Can You Guess What These Vanity Plates Mean?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Guess What These Vanity Plates Mean?
Image: Wiki Commons by Gareth Simpson

About This Quiz

From cryptic messages to information on how the car was obtained, American drivers love to get creative with their license plates. The vanity license plate was our first interaction with doublespeak and abbreviating words against the dictionary's wishes. For decades, we've been giving messages to those we share the road with through seven simple letters and numbers. A lot can be said in those 10 inches of symbols, and people know how to get creative with it. 

If you drive a lot, chances are you take a look at license plates while you're in traffic or if a vehicle gets your attention. You probably know a thing or two about reading someone else's abbreviated way of communicating with you. You might even be the type to refer to drivers you don't know by their license plates: "Thanks for signaling, JBG 478! Learn how to drive!" We've all been there. However, if you are the type of driver who looks at license plates, you probably appreciate the vanity ones that are specialized and say a little something. 

We found 40 vanity license plates that are begging to get translated. Do you think you have what it takes? Start this quiz to show off your deciphering skills!

1 - DRK F8
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you decode this message?
Dark fate
Dork float
Dark room
Dirk Freight
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
"COWG1RL" tells you who is driving the car. Can you guess who it is?
A cowboy
A cowgirl
A city girl
A city boy
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What does this plate mean?
You're behind me.
You're in front of me.
You are getting pulled over.
You flow.


Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
If you see a "SCR MOM" license plate on a mini-van, who is probably driving?
A scary mom
A scored mom
A traveling mom
A soccer mom
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
How does this person feel about love?
Love is the best
Love bites
Love conquers all
Love is testing us
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What is this plate saying?
And you start
A and you start
A new start
Uranus rising


Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What do you think this person's job is?
Poker dealer
Executive assistant
Gas station attendant
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
You'd probably find this on a Delorean. What does it mean?
Broken time
Bankin' time
Bright knight in time
Back in time
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you figure out this person's name?
Jim Smith
John Smith
Joan Smith
Jared Smith


12 - UF 4RTD
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you figure out what this vanity plate is saying?
I farted.
You're far away.
You're for rights.
You farted.
20 - ERND IT
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Someone who is proud of their work might have a license plate that says "ERND IT." What does it say?
Errand it
Ear and it
Ear and Information Technology
Earned it
25 - ZRO KDZ
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
How many children does the person who owns this vehicle have?
Zero kids
A zillion kids
One kid
Two kids


Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
If this person cuts you off, what does their license plate say to you?
Just cuss me out
Stay in school
Outta the way
Excuse me
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
If you see "BMYVTNE" on a license plate, would you be able to decipher it?
BMW time
Be my voter one
Be my Valentine
I have no idea what that says.
21 - ALWS RT
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Do you know what this vanity plate says?
Always right
All we say is retweet
Answer in a retweet
Retweet me


30 - W8 4 IT
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you figure out what this person is trying to tell you?
Hate for it
Wait for it
Fate for informative talks
Fate for the win
26 - SLG BG 2
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you guess what kind of car this license plate would be found on?
Toyota Camry
Volkswagen Beetle
PT Cruiser
Dodge Ram
3 - 1 IT
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
You might see this license plate in Las Vegas. What does it say?
I'm it.
Look at me.
Won It
I'm in.


29 - AGR8PUP
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
If you see this plate, you might look for another passenger. What kind of passenger are you looking for?
A great puppy
A great dad
Age related dog
Age appropriate puppy
23 - 2LIL BBS
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
This person has two of something. What is it?
Twill bobbins
Two little books
Two little babies
Two lithium batteries
13 - BG BILL
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Someone with a Ferrari might have this license plate. Do you know what it means?
The car was expensive.
The car is red.
The driver likes "Kill Bill".
The driver has a big budget.


10 - UNDR D C
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Which Disney princess does a person with the license plate "UNDR D C" love?
34 - ILY BYE
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
You may see this plate speeding past you. What does it mean?
I looked at you, bye.
I love you, bye!
I'm loving this, bye!
I like your wave.
14 - PB4WEGO
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
This is a friendly reminder to everyone who gets in the car. What does it say?
Peanut butter for Wego.
Pee before we go.
Peanut butter for everyone.
P.B. knows us.


32 - 2 HGWRTS
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Do you think you can guess where this person wants to go?
To hot spas
To hot springs
To Hagnarts
To Hogwarts
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
This person is telling us something important. What is it?
Live my life
Live your life
Love my life
Love my wife
31 - HMU BOI
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What is this driver trying to tell you?
Have my money, boy?
Hide myself from you, boy.
Hit me up, boy.
How much time, boy?


33 - LOL IDC
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What does this license plate say?
Laughing out loud, I don't care
Little indecent
Laughable dork
Laughing out loud, I don't know
37 - IM L8 AGN
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
"IM L8 AGN" on a license plate means what?
I'm late again.
I'm late for an alignment.
I need a date.
I'm in trouble.
36 - CAPT AM
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Which comic book character is this persons favorite?
Iron Man
Captain America


Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
This person probably had a lot of people tailgating them. What does their license plate me?
Go to find me
Get off me
Got to find me
Got to follow me
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you figure out this person's favorite movie?
"Lost in Space"
"Speck Bills"
"Kill Bill"
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Do you think you can figure out what this license plate is asking?
Can you call me?
Can you hang out?
Can you see me?
Are you coming?


11 - CLCL8OR
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Do you know what this person does for a living?
Security guard
39 - 80SHAIR
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What does this vanity plate mean?
Share 80 things.
I'm 80, share the air.
'80s hair
Share the air.
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
What does a person with this vanity plate do for a living?
Drives a Dodge
Dodges doctors
Police officer


40 - MEB4U
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
You might think this person is selfish when you figure out their license plate. What does it mean?
You before me
Me want all
All for me
Me before you
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Do you know what this plate means?
This boy is American AF.
This boy is in the Armed Forces.
This boy is in the Air Force.
This boy is a farmer.
22 - E MCC
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Can you figure out this person's favorite subject?


9 - PCKL R1C
Michael-Merck/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
Someone with this license plate is probably a fan of which animated series?
"Rick and Morty"
"The Simpsons"
"Family Guy"