Am I Going to Be Successful?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Am I Going to Be Successful?
Image: zeljkosantrac / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Life is full of people who work hard on a daily basis to accomplish their dreams and goals. And while success is certainly not guaranteed for everyone, some methods have worked for many people, including Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey and Stephen King.

One of these methods is to write down your hopes and dreams in a journal. Once your thoughts are laid out on a piece of paper, it will be easier to remind yourself about what you really want in life and determine what you need to do to get there. Successful people also tend to take calculated risks in life, no matter how scary it seems at the time. 

It's also important to surround yourself with other like-minded people who will lift you up, rather than bring your spirits down. Optimism from other people is also a great motivator since it's like having your own team of cheerleaders by your side! And above all, successful people tend to choose a career path that will bring them happiness, rather than money. So even though there is no right or wrong path to success, we're curious about what your current road looks like. Take this ambitious personality quiz to find out if your dreams will come true!

Are you the type of person who never gives up no matter what?
For the most part, yes
It depends on the situation.
No, I tend to give up pretty easily.
Should we use the word "determined" to describe your drive for success?
That's my middle name.
Yes, but I have a lot of lazy days too.
I'm a little bit determined in life.
No, I'm not all that determined.
What does the word "success" actually mean to you?
It means being happy.
It means making everyone else proud.
It means living a long life.
It means being rich and famous.


How often do you tend to take shortcuts in life?
Almost never
Only when it's necessary
All the time
Do you often meditate to relax your mind?
Yes, it's very important for success.
A few times a week
No, I don't see the point of this.
They say that successful people tend to wake up early. What time do you normally wake up in the morning?
Between 4 and 6 a.m.
Between 6 and 8 a.m.
Between 8 and 10 a.m.
After 10:00 a.m.


How many jobs have you held so far in your life?
Just one or two
Three or four
Five or six
At least seven jobs
Are you currently working in a job that you feel passionate about?
Yes, this is very important to me.
I don't love my job, but it pays the bills.
No, I hate my job and I'm ready to quit.
I'm not working right now.
Which of these types of intelligence resonates with you the most?


What types of grades did you get during your past school years?
Mostly A's
Mostly B's
Mostly C's
Mostly D's
Would you rather earn $5 right now or $10 if you wait until tomorrow?
I'll take the $10.
Is there a "both" option?
I have to think about this.
I'll take the $5.
Is it more important to talk or to listen to other people?
It's always more important to listen.
Both are equally important.
It depends on the situation.
It's more important to talk.


Which of these successful people would you like to take advice from?
Bill Gates
J.K. Rowling
Richard Branson
Can you easily admit when you're wrong about something in life?
Of course
Yes, but it feels embarrassing.
No, this isn't easy for me.
No, because I'm never wrong.
Would you describe your goals as more vague or specific?
Very specific
Somewhat specific
It depends on the goal.


How many books do you tend to read per year?
At least five
Three or four
One or two
Are you more comfortable being a leader or a follower?
It depends on the project.
I don't mind either of these roles.
Is success more about creating meaning for yourself or for other people?
Other people
I'm not really sure.


Are you patient enough to work on a task for many hours at a time?
I'm somewhat patient.
It depends on the task.
No, I'm not a very patient person.
Would you describe your home as clean and organized or a little bit messy?
Clean and organized
It depends on the day.
A little bit messy
Very messy
Can you handle constructive criticism well or do you feel more sensitive about it?
I can handle this very well.
I can handle it, but I feel slightly sensitive to it too.
It depends on who I'm talking to.
I hate constructive criticism.


Do you currently have a wide variety of hobbies that you're pursuing?
Yes, I have many hobbies that I'm pursuing.
I have many hobbies, but I don't have the time to pursue them much.
I have a few hobbies.
No, I don't have many hobbies.
Are you skilled at prioritizing your time between different tasks?
Yes, this is very easy for me.
Yes, but only with a few tasks at a time.
Only if I drink lots of coffee
No, I'm not very good at this.
What is your current skill level when it comes to communicating with other people?


Is your current outlook on life more pessimistic or optimistic?
A bit of both
Would you describe yourself as someone with very high self-esteem?
Yes, I'm very confident in myself.
Yes, but I try to be humble about it.
My confidence swings back and forth depending on the day.
No, I'm not that confident.
Is it important to take care of your health and hygiene outside of work?
Yes, this is important for success.
It depends on the type of day I'm having.
This is a little bit important to me.
No, I couldn't care less about this.


Do you feel proud of who you currently are as a person?
Yes, very much so
A little bit
No, but other people are proud of me.
No, not at all
How much control do you think you have over your future?
I have 100% control.
I have 75% control.
I have 50% control.
I have 25% control.
Are you the type of person who enjoys learning about new things?
Yes, this is very fun for me.
For the most part, yes.
It depends on what I'm learning about.
No, this sounds like a chore.


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