Are You a Shark, Dolphin or Whale, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Are You a Shark, Dolphin or Whale, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: George Karbus Photography / Cultura / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Thinking that dolphins and sharks are related in some way is the sort of mistake that can be forgiven, but thinking they are the same is dangerous. Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals. They are about as smart as very young human children. They give birth to live young. They have to breathe air, forcing them to return to the surface every now and then for a quick gulp of oxygen. Likewise, whales are mammals, but due to their much more massive lung capacity, whales can spend much longer underwater. Some whales can stay underwater for as long as 2 hours, allowing them to dive deeply and feed on creatures we never get to see.

Sharks are another matter all together. Sharks are a kind of fish, not mammals. Sharks breathe through gills that require them to either move or remain still while a current moves oxygenated water through them. Sharks come in more varieties than dolphins and whales, from the lumbering, harmless, and strangely named whale shark, to the exceptionally dangerous and aggressive tiger shark. Sharks and dolphins may both have dorsal fins, but aside from that they couldn't be more different. Take our Myers-Briggs Personality Test and we'll tell you if you're a shark, a dolphin or a whale!

How often do your dreams root themselves in ongoing, real events?
Most nights, I find.
Very rarely.
I don't dream, ever.
Sometimes I don't know if I'm awake or sleeping.
Would you rather see your child grow up to be a nice person with good morals but low intelligence, or a clever jerk?
Nice and stupid. Definitely.
I think I'd rather they be nice and all, but a little naughtiness is good, and a sign of intelligence.
I definitely want my children to be smart and total buttheads.
Good morals are such a moving goalpost.
Do you worry when someone doesn't respond to your texts, letters, emails, or IMs?
Absolutely! I expect immediate reactions.
Usually, but hey, they could be busy.
I'm not bothered by that at all.
I'm only a little miffed by that behavior.


How often do you find yourself lost in your own imagination?
A couple of times every week.
Never. I'm always in the moment!
Every once in a while, but then I shake it off.
I don't have an imagination.
How often do you get so lost in thoughts that you ignore your surroundings?
Sometimes I zone out when I'm on the road.
I'm always in my own world.
Never. I must be aware of them at all times, like a ninja or a Navy SEAL.
Sometimes, but I'm usually too busy with work to do that.
Is your work style more about inspiration than a regimented routine?
It's mostly inspiration-oriented.
I'm allergic to routine! I am an artist, inspired to improvise my every moment!
My life is mostly routine, but I do get to play around a little in my work.
Every day of my life is indistinguishable from every other.


How often do you worry about the effect your actions have on others?
Never. They can all take it.
Frequently. I'm very sensitive.
I only think about how my actions will affect others.
Sometimes, but then I get distracted by something shiny!
How difficult do you find it is to empathize with others?
It's not too hard. I just need to notice them first.
It's so easy.
Empathy is a weakness I have killed off in myself.
It's difficult most of the time.
How often are you upset by others?
Never. Absolutely never.
Occasionally, when I'm not rewarded for being cool.
All the time. I'm so angry!
Frequently, but what are you gonna do about it, right?


How much do you like to be the center of attention?
Most of the time I don't, but sometimes I love it!
All the time! Look at me! Look at me now! Do it!
I don't want anyone to see me coming.
No one is more camera shy than I am.
How much do you feel the need to justify yourself?
In certain social situations I do.
All the time. I think it's rooted in some deep insecurity from my childhood. I blame my parents.
I don't justify myself. I don't need anyone's approval.
I find myself apologizing all the time, like I'm Hugh Grant or something.
Which matters more to you: winning an argument, or preserving someone else's feelings?
Their feelings, though I can crush anyone in an argument.
Usually I want people to be happy, and I don't bother arguing.
I don't care about other people's feelings. At all.
I don't think much of others' feelings because I guess I just don't spend much time with people.


Which is more important to you: adaptability or organization?
Organization, probably. I'll go with that.
I lean toward adaptability. You can't predict things.
Adaptability is the most important thing. What good is your organization if it's all wrong?
Organization is probably more important to me. Probably.
How rarely do you do something out of plain old curiosity?
I did in my youth, but not that much anymore.
All the time! I'm so curious!
Frequently. My curiosity is why i'm good at my job.
I'd rather live in the dark, thanks.
How easy do you find it is to stay relaxed under pressure?
It's so easy. I'm so chill, I'm like an iceberg.
I can usually stay cool, but I do get very excited when the pressure comes!
I get very agitated under pressure.
I'm used to high pressure. It's low pressure that I can't deal with.


How difficult do you find it to introduce yourself to other people?
I can only do it when I'm in the mood.
It's not hard, but I'm so bad with names!
Meeting new people is my single favorite thing ...
It's so difficult I don't bother anymore.
Is your natural proclivity more planning oriented, or improvisational?
I just make plans and stick to them.
I'm so improvisational, my middle name is "yes, and."
I prefer to improvise, but the better the plan, the better I can improvise when I want.
I hate improvising, and when I do it, I get angry.
How quickly do you integrate into your employers' social scene?
It can take time, but I find my place.
I'm an instant hit every time.
If I don't become the boss, I make a scene.
I just find my office and close the door.


Are you in control of your emotions, or are they in control of you?
I'm pretty mature and in control of my emotions.
I can get pretty emotional, when I'm happy.
Are you saying I've got some kind of self control problem, punk? Are you? I'll show you some emotional control! I'll show you right now! You want to step outside?!
I am a Zen master.
How likely are you to entertain ridiculous notions just because you find them interesting?
That's not me.
That's me!
I don't even understand this question.
If I'm bored, I'll do it.
Do you think of yourself as a wallflower?
Not by nature.
No, I'll cut a rug on the dance floor.
I'm the opposite of a wallflower. I'm a ... ceiling vine?
Honestly, yeah.


How often do you think of the meaning of life?
Ever since I figured it out, I don't think about it much.
Why? Then you'll miss your chance to live it!
Who cares?
I dwell on it constantly.
Which do you value more, having a set plan, or not being tied down by commitments?
I like to have a plan, thanks.
I lean toward planning.
I don't like to be tied down by anyone or anything. I'm on the move!
I don't have an opinion. Can I phone a friend?
How often do you feel insecure?
Never. I'm the boss.
Frequently. I worry my peers are better loved than me.
I'm not insecure! You want a piece of me? Huh?!
I'm not insecure. I know I'm a bottom feeder.


Is being correct more important than being cooperative?
No. I'm secure enough to know that.
Not most of the time.
Being correct is better. It's just science. If you disagree, you're an idiot.
I'm leaning toward correctness. I mean, what if knowing there's a volcano going off will hurt someone's feelings?
How often do you misplace things?
Never. I pack light.
I just have a couple of toys.
All the time! And then I kick myself over and over for doing it!
Occasionally, but nothing important.
How often are you distracted by your fantasies for the future?
Never. I just know where I'm going.
All the time, but work will pull me out of it.
Not most of the time, but sometimes, when there's nothing to do, it'll happen.
I don't have fantasies because I lack any imagination.


How do you feel when making a public speech?
Like I want to go back to bed.
Like I could do this forever!
Like I want to get back to work.
Like people are looking through me, into me!
How do you navigate a crowded room?
I just barge through.
I communicate with folks to get past.
I silently slip between the people undetected until the last moment.
I get down on my hands and knees and crawl across the room, hoping no one sees me.
What is your preferred kind of entertainment?
Watching The Olympics.
Playing sports with my friends!
Netflix, no need to chill.


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