Can We Guess Your True DnD Character Alignment?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your True DnD Character Alignment?
Image: peepo / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether you're a veteran dungeon crawler or a player who is learning the difference between a D10 and D20, there is always a thrill in creating your character for a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign. You can pick a rogue with a heart of gold, a paladin who is Superman in disguise, or on the flip side, you could create a shady monk with nothing in mind aside from causing the world to burn. You roll your dice for your stats, put pencil to paper (or key to screen) and make that concept a reality. 

There is one problem, though. You sit down to play, but when it comes to acting the way your character would, you can't bring yourself to do it! A lot of times, it is because of emotion; lawful good characters are very black and white, and hints of gray can throw off a game. Neutral characters are ruled by logic and only act in ways that seem reasonable. As for chaotic evil characters, don't get us started on them! It takes a truly talented player to play a character that is the complete opposite of how they would act away from the table.

So are you the same alignment as your character? It's highly unlikely. We're going to pop you into some D&D experiences, and you tell us what you'd do. Let's get ready to roll!

inakiantonana / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these D&D jobs would you have?
Palace guard
Knight with swords
DianaHirsch/E+/Getty Images
When you build your characters, which attribute do you focus on the most?
Pixabay by 1899441
You and your party are arriving in a town. Where do you go first?
The town square
A church
A tavern
A shop


Mlenny / E+ / Getty Images
Getting information from NPCs is pivotal to D&D storytelling. How would you get information from a hesitant NPC?
I'd sweet talk them.
I'd beg them for their assistance.
I'd point out how helping me would benefit them.
Depends on the NPC
medieval woman
Anna Gorin / Moment / Getty Images
As adventurers gain experience and level, they may start acquiring titles. What title would you want?
The Clever
The Compassionate
The Swift
The Just
Pixabay by Dieterich01
Questioning NPCs can be tricky, but choosing the right one to talk to is also key to getting information. Who would you choose to question?
A street urchin
A priest
A guard
A barkeep


Medieval alchemist in his laboratory
aluxum/E+/Getty Images
With all the different classes out there, it would make sense that some of them lend themselves for specific alignments. Which of these classes would you play?
Middle ages armor
Pixabay by blitzmaerker
Armor is a must if you're going to go on an adventure! What kind of armor would you wear?
Full plate
Cloth robes
Chain mail
Magic books, potion and skull
Pixabay by NadineDoerle
If we were to look into your bag of holding, which of these items would we find?
A spare set of armor
Loot from a dungeon
Healing potions


Imgorthand / E+ / Getty Images
Oh no! While getting back to your party you're ambushed by a brigand! How do they fare?
They end up penniless.
They break even but make a new friend.
They end up with my money and more.
They end up with my money.
Woman casting magic fire
Pixabay by darksouls1
What would be your weapon of choice?
Madieval witch and dragon
Pixabay by darksouls1
Certain races have alignments preassigned to them. Which race would you be?


Fantasy fire magic
Pixabay by KELLEPICS
It's time to set up camp for the night. What would we see you doing before you hit the hay?
Warner Bros.
Many alignment charts will use characters from other genres to describe characteristics. Which DC comic book character do you relate to the most?
Martian Manhunter
Woman riding a flying unicorn
Pixabay by Mysticsartdesign
It's time to hit the open road. What D&D mount are you using?
A horse
A carriage
My feet
A flying carpet


Medieval knight in forest
Pixabay by LiteraryTitan
Let's talk pits and traps. How would you handle finding one?
I'd probably not realize it was there and set it off accidentally.
I'd try to disarm it.
I'd convince someone in my party to try to disarm it.
I'd disarm it.
Medieval Knight in Armour Kneeling With Sword Inside Castle
Pali Rao/E+/Getty Images
You're eye to eyes with a beholder! What would you do?
I would charge in and start fighting!
I would pray to my diety for help.
I would try to sneak past it.
I would strategize with my party about the best way to fight this foe.
Medieval sword
Pixabay by Free-Photos
There are some sweet enchanted items in D&D. What item would you love to have if you lived in the D&D universe?
A Vorpal sword
Boots of Elvenkind
Hat of disguise
Bag of Holding


aluxum / E+ / Getty Images
People in need aren't just prevalent IRL. In D&D, they are usually the root of many storyline arcs. How would you react to these NPCs?
I offer my help the minute they introduce themselves, even if they don't need it
I make sure everyone benefits from this quest before offering to help
I watch my party to see what they want to do before making a choice
I weigh all the factors before deciding to offer to help
medieval child
Yulia Reznikov / Moment / Getty Images
There are many orphans in D&D. What would you do if you came across one?
I'd take them to the church.
I would talk to the locals to see if they could house the orphan.
I would ask them what they would like to do and let them decide whether they want to continue to live on the streets.
I would find an orphanage.
Playing Dungeons and Dragons
Wiki Commons by Javier Mediavilla Ezquibela
When it comes to adventuring, age plays a factor in how much experience they have. How long have you been playing D&D?
A few years
Maybe five years
Around a year
More than five years


Fantasy vampire woman
Pixabay by WILLGARD
Vampires have the ability to use the environment against those who wish to end their existence. Which of their powers would creep you out the most?
Zombie minions
The vampire itself
Their ability to turn into mist
Their attacks
Woman calling dragon
Pixabay by RaphaelJeanneret
Dragons are the most feared creatures in D&D, but some of them are pretty cool. With what color dragon would you like to hang out?
Dude, it's a dragon! I'd hang out with almost any of them.
Medieval viking warriors fighting in a battlefield scene in the sea
Lorado/E+/Getty Images
Time to roll initiative! Ideally, where would you want to fall in the pack if you had to fight a baddie?
Somewhere in the middle
Somewhere in the back
Somewhere up front
The very first spot


Wiki Commons by Amy from United States
LARPing is part of any RPG community. Do you think one of your characters could cosplay as you?
Yes, but they'll need help.
If there was a script, I don't see why not.
Brass scales
zennie/E+/Getty Images
Some alignments are more flexible than others. Would you say your morals are flexible?
Depends on the situation
Skull dungeon
Pixabay by prettysleepy1
If you were to enter a dungeon, what would be the first thing you do?
Try to research the area so I know what to expect monster-wise
Light a torch
Check for exits
Check for traps


mikkelwilliam / E+ / Getty Images
Do you think you'd want to hang with one of your characters?
For a short while
I'm not completely sure.
Female viking warrior leader
Lorado/E+/Getty Images
Every party has a leader. Do you consider yourself a good leader?
In some aspects
I could lead if I have to, but I prefer not to.
Yuri_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
Snacks are the ideal fuel for any D&D session. Which of these foods are go-to snacks?
Chips and salsa


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