Are You Ready for Divorce?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You Ready for Divorce?
Image: Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank / Getty Images

About This Quiz

A relationship can be a funny thing sometimes. What starts out as a brief fling may eventually turn into a serious commitment between two people. And we're not just talking about moving in together or starting a family ... we're talking about marriage. Almost everyone has dreamed of their perfect wedding day and honeymoon. But while these things may seem romantic, what comes after requires lots and lots of work.

That's because marriage isn't easy. While the love between two people may remain, spouses often have to deal with a lack of communication skills, trust issues and fighting that never seems to end. OK, so maybe it's a bit of an uphill struggle. But what worthwhile things in life aren't worth the struggle? You want a great job? You'll have to work for it. You want to be friends with your worst enemy again? Probably not ideal, but again, you'll have to work for it. And marriage is no different in this equation, because to be with the love of your life forever, you'll have to constantly show them why you love them. It could be a simple "I love you" text, or it could be cooking their favorite meal once in a while. 

But if one person gives up in the relationship, that spells divorce for the marriage. We don't wish that on anybody, but we will determine if you're headed in that direction with this "I do" quiz!

Unsplash by Wu Jianxiong
How many years have you two been together?
Between one and three years
Between three and six years
Less than 12 months
Over six years
Unsplash by Ethan Robertson
Can you remember what the proposal was like?
I actually said "no" at first.
Oh gosh, it's been so long ago ...
Honestly, it wasn't as romantic as I thought it would be.
It was so sweet and romantic.
Couple married
Unsplash by Justin Follis
Currently, what's the biggest problem in your marriage?
Lack of communication
It's all money troubles.
I feel suffocated in this marriage.
We have our ups and downs, but it's nothing that we can't handle.


Unsplash by freestocks
Ultimately, what is marriage about?
Having fun
Cuddle on couch
Nick Dolding / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Picture your life in 10 years. What are you doing?
Dating someone else
Focusing on important things in my life, like my job
Seeing a therapist
Cuddling with the love of my life on the couch
Couple using ipad
Rob Lewine / Image Source / Getty Images
Who is the more dominant one in the relationship?
We both have dominant personalities.
They are definitely more dominant.
I'm the dominant one.
Neither one of us is dominant.


Talking to a therapist
Lucy Lambriex / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Who do you talk to about your relationship issues?
Anyone and everyone
I keep these things to myself.
My therapist
My friends and family
Cheating suspicion
Emilija Manevska / Moment / Getty Images
You suspect that your spouse has been cheating on you. Are you going to confront them about this?
I'll try to drop hints about how I feel.
No, it's probably nothing.
I'll just look through their phone.
Absolutely - they should hear how I feel.
Couple giving massage
Eva-Katalin / E+ / Getty Images
You just came home late from work. Your spouse had the day off today, but they're asking you for a back massage. You say ...
"No way, are you out of your mind?"
"You can't be serious right now."
"Wait till tomorrow."
"Of course, honey!"


Happy young couple
Unsplash by Annika Palmari
When did you start getting "comfortable” in the marriage?
About a few years into the marriage
Just recently
Right after the honeymoon
It's never good to get too "comfortable."
Guy with great hair
Unsplash by jorge marcano
Can you describe your significant other's personality for us?
Rude and obnoxious
Ambitious and caring
Lazy and greedy
Charming and sweet
Couple sleep
Willie B. Thomas / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you both sleep in the same room?
Nope. We happily sleep in separate rooms.
Not if they're snoring
Sometimes we do.
Of course we do!


Couple at park
Michael Heffernan / Stone / Getty Images
If you and your spouse had the day off, would you rather spend time together or apart?
Not just apart ... I would leave the country.
I would have some time to myself and some time with them.
Apart - I need some space.
Together, that sounds fun!
Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank / Getty Images
What's the upside to divorcing someone?
A new beginning
Hopefully, more money
More time to myself
There is no upside.
Excited bride
Unsplash by Vitor Pinto
Are you married to someone with the same zodiac sign as you?
This shouldn't matter.
I have no clue.
We have different signs.
Yes, we're exactly the same.


Couple laugh
Unsplash by Pablo Merchán Montes
When was the last time you laughed with your SO?
I honestly can't remember.
A few months ago
About a week ago
Couple cuddling mountain
Unsplash by Cody Black
Are you the type of person who adapts to change well?
Of course. I'm very independent.
I'd like to think so.
Ya know, I'm not so sure.
Change? What's that?
Couple driving
The Good Brigade / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do your friends think about your significant other?
They think that my SO is weird.
They point out my SO's flaws a lot.
My friends don't know my SO that well.
They love my SO!


Date night
Chris Ryan / OJO Images / Getty Images
If you two were going to have a date night together, what would it be like?
I don't know, but there would be a fight involved.
Watching a movie somewhere
Gazing at the stars on top of a mountain
A romantic dinner sounds lovely.
Married couple stroll
Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez
What's the hardest part about being married to someone?
It feels like a constant uphill battle.
It always feels like work.
Constantly communicating with each other
The finances
Couple budget
Portra / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you make decisions in the relationship, do you listen to your head or your heart?
My head: that's where the logic is.
Right now, neither
My heart: that's where the love is.
Both are equally important.


Young love
Kathrin Ziegler / Stone / Getty Images
Why did you first fall in love with your significant other?
I don't remember why.
Because they were so dreamy
Because they had such a wonderful personality
Because my heart skipped a beat when I looked at them
Mom dad two kids
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you and your spouse have any kids?
Yes, and it's not that great.
No, but we want to.
Yes, and it's been wonderful.
Couple argue
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You and your spouse are having an argument that isn't really going anywhere. You decide to ...
Keep arguing until I win
Leave the room
Tell them that this argument is pointless
Calm down and listen to their point of view


Couple read newspaper
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Which of the following phrases would you use to describe the current status of your marriage?
Rocky road
It's complicated.
Roller coaster
Heavenly dream
in laws
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you close to your significant other's family?
Heck no
I used to be, but not anymore.
Of course - they're wonderful.
Only with a few of them
Kitchen trash
GSO Images / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Earlier, you asked your spouse to take out the trash. It's been five hours, and they still haven't done it yet. You decide to ...
Yell at them until they do it
Take out the trash myself
Let it sit there until they notice a strong smell in the room
Kindly tell them to take out the trash


Divorce papers
Prasit photo / Moment / Getty Images
If you were going to file for divorce, how would you go about handling this?
By bluntly telling my spouse
I would get a lawyer first.
I'm not sure. I would just go with the flow.
I would try to make the marriage work out first.
miodrag ignjatovic / E+ / Getty Images
If your spouse said that you're the problem in the marriage, how would you solve this issue?
Ha, I'm NOT the problem here.
I would just communicate my feelings to them.
We need a therapist ASAP.
I would try to understand why first.
Wedding dance
Unsplash by Alvin Mahmudov
What values and/or beliefs do you two share?
We have the same political beliefs.
We share the same religious beliefs.
Who knows? None of that stuff matters.
Respect, kindness, trust ... the usual stuff
