Answer These Job Questions and We’ll Guess What Kind of Truck You Have

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Answer These Job Questions and We’ll Guess What Kind of Truck You Have
Image: Kali9 / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Both your truck and your job say huge things about you! Your truck tells the world about your taste, and your job gives away little nuances about your life that you might not notice — including the kind of truck you park in your garage. Put the pedal down as you answer questions about your job, and we'll relate your answers to your four-wheeled chariot! 

This will not be like a job interview, so there's no need to polish up your resume and try to impress us. All we need to know is the way you make it through your workweek. Do you spend all your free time thinking about your job, or do you spend your entire workday dreaming about your next road trip? Your boss will never see your answers. Feel free to say anything you want! 

Whether you cruise down the highway in an F-150 or your truck is the Titan of your eye, the way you describe your job will reveal your truck's make and model. Will your answers park us in the right section of the automotive world, or will we need to come and shadow you at work for a day? Roll down the road of this quiz, and we'll do our best to figure it out! 

Truck Driver
InStock / Image Source / Getty Images
You love to drive your truck. Is your commute too long, too short or just right?
I think it's just right.
It depends on where I'm going.
It's far too long.
Sometimes I wish I lived further from work.
Alarm Clock
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Some jobs start unreasonably early. How about yours?
It's early, but I like mornings.
It's way too early.
I tend to go in late.
I set my own hours.
Indoor and Outdoor Work
John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Indoor work or outdoor work — which one appeals to you most?
A good mix is healthy for me.
I really prefer being indoors.
Outdoor work keeps me in shape.
I don't like working outside in the winter.


Thinking at Work
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
If you could change anything about your work, what would it be?
I wish my team members were more motivated.
I wouldn't say no to a raise.
Some of my coworkers are horrible people.
I think we could put out better quality.
Tom Wener / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You get to be the boss all week! What is your leadership style like?
Laid back
AleksandarNakic / E+ / Getty Images
How would you react to being asked to work a lot of overtime?
I would gladly take it!
I'm on salary, so I avoid overtime.
I already work a lot of overtime.
I already have plans. Thanks for asking, though.


Business School
Sanjeri / E+ / Getty Images
Lots of people go back to school to further their careers. Does that interest you?
I've had enough schooling.
I could use a refresher.
I wouldn't mind it at all.
I would rather train for a different job.
Job Thinking
Tinpixels / E+ / Getty Images
Analyze your job for a minute. Which part of it makes you most uncomfortable?
Job security is a worry.
There's really no room for promotions.
Our retirement plan isn't that good.
I'm not sure my boss knows what they are doing.
Person on Computer
Yuri_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
When is the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile?
My what?
It wasn't long ago.
I updated it a few months ago.
I really need to get an account.


Happy Job
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
All jobs have their perks! What do you really like about yours?
I like getting paid.
The benefits are good.
My work is meaningful.
I couldn't ask for better coworkers.
Job Thinking1
Andresr / E+ / Getty Images
If you had to go into a different field for a year, which one would you choose?
Job Bad
Paul Bradbury / OJO Images / Getty Images
Be honest! Do you break a lot of your job's rules?
Rules are meant to be broken!
I do my best to follow them.
Everyone breaks a rule or two.
We don't have a lot of rules.


Home from Work
HRAUN / E+ / Getty Images
When you get home from a long day, how do you usually feel?
People at Work
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you sit at your job all day, or do you get up and move around?
I'm always up and moving.
I have a desk job.
I get up every chance I get.
It's about 50/50.
Office Party
Lisegagne / E+ / Getty Images
You're at the yearly office bash. Are you networking or something else?
I'm most likely looking for the exit.
I'm totally networking.
You can find me near the free food.
I'm sure I'm keeping the dance floor busy.


Job Difficulty
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
A lot of jobs do not work on a traditional schedule. Do you always get your breaks when you should?
I rarely take breaks.
My job is great about breaks.
Sometimes they get delayed.
It really depends on how busy we are.
Business Lunch
Robert Daly / OJO Images / Getty Images
If one of your coworkers had a habit of stealing your lunch, what would you do?
I would lace it with laxatives.
It's only right to make an extra.
I would stop bringing my lunch to work.
I would find the culprit and confront them.
Group Project
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
When you're working on an intense project, do you prefer to work alone or on a team?
I usually prefer working alone.
I'm better at leading a team.
Some things are better done alone; some are better with extra hands.
I really do not enjoy working alone.


Job Thinking2
Yuri_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
Do you see yourself staying at your current job until you retire?
I doubt it.
That's too far away to think about.
I hope so.
I'm getting closer every day.
Business Lunch1
Andresr / E+ / Getty Images
It's lunchtime! Where do you usually sit down to eat?
My desk
A local specialty restaurant
A fast food restaurant
The break room
Work from Home
Izusek / E+ / Getty Images
If you were offered the chance to work from home, would you do it?
I already work from home sometimes.
I don't have that kind of self-discipline.
I would jump at that chance.
I would get too lonely.


Brain and Muscles
Akindo / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Does your job involve flexing your brain or flexing your muscles more?
It's mostly a brainy job.
My job requires that I use both.
I use my body more than my brain.
I flex my mad skills more.
Getting Ready for Work1
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
When you get ready for work, what type of clothes do you usually wear?
Whatever is clean
Waking Up
Andresr / E+ / Getty Images
You've just woken up from a dream about your job. What was it about?
It was probably about an order.
My work dreams are always about money.
I have that dream about showing up naked.
I'm sure it was about my coworker crush.


Thinking at Work1
Martin Barraud / OJO Images / Getty Images
Think back over your employment history. Have you ever been fired?
It was a mutual agreement.
No, but I have left positions.
This is my first job.
I was fired once.
DanielBendjy / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever been in the military, or would you ever consider it?
I'm not military material.
I am a veteran.
Under the right circumstances, I would consider it.
I thought about it, but I never enlisted.
Work Review
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You are up for a performance review. What letter grade do you think you'll get?


Supply Closet
Jacob Stock Photography Ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In the last year, how many times have you helped yourself to the supply closet?
We have one of those?
My home is now fully stocked.
I've taken a few pens from my desk.
What sort of monster steals from the supply closet?
Thinking at Work2
Alvarez / E+ / Getty Images
You need a break and it's not break time. What do you do?
I tough it out until break time.
I take a few extra minutes in the bathroom.
We do not have set break times.
Clearly, it's time for coffee.
YinYang / E+ / Getty Images
You have been tasked with firing someone. How do you do it?
That's not my job.
I would come right out and say it.
I'm sure I would be as gentle as possible.
Knowing me, I would fight for their job.


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