Are You More Book Smart or Street Smart?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You More Book Smart or Street Smart?
Image: Rekha Garton / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz


Get ready to explore the world of intelligence with this fun quiz! Are you more book smart or street smart? Find out how your knowledge stacks up in different categories with this quick 5-minute quiz.

Discover the differences between being book smart, where you acquire knowledge through reading and academic studies, and street smart, where life experiences and interactions shape your intelligence. Whether you're a self-taught autodidact or a street-savvy problem solver, this quiz will help you determine which type of intelligence you possess.

Don't miss your chance to test your smarts and see where you excel. So, search for the answers, play the book smart vs street smart quiz, and show the world how clever you truly are! By: Talin Vartanian

Human emotions are often conveyed through body language and facial expression. How can you tell if someone is secretly feeling upset?
I'm not sure.
I can tell by their eyes.
I can tell by their voice.
My intuition tells me.
If you could become super intelligent in one of these school subjects, which one would you choose?
Are you good at persuading other people to get what you want in life?
Not really
Yes, very much so
Sometimes I am.
It depends on who I'm talking to.


There are many rules in life, but do you tend to follow these rules or break them?
I follow all the rules in the book.
I follow my own rules.
It depends on which rule we're talking about.
I tend to break them.
How long would you survive without shelter or money?
1 day
A lifetime
A few months
Maybe about a year
Knowledge comes from many different places. Where does it come from for you?
My faith


If you were interviewing someone for a job, which of the following would matter the most to you?
Their academic pedigree
Their job experience
Their references
Their overall personality
How would you tell your boss that you want a raise?
"I've been here the longest."
"I'm the hardest worker here."
"I've been providing the results you need."
"C'mon ... we're friends, right?"
Imagine reading some textbooks in a library. Would you be doing this for fun or for homework?
For homework
Neither, I hate textbooks.
For both fun and for homework
For fun


Is it more efficient to study by yourself or study with friends?
With friends
I don't study.
I prefer to study with a tutor.
By myself
What shouts louder in life: Good looks, money or a strong personality?
Good looks
All of these are equal.
A strong personality
Do you believe that kindness can be taught to other people, or is it more innate?
Kindness can always be taught.
It's definitely innate.
While I think that kindness can be taught, I don't think that people will always learn from it.
It can only be taught until a certain age.


Which of the following has shaped your character and spirit most?
Life experiences
Human connections
Spiritual connections
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how much do you value your education?
If someone told you that they are a working actor, would you count that as a "real job?"
No, being an actor is not a real job unless you're famous.
Sure, why wouldn't it be?
It depends on how much work they are getting.
All jobs are "real" to me.


Which of these book genres would you like to read for fun?
Science fiction
Let's say that someone told you that they graduated from Harvard University. Would you automatically be impressed by them?
Of course, that's a very prestigious school.
No, let's see how they carry themselves first.
I would be somewhat impressed.
I wouldn't really care.
You can switch minds with only one of these successful entrepreneurs. Which one would you pick?
Warren Buffett
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Michael Dell


If you found the cure for cancer, would you sell your secret for money or give it away for free?
I would give it away for free.
I would sell my secret for money.
I would sell my secret to some people, and give it away for free to others.
I'm not sure what I would do.
Let's say that you had all the money in the world. Would you want to pursue a different type of degree in school?
Of course I would.
No, school wouldn't matter to me anymore.
Maybe, I'd have to think about this first.
I would probably get a degree in something I really care about.
There are many intelligent superheroes in the DC and Marvel universe, but which one would you want as your mentor?
Mister Fantastic
Iron Man
Professor X


Would you rather learn about the world through traveling or through books?
Through books
Through traveling
Why not both?
I'd rather learn about the world through prayers.
If unlimited knowledge had a price to it, how much would it cost?
Billions of dollars
Nothing at all
Thousands of dollars
Millions of dollars
Do you think that it's a curse to be too smart for your own good?
No, why would it be?
Of course it is.
Yes, but it would also be a blessing.
I'm not really sure.


The human mind can be a rather mysterious place. Which of these abstract images matches the state of your mind?
A big room with many staircases
A dark hallway with many doors on the sides
A weightless room with no doors or windows
A single room with a mirror
Close your eyes and imagine yourself happy in an exotic location. Where are you right now?
In a library
On top of a mountain
On the beach
In a rainforest
When you listen to music, which of the following resonates with your soul the most?
The lyrics
The sounds of the instruments
The voices of the singers
Something else


When you need to focus on a task, do you prefer to listen to music or work in silence?
I prefer to work in silence.
I like to listen to music.
It depends on what I'm working on.
I prefer to listen to white noise.
Life can become rather difficult and stressful at times. Where do you go for some peace and quiet?
In my room
I go out for a walk.
I go to a store or to a movie theater.
Somewhere far away from home
Abstract concepts are all around us. Do you find it more in art, music or science?
Something more spiritual
