Can We Guess Your Middle Name?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Your Middle Name?
Image: izusek/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Most people have a middle name, which may stem from biblical figures, family members or a philosophical meaning to life. Maybe you think that your middle name doesn't mean much, but we're here to prove you wrong. 

Your middle name says a lot about you, which may include your best and worst attributes, your lifestyle habits and even your inner soul. Maybe you have a biblical middle name that matches your independence, willpower and leadership qualities. Examples of such names that exhibit some of these personality traits include Abraham, Achim, Amal and Ami. Some middle names also sound quite exotic, such as Nova, Akila, Hamisi and Lola. But did you know that not everyone has a middle name? Some people only have a first and last name, and that's OK too!

But if you do have a middle name, what do you think it says about your inner personality? Do you find the meaning of your middle name to be true, or is it the opposite of who you are as a person? Maybe you even want to change your middle name or remove it completely. Tell us more about how you feel with this personality quiz so we can guess what your actual middle name is!

Do you write with your right or left hand?
My right hand
My left hand
I'm ambidextrous.
I'm currently teaching myself to write with both hands.
What gives you stability in life?
Watching movies
Reading books
My friends and family
Does the concept of perfection mean anything to you?
No, perfection doesn't really exist to me.
I try to achieve perfection, but I often fail.
I'm indifferent about perfection.
Yes, I think that perfection exists.


If you could rule over the land, sea or sky, which would you choose?
The sea
The land
The sky
The galaxies
Do you try to change some of your bad habits?
Yes, all the time
Only when someone points them out
I try to, but I have a hard time changing who I am.
Nope, never
If you could touch "love," what would it feel like?
It would feel warm.
It would feel soft.
It would feel rough in texture.
It would feel cold as ice.


You're allowed to change your name to one of these Greek goddesses. Who do you choose?
What is a person's name defined by?
Their personality traits
Their looks
Their memories
Their thoughts and feelings
If you could add an epic title to your name, which of these would you choose?
My name + "The Wise"
My name + "The Warrior"
My name + "The Night Whisperer"
My name + "The Colossal Mountain"


Let's say that you became a famous movie star. Would you have a stage name?
Probably not
Yes, I would have an awesome stage name.
I'm not sure, I would have to think about it.
It depends on how famous I am.
What does silence sound like to you?
Like music to my ears
Like silence
Like a calming noise
Something that can't be explained in words
Is it better to earn $20 or steal $100?
Earn $20
Steal $100
It depends on my situation.
Why not both?


You can only eat one of these foods for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
When talking to someone you don't know that well, how many minutes would it take for you to receive a good or bad impression of them?
Five minutes or less
10 minutes
Over 20 minutes
15 minutes
Would you rather freeze time or travel through time?
Freeze time
I'd travel to the future.
I'd travel back to the past.
Neither, I'm happy with the current state of time.


If your average mood was one of the colors of the rainbow, what color would it be?
Let's say that someone just told you that they are from the future. Would you believe them?
No way
I would need to see some proof first.
I'm not sure, maybe I would.
How honest of a person you are on a scale of 1 to 10?


If love could be bought, how much would you pay for it?
Over $100
You can speak to one of these historical figures for one hour. Who do you choose?
Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Luther King Jr.
Nelson Mandela
George Washington
Do you feel like your life is going forwards or backwards?
I feel like it's staying still.
I'm not too sure.


How would you describe the shape of your imagination?
What is the best way to complete a task efficiently?
By not doing it at all
By actually doing it
By asking for help
By procrastinating on it
What do you want to be known for after you die?
The love that I had for people
My success
My intelligence
My imagination


Which of these animals represents fear?
Do you feel the happiest when you're alone or when you're surrounded by people?
I'm always happy no matter who I'm surrounded by.
When I'm alone
When I'm surrounded by people
It's dependent on my mood.
If you had the choice to hear other people's thoughts, would you accept this type of power?
No, I don't want to know what other people are thinking.
Of course I would.
Maybe, but I'd have to think about it.
I would only use it on certain people.


When you have an "aha moment," what appears above your head?
A color
A lightbulb
A lightning bolt
A flame
What is more important in life, talking or listening?
It depends on who I'm communicating with.
Both are equally important.
If you found a real diamond, would you keep it or sell it?
I would keep it.
I would sell it for money.
I would give it to a friend or family member.
I'm not sure what I would do with it.


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