The Ultimate Witchcraft Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
3 min
The Ultimate Witchcraft Quiz
Image: DNY59/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Sure, we all know about broomsticks and cauldrons … Which only has a very small basis in the historical and modern reality of witchcraft. Learn your Wicca from your warlocks and test your knowledge of the culture of witchcraft through history.
What's a witch?
A person who works with the devil.
A person who uses magic and natural forces.
Yeah, what IS a witch?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Listen, there's no definitive witch test so don't bother trying to see if one floats like they tried in Salem.

The Romans punished those who practiced "magic:"
with crucifixion
only if it was bad magic
They were revered, not punished.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

After all, who wants to turn away good magic?

What changed the reputation for witches as being worshippers of Satan?
the plague
the Salem Witch Trials
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

As Christianity spread, witches were seen as servants of the devil.


What instigated the Salem Witch Trials?
An old woman was found with various potions in her cottage.
Some girls claimed they saw a witch flying through the air.
Two girls suffered convulsions and claimed they were being bitten or pinched.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's still unknown what exactly was going on with the two young women.

In a nine-month period, how many "witches" were executed in the hysteria around Salem?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

More than 100 people were imprisoned.

What is a pagan religion?
a religion based in nature
a religion with magic
a religion that worships multiple deities
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Any religion that doesn't worship monotheistically is considered pagan.


Why is "magick" designated with a k?
to make it sound old-timey
to distinguish it from Penn and Teller-type magic
to distinguish good "magick" from evil "magic"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Magic might include card tricks; magick involves spells, energy and the like.

In Navajo culture, what does a witch do to disguise him or herself at night?
wears the skin of an animal
wears a pointed hat
grows facial hair
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Also called "skinwalkers."

The Zande tribe in the Congo believe that a witch's power is:
the spirit of a dead relative
in her stomach
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The magick isn't caused by an external force, in other words, but is just an inherent part of the practitioner.


Most cultures that believe in witchcraft do NOT blame witchcraft for:
all death
rational accidents or problems with reasonable causes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's important to remember that although some cultures attribute misfortune to witchcraft, they aren't lacking reason.

In the 15th and 16th century, prominent witch hunts took place in:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Northern Italy, France and Switzerland also had significant hunts.

What was one method for determining if a woman was a witch?
pricking them to see if the devil made them impervious to pain
seeing if her index toe was longer than her big toe
pushing her from a great height to see if she would fly
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Not a terribly effective method.


The Bacchanalia -- a Greco-Roman precursor to the Western image of hedonistic underground worship -- was originally attended by:
only men
only women
only peasants
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The festivals (and orgies and animal sacrifices and the like) were later open to men.

Wicca is an extremely ancient religion.
It's not a religion at all.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wicca was invented in the 20th century and doesn't have roots in any traditional pagan culture.

Wiccans worship:
the Goddess
a goat
no deity
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They also recognize other deities, but the Goddess is the main figure in the Wiccan religion.


Wiccans worship in groups called:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The memberships usually require initiation.

However, Wiccan witches can also practice in:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Circles are more open and fluid than covens, but witches also have individual worship practices.

The Wiccan Rede states:
If it harm none, do what you will.
Be kind.
Don't be evil.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although all of the sentiments are pretty much encompassed in the Rede.


The precursor to Halloween was called:
All Saint's Day
October 30th
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The end of summer marked a time when the spirit world showed up on earth to play tricks.

Appalachian folk magic uses:
Native American traditions
Christian beliefs
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's also referred to as "hoodoo," or granny magic.

What does kitchen or cottage witchery entail?
practicing alone
using herbs and edibles in spells
only using live animals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Kitchen and cottage witches use household items for magick that centers around the home.


Kabbala is a form of:
Jewish witchcraft
Jewish mysticism
evil worship
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While it has roots in earlier traditions, Kabbala mostly developed after the 12th century.

Do Wiccans believe in the devil?
They believe in a devil-type figure called Jerome.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

So really: Wiccans aren't worshipping Satan, since they don't believe in the guy in the first place.

What's a warlock?
a male witch
a witch who betrays another witch
a sorcerer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Men and women are both called witches in Wicca, as "warlocks" has a negative connotation traditionally.


Wiccans believe that doing harm will come back to them:
in the form of ill health
as a financial blow
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

So be good, people.

The broom (or besom) is used for what in Wiccan culture?
to ride on
to purify a space or direct energy
It isn't used.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Nobody is flying on a Wiccan broom, folks.

What does the term "skyclad" mean in Wiccan ritual?
doing spells in nature
using only your breath to cast spells
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Most covens and circles are going to make skyclad an option when performing rituals, and make sure everyone involved is comfortable with it.


Winter solstice is celebrated as:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's the symbolic celebration of Goddess giving birth to the God.

How many Wiccan holidays are there?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Every couple months, a Wiccan holiday occurs.

The Wiccan Great Rite includes a:
(generally symbolic) sexual union
airing of grievances
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Depending on the relationship of the participants, the union is usually just symbolic. (And private, if it's not.)


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