Can We Guess Your Nationality in a Past Life?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can We Guess Your Nationality in a Past Life?
Image: Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Let's assume for a moment that there is life after death. If that's the case, then that means you have lived multiple past lives. And each one of them has probably been filled with adventurous memories, love, loss and that constant work-life balance. But your past life was also influenced by the people and cultures around you, which means you were a completely different person with a unique nationality.

A person's nationality is synonymous with their identity. But it's not just about who you are or how you fill out certain government forms, as it's more about your lifestyle. In Australia, for instance, the people love the great outdoors, the sunshine and vegemite (for the most part). But they also have a love for technology, fashion and interior design, especially with furniture. But this type of lifestyle is different compared to a Russian native, where they have to deal with cold weather and insane traffic. But on the flip side, Russia is known for its comfort food, shopping centers and adventurous activities like ice skating and skiing. So, what type of life did you live in the past? Well, the only way to find out is by taking this foreign quiz now!

1 good morning
filo / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Which of these "good morning" translations just rolls off the tongue?
Ohayō gozaimasu
Buenos días
Guid mornin
2 religious
Hanan Isachar / Stone / Getty Images
Would you consider yourself to be a religious person?
Somewhat, yes
I used to be religious, but not anymore.
Yes, very much so
Not really
3 adobe house
P_Wei / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these homes would you buy as your new vacation house?
Minka home
Adobe home


4 language fluency
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
In how many languages are you fluent?
Four or more
5 city population
SammyVision / Moment / Getty Images
The city that you really want to live in has a population of about __________.
2.1 million
9.2 million
150,000 or less
6 summer
Thomas Barwick / Stone / Getty Images
How would you feel about living in a place where it was summer all year long?
No, thanks, I like the four seasons.
Summer for half the year would be better.
I would love this.
I'm not picky.


7 workday hours
Doug Armand / Stone / Getty Images
On an average day, how many hours do you work?
Eight hours with a long break in between
12 hours
About 10 hours
Six hours or less
8 tourists
Hinterhaus Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you feel when you see tourists in your city?
Mesmerized, they're so different!
Indifferent, they're people too.
Happy, more people to be friends with!
9 artist
LWA/Dann Tardif / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In a perfect world, you would love to have which of these careers?
Artist and writer


10 iris
joSon / Stone / Getty Images
Which of these foreign flowers would look beautiful in a vase?
Laelia orchid
Mountain avens
11 lucky number
Grant Faint / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Out of these numbers, which one is lucky for you?
12 fashion
Orbon Alija / E+ / Getty Images
How important is beauty and fashion to you?
Very important, I love looking good for others.
Pretty important, I love trying out new fashion trends.
Not important at all
I prefer comfortable clothes.


13 friends
Peter Griffith / Stone / Getty Images
With what types of people would you strike up a friendship?
Successful and smart people
Quiet and well-mannered people
People with a hard work ethic and great determination
Happy people who are always in a good mood
14 bungee jumping
John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What type of adventurous activity would you partake in with some buddies?
Gorge scrambling
Hike a mountain
Scuba diving
Bungee jumping
15 philosopher
sasacvetkovic33 / E+ / Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as a leader, follower or a philosopher?
I don't know; I just go with the flow.


16 soccer
David Madison / Stone / Getty Images
American football may be beloved in the U.S., but which of these other sports has a place in your heart?
Martial arts
17 fushimi inari
Peter Adams / Stone / Getty Images
Which of these places would you visit for some peace and quiet?
Saint Malo
Fushimi Inari Shrine
Isla Holbox
18 laughter
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
What part of your personality stands out in a crowd?
My confidence
My manners
My fiery spirit
My laughter


19 first date movie
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
Which of these foreign flicks would you watch on a first date?
"Seven Samurai"
"The Pearl"
"Sweet Sixteen"
20 hot climate
Jub Rubjob / Moment / Getty Images
You tend to thrive in what type of climate?
21 arroz con leche
Gary Conner / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Which of these yummy treats would you love to munch on?
Ichigo daifuku
Arroz con leche
Dundee cake


22 previous name
filo / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Name the next addition to your lovely plant family!
23 getting around
David de la Iglesia Villar / Moment / Getty Images
What's the best way to get around a new city?
24 morning routine
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What does a typical morning routine look like for you?
It's very easygoing. I like to eat well and do some light exercises.
Wake up, meditate and eat a light breakfast.
What morning routine?
It's pretty standard: wake up, shower, eat, then go to work.


25 guadalajara
holgs / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these foreign cities would you love to explore with some friends?
26 kendama
Eiji Saito / Moment Open / Getty Images
If you had extra spending money, what would you buy at a foreign souvenir shop?
Handmade soap
Art prints
Local pottery
27 terrain
© Marco Bottigelli / Moment / Getty Images
What type of terrain is suitable for your lifestyle?
Flat plains
Mountains and hills


28 family
LOUISE BEAUMONT / Moment / Getty Images
How important is family to you?
I'm more of a loner.
I'm too busy for a family life.
Extremely important
Somewhat important
29 life views
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Are your overall life views more traditional or modern?
Very traditional
A general mix of both
Mostly traditional with some modern influences
30 shiba inu
Terje HÃ¥heim / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these foreign animals would you love to adopt as a house pet?
Garden dormouse
Shiba inu
Mountain hare
