Answer These Relationship Questions and We'll Give You Your Spirit Animal

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Answer These Relationship Questions and We'll Give You Your Spirit Animal
Image: Picture by Tambako the Jaguar/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

A relationship is a fun way to share love, loyalty and laughter with a person you admire. But not all relationships are sprinkles and fun, because the real secret to a great relationship is communication and hard work. The phrase "hard work" may mean different things to people, as it can even be as simple as listening to your significant other's problems. Other ways to show effort in a relationship includes making handmade gifts, cooking meals, consistently saying "I love you" and creating an element of surprise.

What do we mean by an element of surprise? It all comes down to the idea of spontaneity, as this keeps a relationship new, fresh and alive. The "spark" in a relationship may eventually start to dwindle, and it's the job of both you and your significant other to keep that spark alive for as long as you continue to love each other. 

And that's what this quiz is all about, since we're going to figure out how you would keep the spark alive in a relationship! This will give us more insight into who you really are as a person, which will point directly to the spirit animal that guides you through your love life!

How long has your longest relationship lasted?
Less than 6 months
Between 6 months and 1 year
Over 2 years
1-2 years
What makes you feel attracted to another person?
Their good looks
Their body language
Their scent
Their intelligence
Do you feel like you need a special someone in your life to be happy?
No, not at all.
Somewhat, yes.
Yes, I need another person in my life to feel happy.
Only when I'm feeling stressed out.


If you were living with the love of your life, who would do the cooking?
I would do all the cooking
Hopefully they would do all the cooking.
We can both share cooking duties.
Neither one of us would cook. That's what takeout is for.
What is the best part about being in a relationship with someone?
Nothing really.
The bond that grows.
The fun you share together.
The exchange of gifts.
If your heart was a type of flavor, what would it be?


Which holiday represents "love" to you the most?
My birthday
Would you ever lie in a relationship?
It depends on the situation.
Only if I had no other choice in the matter.
No, never!
Only for my own benefit.
What is the best gift that you can give the person you love?
A home-cooked meal
A handmade gift
Your heart
Your loyalty


If your love life was a movie, which one would it be?
The Princess Bride
The Notebook
Pride & Prejudice
How would you take your mind off of a bad breakup?
By watching movies.
By eating lots of ice cream.
By spending time with friends.
By reading lots of books.
Do you tend to become jealous in a relationship?
No, never.
Sometimes I do.
Very rarely.
Yes, but I don't show it.


Would you ever talk badly about the person you love behind their back?
Only to a close friend.
Only if I was really upset.
No, why would I do that?
Yes, but only behind their back.
Do you believe in the idea of "settling down?"
Yes, that'd be a nice life to live.
It depends on the person I'm with.
No, life is an adventure.
Only when I reach a certain age.
Where would you want to live with the love of your life?
On a tropical island
In a small town
In a big city


Do you often daydream about your ideal wedding?
No, not really.
Only when I'm feeling really bored.
Yes, all the time.
Would you want to date someone who is very emotional?
No, keep those people away from me.
Yes, but not too emotional.
Sure, why not?
As long as they can control it well, I don't mind.
Would you break up with the love of your life for $1,000,000?
In a heartbeat.
It depends on how much I loved this person.
No, my love is priceless.
I'd find a way to take the money and keep the love of my life.


If love was a blooming flower, which one would it be?
Bleeding Heart
How often would you say "I love you" to the one you love?
Almost never.
Once a day.
A few times a day.
When I feel like it.
Which of these colors represents your heart the best?


Where is the best location to have a first kiss with someone?
On top of a mountain
In a nice restaurant
On a busy street
In a magical forest
Which of these words describes the feeling of love the best?
What would you do if your significant other starts crying during a movie?
I would tell them to get over it.
I would leave the room.
I would comfort them.
I wouldn't know what to do.


Should a relationship be like an adventure?
It's more like an adventure that I don't want to be a part of.
Yes, but not too big of an adventure.
Yes, that's the definition of a relationship.
I don't mind a few adventures once in a while.
Where is the best place to find a potential significant other?
At bars or clubs
Through mutual friends
At work
Your guess is as good as mine.
What is the best way to break up with someone?
By ghosting them.
Through a text.
By telling them face to face.
Through a phone call.


Is there anything that you want to change about yourself?
I just wish people would leave me alone.
Yes, I wish I was more beautiful.
No, I'm happy with the way I am.
Yes, I wish I was smarter.
Can you spot a liar or a cheater?
I'm not really sure.
Only if the signs are really obvious.
No, not really.
Of course, that's my specialty.
Do you believe in staying friends with an ex?
No, it's too awkward.
It depends on how badly the relationship ended.
Sure, why can't we be friends?
Maybe not friends, but we can keep in contact through social media.
