The Ultimate Preventing a Home Invasion Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Preventing a Home Invasion Quiz
Image: Courtesy Tim Graham/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Sometimes you might feel like your home is a sitting duck, waiting for the inevitable burglary to happen to you. But with some wise forethought and action, you can take matters in hand and protect your home from invasion. Take this quiz and learn more about how to do it.
Of all the burglaries committed in the United States in 2006, how many were "no-force entries"?
less than 10%
more than 25%
almost 50%
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

More than 25% of all the burglaries in 2006 were committed without a forced entry.

What type of burglaries constitutes the majority of those committed?
residential burglaries
office burglaries
bank burglaries
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Residential burglaries constitute the majority, with over 60% of the total number committed each year.

Before you begin to make your house burglar-proof, what is the first step to do?
think like a burglar and "case the joint"
call 911 for advice
make a list of your belongings
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The first step is to think like a burglar. Check out your home and consider how it would be easy or difficult to get inside.


Your front door should have at least one deadlock, with a minimum one-inch "throw." What does this mean?
The deadbolt key should have a full inch of metal inserted into the lock.
The thickness of the door where the deadlock is located should be one-inch thick.
The bolt should project one inch into the frame.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The throw refers to the length of bolt that goes into the door frame; in this case, one inch (2.5 centimeters).

Should every home have a double cylinder lock?
Yes, it is essential for every home.
Yes, only if the law where you live requires it.
Yes, unless it is against the law where you live.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It is a good idea for every home, but there are some states or towns that prohibit it as a violation of the fire code.

What should the ideal burglar-proof door frame be made of?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Solid steel is the best, because it is the hardest to penetrate.


How can you secure sliding doors and windows?
by putting putty on the inside track
by putting a length of wood on the inside track
by putting caulking around them
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The simplest way is to put a length of wood on the inside track to jam the door or window in place.

What is the burglary prevention method recommended by the National Neighborhood Watch Association?
deter, detect, delay
stall, survey, seal
perceive, protect, postpone
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Theirs is a three-step method: deter, detect and delay.

Which of these are useful ways to deter burglar entry?
signs about an alarm system and closing curtains to prevent people seeing what's inside
good locks and giving the impression that someone's home
both of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There are many useful ways to deter entry, some of which are mentioned here.


How can you give the impression that someone is home?
call home regularly to have the phone ring
leave your TV or radio on
install a recording of footsteps that plays when you're out
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Leave your TV or radio on and even install an automatic time clock connected to your lights so they will turn on or off at different times.

If a professional burglar comes by, is your barking dog good for deterrence or detection?
deterrence and detection
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If the burglar is professional, he won't be deterred by your barking dog. That being the case, the dog will be useful for detection. The barking is sure to alert the entire neighborhood that something isn't right.

Why won't a noisy alarm stop a burglar from entering?
because he can get in anyway
because it's never noisy enough to be effective
because he'll always find a way to immobilize it
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A burglar can enter your house whether you have a noisy alarm or not. What it will achieve, however, is make him hurry to dash in and grab whatever he can before dashing out again.


What lights can you install outside your home for deterrence purposes?
landscape lights
motion-sensitive flood lights
halogen lights
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

To deter a burglary, you should install motion-sensitive flood lights. This will work well at night, picking up even the slightest movement and simultaneously turning on the flood lights.

What does having trimmed bushes and shrubs have to do with deterring burglars?
It doesn't.
They will have less cover to hide in.
They will see that you keep your home maintained regularly.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Burglars like cover, especially from bushes and the like. Trimming them regularly means that your home can be seen easily from the street and this often acts as a deterrent.

Why does the act of "delay" give you a better chance of burglar-proofing?
because a burglar that has to spend time breaking in might give up and move on
because it gives you more time to call the police
because you have more likelihood of walking in on the burglar and stopping him
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Any burglar who finds himself spending more than a few minutes trying to break in will likely give up and move on. So delay tactics are essential.


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Courtesy Tim Graham/Getty Images