The Ultimate Pterodactyl Quiz

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The Ultimate Pterodactyl Quiz
Image: DEA Picture Library/De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images

About This Quiz

In traditional scientific writing, as well as science fiction, pterodactyls were portrayed as ugly and evil, bat-like creatures. Yet new scientific evidence has unearthed some startling facts about pterodactyls. Turns out they may not have been as ugly or as evil as we once thought. Take this quiz to consider the pterodactyl in a new light.
When were pterodactyl fossils first found?
in the 1700s
in the 1800s
in the 1900s
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pterodactyl fossils were first found in the 1700s in a limestone quarry in Bavaria, Germany. More recently, scientists have discovered well preserved pterodactyl fossils in almost a dozen locations across the United States.

When did pterodactyls live?
during the Mesozoic era
during the Cenozoic era
during the Paleozoic era
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pterodactyls lived during the Mesozoic era, some 240 million years ago.

What periods make up the Mesozoic era?
Precambrian, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods
Precambrian, Cenozoic and Jurassic periods
Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Mesozoic era is made up of three periods: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.


What group of flying animals did the pterodactyl belong to?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The pterodactyl belonged to the pterosaurs group of flying animals. There were two branches of this group: the rhamphorhynchoids and the pterodactyls.

Which pterosaurs sub group was the largest?
The rhamphorhynchoids were larger.
The pterodactyls were larger.
They were of a similar size.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although the rhamphorhynchoids originated first, they were soon dwarfed in size by the pterosaurs, which were much larger.

What was the wingspan of the largest-ever pterodactyl?
10 feet (3 meters)
20 feet (6 meters)
40 feet (12 meters)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The largest-ever pterodactyl, called the Quetzalcoatlus after the Aztec god, had a wingspan of over 40 feet (12 meters).


How many different species of pterosaurs have been discovered?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

About 100 different pterosaurs species have been discovered, but scientists believe there are many more. They have mainly been discovered buried in coastal rock.

Who gave the pterodactyl its name?
French anatomist Georges Cuvier
German paleontologist Herbert Schmidt
American anatomist Henry R. Cutler
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In 1809, French anatomist Georges Cuvier gave the pterodactyl its name, which means wing finger. He assumed that the pterodactyl's closest living relatives were reptiles.

When did scientist revise the pterodactyl's image?
in the 1920s
in the 1960s
in the 1970s
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the 1970s, Russian scientists found indisputable evidence that the pterodactyl did not have bat or crocodile like skin, but rather was covered in fur.


What color do scientist theorize the pterodactyl's fur was?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

An animal's color must act as a camouflage and help it attract a mate. If the pterodactyl lived near the ocean, it was most probably the same color as seabirds today -- white, difficult to see against the glare of the sun or a cloudy sky.

Which animal was the pterodactyl's brain similar to?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fossilized skulls show that the pterodactyl had a brain similar to that of a modern day bird. Like birds, it had large frontal lobes, indicating high intelligence and enlarged optic lobes, evidence of exceptional eyesight.

What do scientists theorize about the strength of a pterodactyl's wings?
They were strong and unbreakable.
They were flimsy and weak.
They were large, but useless.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fossil evidence indicates that the pterodactyl's wings were covered with strong, flexible fibers encased in a sheet of elastic tissue. This would have made their wings strong and unbreakable.


What force is it that causes a bird or airplane to become airborne?
air pressure
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The force that causes a bird or airplane to become airborne is called lift. It is created by the difference in speed of the air above and below the wing, which leads to a rush of high pressure air against the wing.

What impact does the wing's size have on the lift?
The smaller the wing, the greater the lift.
The larger the wing, the greater the lift.
The narrower the wing, the greater the lift.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The larger the wing surface, and the faster it slices through the air, the greater the lift that is generated.

To what was a pterodactyl's wing structure similar?
an airplane
a bird
a bat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A pterodactyl's wing structure is similar to that of an airplane. They both have flaps on the curved edge of their wing that can be flexed up and down for extra lift.


What animal did pterodactyls walk like?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Recently found pterodactyl track ways indicate that pterodactyls had bat-style locomotion, as opposed to bird-style, and that, like bats, they walked using their front and hind legs.

When flying, how much of a pterodactyl's body muscle was put to work?
10 percent
50 percent
100 percent
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A pterodactyl would have used almost 100 percent of its body muscle when flying, making it a stronger flyer than bats and birds.

At what point does a large flying animal face the most challenge?
when it is airborne
during takeoff
during landing
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Large flying animals face the greatest challenge during takeoff. A pterodactyl's body had special features to combat this difficulty, including sharp claws to enable them to climb, giving them extra height.


What diving technique did the pterodactyl use to help it catch fish?
cannon-ball diving
can-opener diving
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The problem with hunting for fish from the air is that it is difficult to catch fish that are not near the surface. To counteract this problem, the pterodactyl uses the lunge-diving technique to land deep below the surface.

Which animals today hunts fish like the pterodactyl?
the seagull
the pelican
the snowy egret
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The pelican hunts fish in the same way as the pterodactyl. They both used the plunge-diving technique and had long, pointed bills and expandable lower jaws that could take in a lot fish in one gulp.

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