Are You Falling in Love?

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Are You Falling in Love?
Image: SolStock/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

For most of us, falling in and out of love is a normal part of life and although some people know when they are in love or when they are falling for people, there are some of us who don't know until it is too late, because the window of opportunity has long passed them by. 

Some of the signs of a person falling in love usually include the classic feeling of "butterflies in the stomach," wanting nothing but the best for that person, making yourself readily available (even when extremely busy) to be around them, branching off and trying things you might not have done before as well as increased anxiety and stress, probably due to wondering if the person feels the same way.

There are countless articles with checklists that will tell you if you are in love or not based on your answers, but are there aren't any that tell you if you are actively falling in love. So if you would like to know if you are falling in love or if there is still some hope in saving your heart, then you need to take this quiz!

How long have you known the person?
My whole life, it seems.
A few weeks
A few years
A few months
How often do you think about them?
All the time
I spend quite a bit of time with them on my mind.
I don't keep track.
When I see them
What is your favorite thing about them?
Their body
Their sense of humor
I don't know.


Which of these traits is something you dislike about them?
Their impulsivity
Their temper
They can be annoying sometimes.
Which of these words best describes them?
What did you do the first time you saw them?
I almost died.
I was in shock.
I stared for a few seconds.
I smiled at them.


What would you do if you heard that they liked you?
I would throw a party.
I would kiss them.
I would ask them out.
I don't know what I would do.
How does the person make you feel about yourself?
Why aren't you dating that person?
I don't know.
I'm busy.
Who said we aren't dating?
I'm into someone else.


How often do you talk about that person?
Too often, I've been told.
Quite a bit
Not that much
Not at all
How often do you hang out?
At least 3 times a week
I don't keep track.
About once a week
A few times a month
What do you do when you hang out?
Watch movies
That's none of your business.
Go out


How much time do you spend daydreaming about them?
Most of my day
A couple of hours
I don't know.
A few minutes
What happens in these daydreams?
We get married, have kids, you know...
Naughty things
I can't say.
We go out.
When you get a text from them, you...
Read it


When was the last time you thought about them?
5 minutes ago
A day ago
I'm not sure.
Well, now that I'm taking this quiz...
What happens when you see them?
My heart begins to race.
Embarrassing things happen.
I smile.
I see them.
If they asked you out, would you go?
Hell yes
I would make them think that I wasn't interested.


What would your reaction be when they ask you out?
I would keep it cool.
I would smile like crazy.
I don't know.
Do your friends know about this person?
Some of them do
Only my bestie
How do they act towards you?
They treat me like royalty.
They're very flirty with me.
They give me mixed signals.
They treat me like a friend.


Do you honestly think that you are falling in love?
I don't know.
If they asked you to change something about yourself, would you?
In an instant
I don't know.
He/she needs to take me as I am.
If you saw them with someone, how would you feel?


If you heard that they were moving away, what would you do?
Move with them
Feel a little sad
Shed a tear
Say goodbye
Can you imagine only doing the deed with them for the rest of your life?
I'm not sure.
Nope, nope and nope
If you found out they were in an accident, what would you do?
Rush to their side
Call to see what happened
Call to say if they were fine
I don't know.


Have you ever kissed them?
Only in my dreams
Maybe on a drunken night
What would you like to do for Valentine's day?
Get invited to dinner at a fancy restaurant
I'm not really a Valentine's Day person.
I don't know, but I like surprises.
Go to an amusement park
Which of these upcoming movies would you watch with them?
"Dark Phoenix"
The untitled "Avengers" movie
"How to Train Your Dragon"


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