The Ultimate Animal Emotions Quiz

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1 min
The Ultimate Animal Emotions Quiz
Image: Cultura RM/Art Wolfe Stock/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Many animal lovers will assert that their beloved pets have a range of emotions. Scientists are studying this complicated subject, but have come to no conclusions. Take this quiz and see how you feel about the question whether animals have emotions.
What animals appear to grieve over the death of a loved one?
sea lions
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Elephants, sea lions, geese, bears, monkeys and moose all show evidence of grief over death.

Which animals appear to enjoy playing?
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Dolphins, chimpanzees, elk and rats appear to enjoy playing.

What happens in the brain during emotional moments?
brain activity in certain areas
brain activity in all areas
no brain activity
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There is brain activity in certain specific areas during emotional moments.


Where is the amygdala?
temporal lobe
frontal lobe
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The amygdala is deep inside the temporal lobe.

What is the primary role of the amygdala?
automatic function
memory and emotion
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The amygdala processes memory and emotion.

When a pet owner is gone from home for long periods of time, what may a dog be trying to communicate to its master by defecating on the carpet?
feeling lonely
unable to handle being alone
both answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The dog may be feeling lonely and not understand how to handle being alone for extended periods of time.


What is anthropomorphism?
projection of human traits onto animals
taking on animal characteristics
characteristics of dwarfism
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Anthropomorphism is when humans project their own traits onto their animals.

What cat behavior may make you think that your cat is happy to see you?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Humans sense happiness from a cat's purring sounds.

What is the general consensus regarding whether animals experience emotions?
experience no emotions
experience emotions
neither answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The general consensus is that animals do experience emotions.


What scientific method may be used to study animal emotions?
compare brain reactions
observe animal responses
neither answers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The study of an animal's brain reaction compared to a human's brain reaction during an emotional moment may be useful.

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Cultura RM/Art Wolfe Stock/Getty Images