northern cause, Ulysses S. Grant.


"The happiness of society is the end of government."
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
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Wrong Answer

John Adams, then a representative in the Continental Congress, made this observation in a letter to fellow representative George Wythe.

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Ronald Reagan
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many of George W. Bush's quotes have made headlines.

"Four-fifths of all our troubles would disappear if we would only sit down and keep still."
Calvin Coolidge
Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sounds like "Silent Cal" Coolidge wished everyone else would follow his example.


"I can command a body of men in a rough way, but I am not fit to be president."
Zachary Taylor
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fit or not, Andrew Jackson did end up being president.

"There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Woodrow Wilson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This was a rather optimistic observation from Eisenhower.

"A little flattery will support a man through great fatigue."
George Washington
James Monroe
Andrew Johnson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Is this a hint to how Monroe got through the rough patches in his presidency?


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