Can You Identify These Ugly Cars From the '70s?

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify These Ugly Cars From the '70s?
Image: denizen24v via Wiki Commons

About This Quiz

The cars of the '70s were, according to experts, some of the worst in U.S. history. The oil crisis that occurred in 1973 did not help, especially because more regulations were put in place and smaller, fuel-efficient cars took over. All of this resulted in some pretty ugly cars, many of which we've featured in this quiz. These cars have weird shapes, some very unappealing design elements and some, looks aside, didn't even perform well on the road. People were constantly questioning the decisions of some car designers back then, and although we can laugh about them now, it was a sad day for consumers. 

So, we're going to call on your knowledge of ugly '70s cars in this quiz to see if you can name them from their pictures. Of course, you'll see the well-known uglies like The Thing, The Bond Bug and the Gremlin, but do you remember the Granada, Omega and the Allegro?  You might bear the shame of having ridden in one of these as your family car when you were a child, or you might even have (shudder) bought one yourself!

If you think you're up to the challenge of telling us the names of these uglies, then get started on this quiz. 

Chevrolet El Camino
Hugh Llewelyn from Keynsham, UK via Wiki Commons
The brand of this ugly car includes the likes of the Corvette and Impala. But what is its name?
Bianchina Supermini
Ford Thunderbird
Chevrolet El Camino
Duesenberg Model J
Oldsmobile Omega
Skully69v via Wiki Commons
Identify which of these names matches this car.
Ala Kart
Oldsmobile Omega
Auto Union Type C
Citroën Traction Avant
Pinto Cruising Wagon
Mr.choppers via Wiki Commons
This was inspired by a car with a similar name - think "horse." Which vehicle do you think it is?
Triumph 1800 Roadster
Duesenberg Model J
Pinto Cruising Wagon
Chevrolet Parkwood


Volkswagen Thing
Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA via Wiki Commons
This was initially created to be used by the Germans, but escaped to haunt the rest of the world! What is it called?
Pontiac Streamliner
Auto Union Type C
L'Oeuf Electrique
Volkswagen Thing
Chevrolet Chevette
Vegavairbob (talk)user Vegavairbob/Robert Spinello via Wiki Commons
Choose the name that looks like it might belong to this car.
Chevrolet Chevette
Tucker Torpedo
Ala Kart
Nash Cosmopolitan
Oldsmobile Cutlass
IdealClassicCars via Wiki Commons
A fifth-generation GM vehicle, which of these cars, named after a weapon, can you see here?
Oldsmobile Cutlass
Porsche 356
BMW Isetta


Chevy Cordoba
OsbornTramain via youtube
Do you have any idea what this car could possibly be?
Chrysler Cordoba
Auto Union Type C
Bandini Formula Three
Subaru BRAT
GrassRoots Garage via youtube
This car, whose name contains an acronym, went by many names. Which of the following is one of them?
Ford Club Coupe
Porsche 356
BMW Isetta
Subaru BRAT
Jaguar XJ-S
Charles01 via Wiki Commons
Can you correctly identify which of these names matches this car?
BMW Isetta
Ford Club Coupe
Jaguar XJ-S


Country Squire
Josephew via Wiki Commons
This Ford station wagon wasn't as successful as the creators thought it would be. What is its name?
Ford Thunderbird
Triumph 1800 Roadster
Country Squire
Citroën Traction Avant
Mercury Cougar
GPS 56 from New Zealand via Wiki Commons
Surviving over 30 years on the market, this vehicle shone brightly with its four headlights. But what was it called?
Nash Cosmopolitan
Buick Skylark
Pontiac Streamliner
Mercury Cougar
Mercury Comet
Sicnag via Wiki Commons
Originally based on Ford's Falcon, this vehicle was made for 17 years. What is its name?
Plymouth Deluxe
Pontiac Streamliner
Mercury Comet
Citroën Traction Avant


Volvo 262C
Bassaar via Wiki Commons
This was the first coupe of its kind for its brand. What was it called?
Buick Skylark
Volvo 262C
Triumph 1800 Roadster
Plymouth Deluxe
Ford Fairmont
CZmarlin - Christopher Ziemnowicz via Wiki Commons
Which ugly '70s car is this?
Bianchina Supermini
Ford Fairmont
Pontiac Streamliner
Triumph 1800 Roadster
Datsun B-210
User:wallerdog via Wiki Commons
Match this ugly car to its name.
L'Oeuf Electrique
Duesenberg Model J
Datsun B-210
Auto Union Type C


Oldsmobile 98 Regency Coupe
Distancerunner15 via Wiki Commons
Can you correctly identify what this car is called?
Allard K1
Oldsmobile 98 Regency Coupe
Pontiac Streamliner
Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser 45
Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA via Wiki Commons
What is this ultra ugly car called?
Bianchina Supermini
Buick Skylark
Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser 45
Nash Cosmopolitan
Dodge Dart Swinger
nakhon100 via Wiki Commons
Can you correctly identify which of these names matches this car?
Citroën Traction Avant
Dodge Dart Swinger
Pontiac Streamliner


AMC Hornet
CZmarlin - Christopher Ziemnowicz via Wiki Commons
This car only survived eight years on the market. What was its name?
L'Oeuf Electrique
Auto Union Type C
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton
AMC Hornet
Chrysler LeBaron
Nickmix01 via Wiki Commons
Match this ugly vehicle to its name, please.
Allard K1
Duesenberg Model J
Chrysler LeBaron
L'Oeuf Electrique
Ford Granada
That Hartford Guy via Wiki Commons
This ugly vehicle has a city in its name, but can you tell us what it is?
Ford Thunderbird
Plymouth Deluxe
BMW Isetta
Ford Granada


AMC Pacer
CZmarlin - Christopher Ziemnowicz via Wiki Commons
Which ugly '70s car is this?
Citroën Traction Avant
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton
AMC Pacer
Duesenberg Model J
Plymouth Arrow
Menright63 at English Wikipedia via Wiki Commons
This car was a train wreck. What is it called?
Bandini Formula Three
Ala Kart
Porsche 356
Plymouth Arrow
Dodge Omni
Joe Ross from Lansing, Michigan via Wiki Commons
Also called the Plymouth Horizon, which of these options belongs to this vehicle?
Dodge Omni
Pontiac Streamliner
Ford Thunderbird
Nash Cosmopolitan


Aston Martin Lagonda
Alf van Beem via Wiki Commons
Tell us which of these options best suits this car.
Tucker Torpedo
Aston Martin Lagonda
Ford Club Coupe
Allard K1
Bond Bug
SG2012 via Wiki Commons
This car sounds like it was driven by a British spy. What is its name?
Plymouth Deluxe
Bond Bug
Porsche 356
BMW Isetta
Chevrolet Gremlin
samspace81 via youtube
Can you tell us what this car is called?
Triumph 1800 Roadster
AMC Gremlin
Allard K1
Ford Club Coupe


Chevrolet Monza
order_242 from Chile, cropped and levels adjusted by uploader Mr.choppers via Wiki Commons
Choose the name that looks like it might belong to this car.
Tucker Torpedo
Porsche 356
Ford Club Coupe
Chevrolet Monza
Honda Z600
Mr.choppers via Wiki Commons
Which of these names did this car go by?
Auto Union Type C
Allard K1
Honda Z600
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton
GL Wagon
Jeremy from Sydney, Australia via Wiki Commons
Also called the Subaru Leone, what is this car's other name?
L'Oeuf Electrique
GL Wagon
Plymouth Deluxe
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton


Lincoln Versailles
Jeremy from Sydney, Australia via Wiki Commons
Coming from a division of the iconic Ford company, what name was given to this vehicle?
Lincoln Versailles
Duesenberg Model J
L'Oeuf Electrique
AMC Matador
Greg Gjerdingen from Willmar, USA via Wiki Commons
An American company, they're responsible for this vehicle that's named for a bullfighter. What's the vehicle's name?
Ford Club Coupe
AMC Matador
Plymouth Deluxe
Allard K1
Subaru Leone
w:ja:利用者:A15ff11300g, uploaded to commons by User:Regushee via Wiki Commons
We mentioned this car earlier on in one of our questions, but can you recognize it here?
Allard K1
Subaru Leone
Plymouth Deluxe
Tucker Torpedo


Plymouth Cricket
31Mike via youtube
Manufactured in Europe, this car failed miserably in the U.S. What was it called?
Ford Club Coupe
Tucker Torpedo
Plymouth Cricket
Porsche 356
Austin Allegro
Kieran White from Manchester, England via Wiki Commons
A British car, what name was given to this model?
Austin Allegro
BMW Isetta
Bandini Formula Three
Bricklin SV-1
CZmarlin - Christopher Ziemnowicz via Wiki Commons
Based on this picture, what would you say this car's name is?
BMW Isetta
Duesenberg Model J
Bricklin SV-1


Ford Pinto
JOHN LLOYD from Concrete, Washington, United States via Wiki Commons
Pick the name that belongs to this car.
Ford Pinto
Tucker Torpedo
Nash Cosmopolitan
Buick Skylark
Tatra T603
Asterion via Wiki Commons
From a Czech brand, what was this ugly car called?
Auto Union Type C
L'Oeuf Electrique
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton
Tatra T603
burts via Wiki Commons
What do you think this car's name is?
Duesenberg Model J
Auto Union Type C
Bianchina Supermini


Mustang II
Cool Stuff in Weird Cars via youtube
Coming from the Ford company, this car's first version is a classic. What's its name?
Mustang II
Chrysler CL Imperial Dual-Windshield Phaeton
Triumph 1800 Roadster
Porsche 356