What Type of Tree Are You?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Type of Tree Are You?
Image: Collage; Palm Tree, Pine Tree, Joshua Tree

About This Quiz

Trees and human beings exist in a symbiotic relationship. We breathe in oxygen from the trees, and they convert our carbon dioxide into energy. Our ancestors recognized this interdependence and revered trees in their spiritual practices. So, with a tip of the hat to our arboreal friends, the question at hand is what kind of a tree are you?
What climate are you most drawn to?
I like a place with all four seasons.
A tropical beach sounds best to me.
I like the cool, crisp mountain air.
Give me the dry warmth of the desert.
Which attitude best describes how you deal with difficult circumstances?
I can go long periods without help, but take advantage of it when I can.
I stay pretty even and balanced through difficulty.
I go with the flow, adjusting as needed through difficulties.
I am strong and can withstand anything that comes my way.
Which is your favorite season?


Which word below describes you best?
Do you do best planted among others or do you thrive more on your own?
I like solitary pursuits.
I do well on my own, but prefer the company of others.
I like being part of the crowd.
I do well with others, but prefer to be on my own.
Which US vacation spot sounds more appealing to you?
New York, New York
Honolulu, Hawaii
Aspen, Colorado
Palm Springs, California


A big storm is moving in, which phrase best describes your reaction?
Looking forward to the rain.
I'll take some precautions, but things should work out fine.
I'll roll with the punches.
I'm ready for anything, bring it on.
What major weather event would be the most common in your ideal location?
Tropical storm
Which pastime best fits you?
Reading a book in front of the fireplace
Surfing or swimming


When sowing the seeds of a decision, do you rely more on your logic or your gut?
I completely trust my gut.
I'm all logic.
I test how something feels, but I prefer to rely on thoughts.
I consult with my thoughts, but end up trusting my gut more.
What international destination is most appealing to you?
Swiss Alps
Australian Outback
You just found out that you've been fired from your job, how do you react?
I meditate or say some prayers to center myself.
I remain calm, this too shall pass.
I embrace the situation and look for the silver lining.
I stay strong. I can make it through this.


What is your favorite U.S. holiday?
4th of July
Which fortune cookie message would you rather receive?
You are destined for a long and healthy life.
You will be successful in whatever endeavors you engage in.
Your search for meaning will lead to deep and personal fulfillment.
Your strength is your greatest ally. You will rise above the challenges in your path.
You're creating a work of art, which of the following best describes your piece?
I will create something out of recycled or found pieces.
I will build something strong and functional.
I will build something that is useful and affordable.
My artwork will have a beach or water theme.


Which country would you rather visit?
A forest fire is raging a few towns over. It's not yet clear if it will spread your way. How do you react?
Keep an eye on the news and be ready for any possibility.
Stay calm, there's no need to get worked up yet.
Go out and cut a fire ring around your property, just in case.
Say a prayer for those affected by the fire and for the safety of yourself and those around you.
What would be the most unusual weather event in your ideal location?
Long period of heavy rain


You are in an art gallery, which of the following images speaks to you most strongly?
An abstract painting that is filled with mystical imagery
A realistic landscape painting
A painting of an estate filled with well-manicured gardens
A painting featuring a battered and bruised person with a look of resolute determination
Which kind of food is most appealing to you?
What sporting activity is more appealing to you?
Beach volleyball
Downhill skiing


Your long-term partner wants to end your relationship, how do you react?
I choose to go on a retreat to process my pain.
It is extremely painful, but I tell myself there are better days ahead.
I make the changes necessary to move on, while allowing myself to feel the pain when I can.
I will survive.
What do you think is the best age to be in life? In other words, how many rings of growth would there ideally be on your tree?
The middle-age years, when you are old enough to know better but still have some energy to do what you want.
The final years of life, when you can pass on your wisdom.
Youth, when you have boundless energy and freedom.
The retirement years, when you finally have the time to do all the things you've wanted to do.
What description would your friends most likely attach to you?
A calm and level-headed person.
Successful in everything they do.
An old soul who sees the bigger picture in things.
A strong and reliable person.


Which kind of party would you rather attend?
An intimate gathering of one or two friends
A small party with family and friends
A large gathering with a wide range of people
A big event with some friends of mine there with me
Which major sporting event would you rather attend?
Super Bowl
Summer Olympics
Winter Olympics
World Series
You just accomplished a major goal in your life, how do you celebrate?
I mostly honor the accomplishment in a solitary way, perhaps treating myself to something I enjoy.
I call the whole gang together, it's gonna be a huge party. Invite your friends.
Get the gang together and head out to the club/bar.
I call up some of my closest friends for a celebratory dinner.


What is your favorite stage of an intimate relationship?
The fireworks that come after you've first gotten to know each other.
The familiarity that develops after many years of being close.
The initial stage of getting to know the other person.
After the honeymoon stage, when the real relationship truly begins.
Which story plot summary is more interesting to you?
Despite all the heartache and challenges along the way, this is truly a story of never-ending love.
Overcoming all obstacles in their path, the main character emerges successfully.
After spending a lifetime chasing after personal fame and glory, the main character discovers their true life's work.
Although battered and pressed to the extreme, the main character remains steadfast to the cause.
If you were an Ent (a tree with the ability to walk around from "Lord of the Rings"), what would be the environmental cause you would fight for?
Protecting clean water
Protecting endangered species
Protecting our forests
Protecting air quality


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