About This Quiz
"Rick and Morty" is not a show for the faint of heart. It centers around Rick Sanchez, a mad scientist, and the Smith family, which is the family into which his daughter married. Beth, Rick's daughter, and Rick don't always get along and are reconciling their relationship, but Jerry, Beth's husband, has never been a fan of Rick. Apparently, he's not a good influence on their son, Morty. The show follows the family on the adventures that Rick gets them into, and some into which they get themselves.Â
Jerry is the kind of character who is hard to like. He's always throwing himself a pity party because no one likes being around him, but he also won't acknowledge or change the reasons for people not wanting to be around him. You can't say he's not a good dad, though, and will do almost anything to protect his kids. Rick might be the exact opposite. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, really, except for maybe Morty. But even then, he has put Morty in danger more times than not. They have their good qualities, though, but don't let them show unless they need to.Â
Do you think you're more of a Rick or a Jerry? Take this quiz to find out!
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