Can We Guess How Traditional You Are When It Comes To Dating?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess How Traditional You Are When It Comes To Dating?
Image: Tom Merton/OJO Images/getty Images

About This Quiz

Dating has always been hard. Back in the days when women were considered property and a man could just buy the woman he wanted by giving her father some goats and a bushel of wheat, sure, dating was simpler - but it was a lot harder (especially if you were the woman in this scenario). In recent centuries, when the idea of a love match came into being and women achieved the right to refuse to consent to marriages that weren't right for them, things became fairer, but a lot more complicated. Couple that with people moving around a lot more and meeting more people, and suddenly you can end up overwhelmed by choice. Since women are no longer legally barred from having their own money and freedom, marriage is not necessary for them anymore - it's something people do because they want it. That means they are freer to value their partner for himself, not just as a meal ticket.

Of course, the upside of the old way was that if you were miserable, at least you could blame the system. Having a world full of choices means that if you're miserable now, you have to contend with the possibility that it's your own fault (which it may indeed be).

Some people navigate this by choosing all the modern options, while others stick with the older ways. Which are you?

Who should ask who out?
The guy, always
Usually the guy, unless it's a setup
You don't need to ask, you just know.
Whoever wants to
How do you know it's a date?
The guy picks the gal up and pays for everything.
There's dinner.
You should not call it anything that structured.
You both agree it is.
When should you have sex?
After marriage
After you're engaged
When you're both ready


Would you use online dating or apps?
Ew, no
That's a little sad.
I use it all!
Yes, if I have to
When should you tell people you're in a relationship?
When you're engaged
When it's official
You shouldn't be in something so defined.
When you both agree
How important is marriage?
It's the only thing that matters.
Very important
It's evil and bad.
More important than people might imagine


Would you cohabit before marriage?
Absolutely not
Yes, but I would never tell anyone I did.
I would never marry.
Who should pay on the first date?
The guy, always
The richer party
Whoever asked
Should the man walk on the curb side?
Every time, yes
Only in a crowded street
Rules like that are dumb.
If he wants to, then that is quite sweet.


How do you know if there's going to be a second date?
Your father says so.
The man calls later and asks.
Dates are too structured. Just go with it, man!
You agree there will be.
Should the guy get the gal's father's permission before proposing?
Of course, otherwise he doesn't respect her.
He should ask her first, but still seek the father's blessing.
Proposing is a prison.
LOL, no
What do you need to know about someone before you have sex?
That they're married to you
Their earning potential
If they have STDs


Do you believe in 'The One'?
Of course
I think so.
I believe in the few.
Do you believe your lover should be your best friend?
No, men and women are not designed to be friends.
In a way, yes
No, you should not have just one best friend.
When should the woman let the man see her without makeup on?
Once you're engaged
When she wants


Is it ever possible to date someone who is much more or less attractive?
Of course not!
It's not ideal.
Define "attractive."
When is it OK to ghost someone (just disappear rather than tell them you're ending it)?
If you learn something really bad about them
If they're abusive
Besides ghosting, what is an acceptable way to break up with someone?
Have a friend tell them.


How soon after a first date is it OK to call?
24 hours
24 to 48 hours
Whenever you like!
If you had a great time, then why not immediately?
Is it OK to have secrets from your partner?
Yes, a lady, especially, needs a few.
A little mystery never hurt.
No, people must know everything!
Only if they are small ones.
Is it cheating to look at porn?
Of course
Only if you get found out
No, it's good and healthy.
Only if you lie about it.


Is it cheating to go to a strip club?
Of course
No, it's wrong, though.
No, it's a good thing to do together.
Only if you agree that it is.
Does it matter who makes more money?
Of course, the man must.
It's good if the man does.
It doesn't matter.
It's actually statistically better if the woman does.
What is a good enough reason to divorce someone?
You realize marriage is a stupid idea in the first place
Irreconcilable differences


Can a long distance relationship ever work?
Of course
It depends
If it has an expiration date
Do nice guys finish last?
Does fighting with your boo mean the relationship is doomed?
Depends what you fight about
No, conflict needs to be resolved.


Do opposites attract?
Of course
Everything attracts!
No, actually having stuff in common is more important.
What could they say that would instantly make you not want a second date?
They don't believe in God.
They don't want kids.
They are a capitalist.
Something sexist
What is one of your top three requirements in a partner?
Earning potential
Free spirit


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