Can We Guess What You Want Most for Christmas?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess What You Want Most for Christmas?
Image: MilanEXPO / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you're anything like us, November 1 starts one of the most magical and wonderful times of the year: Christmas. Heck, if you get snow before Halloween, you may start breaking out your jingle bells and miniature sleigh even sooner. Of course, it is at this time when you start requesting Christmas lists from others, to see what you can buy (or make) for them. But what about you?

Even though you may be the biggest elf of them all, you can't forget about supplying your wish list to your relatives. Remember the last time that happened? We're betting you ended up with a lot of underwear and socks. And we don't need a repeat of that, do we? No one does. Perhaps if someone in your life really listens to you all year long, they may be able to work without a list, but many people prefer gift ideas in black and white.

That's where we come in. If you haven't made your list just yet, feel free to take this quiz. We're going to ask you some simple questions about your day to day life, and that will help us determine what you want. We may suggest something you didn't think of, to add to your list. So let's all curl up under warm blankets, sip some hot cocoa and get our quiz on!

Q1 - shopping
Eva-Katalin / E+ / Getty Images
Christmas is full of sounds; which of these sounds resembles your lifestyle?
The hustle and bustle of the people shopping
The sound of silence during a cold winter's night
The sound of cash registers
The crunch of snow
Q2 - caroling
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
Christmas carols, anyone? What carol is your jam?
"Silent Night" by Franz Xaver Gruber and Joseph Mohr
"Carol of the Bells" by Mykola Leontovych and Peter J. Wilhousky
"Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney
"Oh Holy Night” by Adolphe Adam
Q3 - decorations
Adam C Bartlett / ImageSource / Getty Images
When do you start decorating your house for Christmas?
At the beginning of December
November 1
A little before Thanksgiving
I don't really have the time to decorate.


Q4 - Gift
Betsie Van der Meer / DigitalVision / Getty Images
One of your friends receives the same gift from someone else that you purchased; what happens next?
I don't worry one bit.
I figure they can exchange it for whatever they want.
I usually buy gift cards, so there's bound to be overlap.
I try to hide the gift and tell them it is still on its way to be delivered.
Q5 - lights
andresr / E+ / Getty Images
What kind of lights do you hang on your house?
Blinking lights
White lights
Big chunky lights
Icicle lights
Q6 - shopping
Betsie Van der Meer / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Where do you tend to buy your Christmas gifts?
Small boutiques
It depends on the gift.


Q7 - black friday
Seth Joel / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images
Black Friday sales are an absolute bear to navigate! Have you ever shopped on Black Friday?
I do it every year.
No, I'm usually enjoying my family.
Goodness no
I did it once, never again.
Q8 - cards
Dan Brownsword / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you send out Christmas cards?
No, I tend to do e-cards.
No, they're too expensive.
To a few people, yes
Of course I do.
Q9 - cookie
kajakiki / E+ / Getty Images
Sugar plums aren't the only sweet that dances over people's heads during the holidays. What holiday goodie is your favorite?
Any kind of Christmas cookie
Candy canes
I don't eat sweets.


Q10 - toy
praetorianphoto / E+ / Getty Images
Your niece wants the newest, coolest toy for Christmas; are you able to get it?
Of course, even if I have to wait in a line.
Probably not, but I'll get her something even more fun.
It would be pretty close, but I'd somehow get it.
I would try to get it, but I'd have a backup plan in place in case I didn't.
Q11 - drink
Vladimir Vladimirov / E+ / Getty Images
It's a cold winter's night. What do you drink while you're curled up under a blanket?
Hot apple cider
Hot cocoa
Q12 - book
Compassionate Eye Foundation/David Oxberry / DigitalVision / Getty Images
A blizzard is coming, and everyone is encouraged to stay inside. Which of these activities could we expect to see you doing?
Working from home
Reading a book
Cleaning the house


Q13 - home holidays
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Traveling is an inconvenience that some of us face during the holidays; where do you tend to spend the holidays?
A family member's house
On vacation somewhere
It depends on the year.
Q14 - zen
Sol de Zuasnabar Brebbia / Moment / Getty Images
Hanging out with family can be a stressful situation, especially during the holidays; what do you do before heading out into the fray?
I say a prayer.
I exercise.
I meditate.
I make sure everyone's gifts look perfect.
Q15 - wrapping
Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images
How long does it typically take you to wrap gifts?
Maybe a few minutes
A couple of hours
About a half hour


Q16 - gift
Dougal Waters / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Some people are very specific about their gift choices; how closely do you pay attention to gift lists?
I use it as an outline of what they want and try to find it.
I pay a little attention.
I pay close attention.
I don't pay attention at all.
Q17 - dressed up
Carol Yepes / Moment / Getty Images
Do you dress up for Christmas?
It depends on where I'm going.
Of course
Q18 - milkcookies
LauriPatterson / E+ / Getty Images
Everyone knows that cookies and milk is the going price for Santa's gifts. Have you ever left Santa a tip?
Yes, and I still do.
I do, but it isn't milk and cookies.
I did when I was a kid.


Q19 - xmas list
Xsandra / E+ / Getty Images
When did you start making your list for Christmas gifts?
A couple of days after Thanksgiving
Beginning of December
Early November
I'm still making my list.
Q20 - snowball fight
LWA/Dann Tardif / DigitalVision / Getty Images
A frolic in the snow may be the answer to keeping the crazy out of your Christmas. Which of these snowbound activities can we see you doing?
Participating in a snowball fight
Catching snowflakes on my tongue
Building a snowman
Q21 - snow
portishead1 / E+ / Getty Images
It's the first snow of the season! How are you feeling?


Q22 - car
sestovic / E+ / Getty Images
Oh no! You've gotten stuck in the snow on the way to your holiday celebration! Will you be able to wait it out?
Yes, I have a blanket, road flares and a cell phone.
For the most part
I could survive until the tow truck arrives.
Not at all
Q23 - movie
AleksandarGeorgiev / E+ / Getty Images
After a day of holiday cheering, it's a good idea to curl up with a good movie. What holiday movie is your favorite?
"It's a Wonderful Life"
"The Nightmare Before Christmas"
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
Q24 - grinch
SensorSpot / E+ / Getty Images
Would you say you're more of a Santa or a Scrooge during the holidays?
More Scrooge than Santa
Definitely Santa
More Santa than Scrooge
Definitely Scrooge


Q25 - reindeer
Ed Norton / Photodisk / Getty Images
Do you know the names of all of Santa's reindeer?
I used to.
I know that Rudolph is one of them, right?
I know some but not all.
Q26 - ornaments
svetikd / E+ / Getty Images
How many ornaments are on your tree?
I ran out of room, so I have two trees.
I don't have a tree.
I have a few ornaments.
I use other decorations on my tree.
Q27 - smells
Liliboas / E+ / Getty Images
So many yummy smells are around during Christmas. Which one is your favorite?
Fresh pine
Freshly baked cookies
Crisp snow


Q28 - dinner
VICUSCHKA / Moment / Getty Images
Yum! It's time for Christmas dinner. What do you usually eat or serve for Christmas?
A vegan feast
I'll eat any of these.
Q29 - presents
the_burtons / Moment / Getty Images
Would you say that your Christmas list is long?
I don't think so.
My list is medium length.
Q30 - stress
knape / E+ / Getty Images
Eep! You just found out that an unexpected guest is coming to your holiday celebration. Have you ever had to shop last minute?
All the time
No, I'm done in mid-December.
Yes, I did it once, and it was awful!
No, I'm usually done in early December.
