Are You Rick or Morty?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You Rick or Morty?
Image: Adult Swim

About This Quiz

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, folks! Are you ready for an interdimensional journey through your own personality? Then strap in! Because this "Rick and Morty" quiz will make you question your deepest-held beliefs, from whether you'd be a good parent to if you really think of "love" as just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed.

Does that sound kind of dark? We won't lie: it is! This is a "Rick and Morty" quiz, so we knew you wouldn't have it any other way. That's why we're going to ask you all sorts of creepy personal questions. Such as, "What would you do if you accidentally caused Earth to be covered in roaming monsters?" and "Do you relate the idea that life is just a chain of experiments and results, and you'll be perfect when you're dead?"

By the end of the quiz, you'll not only have found out whether you're more Rick or Morty, but you'll also (hopefully) have gained some insights into how you'd behave in the Cronenberg dimension. So, are you ready to get extremely schwifty with it? Then stop mooning over Jessica (or put away your portal gun) and come play this quiz, shorty!

Which Rick quote do you relate to the most?
"Weddings are basically funerals with cake."
"There's pros and cons to [burps] every alternate timeline. Fun facts about this one: It's got giant, telepathic spiders, eleven 9/11s and the best ice cream in the multiverse!"
"The outside world is our enemy, Morty! We're the only fehh-friends we got, Morty!"
"You act like prey, but you're a predator! You use pity to lure in your victims! That's how you survive!"
Do you find the concept of multiple universes terrifying or inspiring?
Neutral. Because scientists have discovered that multiverses are real.
Dude, I don't even like to think about other planets existing.
Are you smart, dumb, normal or a genius?
A genius!
Dumb. So what? I own it!


What do you do when you're angry?
Lash out
Punch something
Blame others
I don't get angry; I get depressed.
Which "Rick and Morty" pairing do you totally ship?
Sleepy Gary and Jerry
Morty and Jessica
Birdperson and Tammy
Jerry and Beth
Imagine you're a brilliant scientist. What's the first thing you'd invent?
A time-stopper
A love potion
A shrink/growth ray
A butter robot! For ... passing the butter.


What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Exploited a tiny microverse as labor
Erased my grandson's memories
Abandoned my family for years
Bullied others in order to get my own way
What would you do if you didn't like your daughter's husband?
I'd trick her into getting a divorce.
I'd try to learn to like him.
I'd let it go. I have other crap to worry about!
I bet I WOULD like him. I like almost everybody, after all!
Your best friend asks you to drop everything and go on a road trip. What do you say?
I dunno, maybe later?
No thanks, I already have plans.
Sure, I guess?


Let's say you actually got to watch Interdimensional Cable. Which show would you binge?
"Ball Fondlers"
"Saturday Night Live"
"The Days and Nights of Mrs. Pancakes"
"Last Will and Testimeow"
Which "Rick and Morty" location do you NOT want to visit?
Dwarf Terrace-9
The Citadel of Ricks
On a Cob planet
Screaming Sun Earth
How do you lean politically?
I'm an anarchist!
I'm a regular ol' Democrat.
I'm progressive but don't like most political parties.
I'm a Republican.


If you had a child, do you think you'd be a caring parent?
No. I'd be a terrible parent.
I would do my best.
I'd be okay, I think?
I was born to do this. I can't wait to be a daddy or mommy!
Which Morty quote do you relate to the most?
"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV."
"Show me the Morty!"
"Mr. President, if I've learned one thing today, it's that sometimes you have to not give an eff!"
"Hey, Dad? Nobody's smarter than Rick, but nobody else is my dad. You're a genius at that."
Do you take good care of your health?
Not. At. All!
I'm decently active.
I'm very strong and healthy!
I take okay care of myself unless I'm depressed. Then I'm a mess.


Who's the best teacher at Morty's school?
No one. I hate teachers!
Gordon Lunas
Coach Feratu
Mr. Goldenfold
How do your romantic relationships usually end?
With the demand that I leave or else be attacked
With the world being overrun by disfigured monsters
With my brother deforming my ex via a Morphizer-XE
With a sad, sad divorce
Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?
I'm a cheerful nihilist.
I'm a pessimist.
I'm a pragmatist.
I'm so optimistic, people sometimes call me a fool!


Which of these catchphrases resonates with you the most?
"Wubba lubba dub dub!"
"Aw, jeez."
"He's playing you, shorty."
Be honest: are you more of a leader or a follower?
I'm a leader, baby!
I'm a follower, baby!
I'm a freethinker (usually).
I'm such a follower, it's a character flaw.
In your opinion, is "Rick and Morty" Dan Harmon's best creative project?
Yes, clearly.
No, I prefer "Community."
Maybe. But what about "Heat Vision and Jack"?
Personally, I'm all about his podcast "Harmontown"!


Who is your favorite version of Rick?
Pickle Rick
Cowboy Rick
Tiny Rick
Doofus Rick
In your heart of hearts, which "Rick and Morty" character do you really think you are?
I'm smart like Rick, but conscientious like Morty, so ... Summer?
To be honest, I'm worried that I'm Doofus Rick. Or even worse, Jerry.
Pick a "Back to the Future" character to go get fries with. Come on, who would you actually hang out with?
Marty McFly
Whoever Crispin Glover is


Because he's so reckless and powerful, should Rick actually be in jail?
No. Rick is so brilliant, he should get to live above the law!
... Yes. Rick is a danger to himself and others.
I'm not sure. I can see arguments for and against jailing Rick.
Put Rick in jail and throw away the key! I hate that meanie!
What task would you ask your Mr. Meeseeks to help you with?
Cleaning my room
Becoming a more complete person
Getting popular
Knocking two strokes off my golf game
Which minor "Rick and Morty" character would you totally date?
Ants in my Eyes Johnson
Kiara the Warrior Priestess


Which Dan Harmon quote do you relate to the most?
"As humans, reality for us is largely based on other people's perceptions. If there's 20 bodies in your crawl space but you haven't been caught yet, you tell yourself you're still a birthday clown, and that's how you keep doing it.”
"I've discovered a new video game called owning my home.”
"I wish people used wishes to modify themselves instead of others. Wish to be low maintenance. Wish to be autonomous, even.”
"Don't be so hard on yourself, don't put pressure on yourself, life is just a chain of experiments and results, and you'll be perfect when you're dead.”
If you accidentally caused Earth to be covered in roaming monsters, what would you do?
I'd run away to a different universe and take over my dead alt-universe self's identity.
I'd ALSO run away to a different universe and take over my dead alt-universe self's identity, but reluctantly.
I'd stay and fight for my world!
I'd battle the monsters, but only if it helped me improve my marriage.
Would you say that you're a family-oriented person?
Family is so great to have around ... when you actually need them.
Love my mommy!
Ugh, they're fine. I guess?
Without my family, I'm a shell of a person.


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