Build a Rugby Team and We'll Guess How Much of a Risk Taker You Are

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Build a Rugby Team and We'll Guess How Much of a Risk Taker You Are
Image: Premiership Rugby via YouTube

About This Quiz

They say that rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen (and football is the reverse), but it's a game that is won by tacticians and the courageous. Whether it's signing the untried but potentially brilliant youngster, letting a bold manager make sweeping adjustments to team strategy, or bringing in an innovation to the stadium that could make a lot of money but contains the possibility of bamboozling loyal fans, there are plenty of ways to introduce risk into an already risky game.

After all, rugby is inherently pretty violent, with injuries being rather common even in an age of greatly improved padding. That means a star player can be put out of commission at any moment. All in all, the risk levels are extremely high, and not all club owners or managers seek to add to that with additional risky ideas like changing the club's business model, player recruitment strategy or tactics on the field. This is all well and good if what you are doing is already working, but with a competition that is ready to try new things to gain an edge, it's important to be willing to adapt. How you walk that line in rugby tells us a great deal about how you tackle it in real life (pun intended). Let's find out what sort of risk-taker you really are!

Rugby tackle
Unsplash by Max Leveridge
What will you focus on first when it comes to team culture?
Hiring the best players
Unsplash by Mitchell Orr
In which part of the country will you base your club?
Up north
Near London
New Zealand
Unsplash by Roell de Ram
To what leading rugby nation will you send scouts first?
New Zealand
South Africa
I won't send scouts overseas.


Dirty rugby player
Unsplash by Quino Al
Would you bring on a player who had a history of fouls?
Sure, if he's talented
Only if he has reformed
If the coach says so
Rugby amateurs
Unsplash by Quino Al
How important is a good farm system?
It's a waste of money.
It's useful but not essential.
It's a great idea!
I will invest heavily in this.
Rugby Stadium
Pixabay by jmauremootoo
What innovation will you ensure is available at your stadium?
Good sound system
Good Wi-Fi
App for purchases and information


Rugby field
Unsplash by Quino Al
Who will you hire first?
Star player
Other players
Rugby balls
Pixabay by Vladvictoria
In what languages will you make marketing materials available?
English and French
English and Afrikaans
All major rugby nations' languages
Rugby team
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
How will you build trust among your team?
Winning together!
Going out on the town together
Retreat to somewhere nice
Regular meetings so they all have a stake in what's going on


Rugby captain
miodrag ignjatovic / E+ / Getty Images
What quality will you look for in a captain?
Natural talent
Strategic mind
France captain Guilhem Guirado
World Rugby via YouTube
Which World Cup winner will you invoke to inspire your team?
South Africa
New Zealand
Unsplash by Eric Tompkins
A player has become entangled in a brawl at a pub, on their own time. What happens next?
Nothing. It was on their time.
They get a dressing down.
They get sanctioned by the club.
They're fired. Fighting is not OK.


Rugby ball
Unsplash by Edgar Pimenta
How will you pay for equipment?
Players can bring their own at first.
I scrounge from other clubs.
I do a fundraiser.
I'm very rich.
Sports Trophy
Unsplash by Giorgio Trovato
How long do you plan to build your team before gunning for a big trophy?
Trophy first, build later. If you win, they will come.
A year
A couple of years
Three to five years
Chairman / Owner sports
Image_Source_ / Cultura / Getty Images
What role will you give yourself in the day-to-day running of the team?
Fly half


Coach clipboard
skynesher / E+ / GettyImages
Will you actually read all the reports the coach sends you?
Not if they are too long!
Of course, and mark them up with my questions
Rugby game
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
What percentage of games will you attend?
I'll be starring in most of them!
All the ones I can
Rugby practice
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Which on-field position will you ensure is filled by the very best possible option?
Number 8
Scrum half


Rugby game
Unsplash by Max Leveridge
What word will be key to your club's brand?
Rugby stadium
Pixabay by Gladiator777
How will you ensure that going to your stadium is a good experience for everyone?
By playing well
Good selection of snacks
Family-friendly seating
Well-trained hospitality staff so nobody is lost and fights can't start
Rugby player
Alistair Berg / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Where will you do most of your fundraising?
I'll sell tickets.
Online, I guess.
Mostly sponsorship
Investors, then sponsors


Rugby game
Unsplash by Quino Al
What position do you play yourself at rugby?
Second row
more rugby club
Unsplash by Quino Al
How will you make money from your facilities during the off season?
I'll be using them for practice, so I won't.
More rugby!
Renting to school clubs
Any kind of event I can rent them for!
Rugby coach
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
You disagree with the coach about a particular player. Who wins?
I do.
It depends on who is right.
It depends on how the coach speaks to me.
The coach


Rugby player
Unsplash by Quino Al
During practice, the coach is berating a player in front of everyone. What happens next?
I let him. How else will they learn?
I intervene. You can't talk like that!
I call him away as if it is to discuss something else.
I discuss it with the coach later to prevent a repeat but don't undermine him in the moment.
Rugby Interview
Leicester Tigers via YouTube
You won the Challenge Cup! What do you say in your post-game interview?
"We won! Yeeeeeaaaaaah!"
"That was fun!"
"That was a great game!"
"We're very honoured, and thank the fans, and also our opponents, who put up a great fight."
Rugby player
Unsplash by Hanson Lu
What special award will you give out to reward especially good player behaviour?
Winner award for the most points scored
Yards award for carrying the ball forward the most
Inspiration award for overcoming a challenge
Citizenship award for being the most community-minded


Children charity
Unsplash by Larm Rmah
What charity will your club support?
Civil rights in countries where people play rugby
Cure for cancer
Sports for underprivileged children
Beverage company - pepsi
Unsplash by Ja San Miguel
What kind of sponsor will you seek first?
Beverage and peanut company
Major sporting brand
Places where I have contacts
Small and local companies
Rugby game
Unsplash by Olga Guryanova
What sort of tactic will you try on the field first?
15 Man Rugby
10 Man Rugby
Down the middle
Whatever the coach says
