Can You Guess Which of These Two American Cities Is Furthest North?

By: Gavin Thagard
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Guess Which of These Two American Cities Is Furthest North?
Image: Ron and Patty Thomas/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When the first European explorers came to America, they had no idea that this "New World" would transform into the vast country it is today, with 50 states and thousands of cities stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. But that's exactly what happened, as the phrase "from sea to shining sea" became a reality. 

One of the more unique aspects of America's growth is how diverse the country has become during the transition from 13 colonies seeking independence to a nation filled with various ethnic groups who speak hundreds of languages. The unique cultures of these different groups have shaped cities all across the United States, no matter how far north or south they might be. After all, a city sitting on the coast of Oregon is far different from one located in the rural South, but they are still united in the American experience.

How familiar are you with the locations of famous and unique cities across America? Whether they're an hour apart or a day's drive, will you know which city is located further north on a map? Here's your chance to find out. When you're ready, take a shot at this quiz to see how well you know the makeup of America.

2 - Los Angeles and San Diego
ianmcdonnell/E+/Getty Images
Los Angeles and San Diego are two cities in California that are known for beautiful weather, but do you know which of these coastal cities sits further north?
Los Angeles
San Diego
3 - Birmingham and Atlanta
John Coletti/The Image Bank/Stone/Getty Images
A traveler could take I-20 east from Birmingham, Alabama, to Atlanta. Would they be further north when they reached Atlanta?
No, Birmingham is further north.
Yes, Atlanta is north of Birmingham.
4 - Seattle and Olympia
RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images
Is Seattle further north than Olympia, the capital of Washington?
Seattle is above Olympia.
Olympia is further north.


5 - St. Louis and Indianapolis
Davel5957/E+ John J. Miller Photogrpahy/Moment/Getty Images
St. Louis and Indianapolis are two major cities in the Midwest. Can you guess which one is north of the other?
St. Louis
6 - Columbus and Cincinnati
StanRohrer/E+/Getty Images
How well do you know the location of these two cities in Ohio: Columbus and Cincinnati?
Columbus is north of Cincinnati.
You'd be further north in Cincinnati.
7 - Houston and Dallas
stevecoleimages/E+/Getty Images
Where are Houston and Dallas located on a map?
Houston is north of Dallas on a map.
Dallas is the more northern city on a map.


8 - Philadelphia and Boston
dszc/E+ joe daniel price/Moment/Getty Images
Philadelphia and Boston are two cities rich in history, but a history buff would have to travel north to reach which city from the other?
They would travel north to get to Philadelphia.
It would take a trip north to get to Boston from Philadelphia.
9 - Tombstone and Sante Fe
Walter Bibikow/DigitalVision sjlayne/E+/Getty Images
The Wild West was shaped by cities like Tombstone, Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Would an outlaw be further north if they were in Tombstone or Santa Fe?
Santa Fe
10 - Orlando and Miami
Zsolt Hlinka/Moment Open/Getty Images
Are you familiar with the locations of Orlando and Miami, two major cities in Florida?
Orlando is north of Miami.
Miami is the northernmost city.


11 - Baltimore or Washington D.C.
Reed Kaestner/Corbis Richard Sharrocks/Moment/Getty Images
Select the city that's further north: Baltimore or Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
12 - Chattanooga and Knoxville
Christopher Higgins/Moment/Getty Images
The Appalachian Mountains cover the eastern half of Tennessee, where Chattanooga and Knoxville are located. Which of these cities is further north?
13 - Milwaukee or Chicago
Murat Taner/The Image Bank Ron and Patty Thomas/E+/Getty Images
Do you know whether Milwaukee or Chicago sits further north on Lake Michigan?
Milwaukee sits further north.
Chicago is north of Milwaukee.


14 - Salem and Portland
KingWu/E+ David Gn Photography/Moment/Getty Images
In Oregon, Salem is only an hour's drive from Portland, but does that drive take you north?
Yes, you have to go north to get to Salem from Portland.
No, Portland is north of Salem.
15 - Juneau or Anchorage
Paul Souders/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Can you guess which of these Alaskan cities is further north: Juneau or Anchorage?
16 - Albany and New York City
NicolasMcComber/E+/Getty Images
If the residents of New York City wanted to escape to the state capital in Albany, would they have to travel north?
Yes, Albany is north of New York City.
No, New York City sits north of Albany.


17 - Charlotte or Raleigh
Malcolm MacGregor/Moment/Getty Images
Is Charlotte or Raleigh further north in North Carolina?
18 - Baton Rouge and New Orleans
Siegfried Layda/The Image Bank/Getty Images
A journey down the Mississippi River will eventually take a boater to Louisiana, where they will pass through Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Where are these cities located along America's second longest river?
Baton Rouge is north of New Orleans.
New Orleans is north of Baton Rouge.
19 - Carson City and Las Vegas
ferrantraite/E+/Getty Images
If you're in Carson City, Nevada, are you traveling north to go gambling in Las Vegas?
Yes, Las Vegas is further north.
No, Carson City is north of Las Vegas.


20 - San Francisco and Sacramento
franckreporter/E+/Getty Images
How well do you know the location of these two major cities in California: San Francisco and Sacramento?
San Francisco is the northernmost city.
Sacramento is further north.
21 - Colorado Springs and Denver
JenniferPhotographyImaging/E+/Getty Images
Colorado is known for its high elevations, and that includes cities like Colorado Springs and Denver. But which of these two cities is further north?
Colorado Springs
22 - Lansing  Detroit
huePhotography/E+/Getty Images
Lansing is the capital of Michigan, even though Detroit is the state's largest city. Do you know if Michigan placed its capital further north than its largest city?
Lansing is north of Detroit.
Detroit is further north.


23 - Oklahoma City or Salt Lake City
John Elk/The Image Bank DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
Identify the city that sits further north on a map: Oklahoma City or Salt Lake City.
Oklahoma City
Salt Lake City
24 - Nashville and Jackson
© Nina Dietzel/Moment DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
If you live in Jackson, Mississippi, will a vacation to Nashville, Tennessee, take you north?
Yes, Nashville is north of Jackson.
No, you'd be further north in Jackson.
25 - Frankfort to Lexington
Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Does the trip from Frankfort to Lexington, Kentucky, take you north?
Of course, Lexington is north of Frankfort.
No, Frankfort is the northernmost city.


26 - Savannah and Charleston
DenisTangneyJr/E+ traveler1116/E+/Getty Images
Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina, are two historical cities located on the East Coast. Which of these coastal cities is north of the other?
27 - Tampa and Tallahassee
Carl & Ann Purcell/Corbis / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Can you guess if Tampa is further north than Tallahassee, Florida?
Tampa is further north.
Tallahassee is north of Tampa.
28 - Austin and San Antonio
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Head to the southern half of Texas, and you'll find Austin and San Antonio. How well do you know their exact locations?
Austin sits north of San Antonio.
San Antonio is the northernmost city.


29 - Norfolk and Richmond
traveler1116/E+/Getty Images
Are you heading north if you take the James River from Norfolk to Richmond, Virginia?
Yes, Richmond is north.
No, Norfolk is further north.
30 - Minneapolis or Bismarck
Davel5957/E+ Dennis Macdonald/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
Minnesota and North Dakota are two states that border Canada, but is Minneapolis or Bismarck further north?
31 - Topeka and Wichita
Derek Slagle/Moment/Getty Images
Would you travel north to get to Topeka from Wichita, Kansas?
Obviously, because Topeka is north of Wichita.
Nope, Wichita is the more northern city.


32 - Memphis and Little Rock
Bruce Yuanyue Bi/The Image Bank Davel5957/E+/Getty Images
Between Memphis, Tennessee, and Little Rock, Arkansas, can you select the city that's further north?
Little Rock
33 - Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
drnadig/E+/Getty Images
The bulk of Pennsylvania lies between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, but do you know which of these cities sits further north in the state?
34 - Charleston and Morgantown
dszc/E+/Getty Images
Two of West Virginia's largest cities, Charleston and Morgantown, are nestled in the Appalachian region in the Mountain State. Which of these cities is further north on a map?


35 - Reno and San Jose
Mitch Diamond/The Image Bank Terraxplorer/E+/Getty Images
Will a trip from Reno, Nevada, to San Jose, California, take you further north?
Yes, San Jose is north of Reno.
No, Reno is north of San Jose.
36 - Omaha or Lincoln
sharply_done/E+/Getty Images
What Nebraskan city is further north: Omaha or Lincoln?
37 - Atlantic City and Ocean City
Jon Hicks/Stone Jerry Driendl/Photodisc/Getty Images
Would you take a boat north to get from Atlantic City, New Jersey, to Ocean City, Maryland?
Yes, because Ocean City is north of Atlantic City.
Nope, Atlantic City is further north.


38 - Phoenix or Tucson
Thomas Roche/Moment/Getty Images
Can you guess which city in Arizona is further north: Phoenix or Tucson?
39 - Boise and Cheyenne
Darwin Fan/Moment Open DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
Where on a map will you find Boise, Idaho, and Cheyenne, Wyoming?
You'll find Boise further north.
A map will tell you Cheyenne is the northernmost city.
40 - Chicago or Cleveland
Mlenny/E+ RedBarnStudio/E+/Getty Images
Both Chicago and Cleveland are located on the Great Lakes, but which is further north?
Chicago, just barely
Cleveland, by a nose


1 - Augusta and Montpelier
VisionsofAmerica/Joe Sohm/Photodisc/ DenisTangneyJr/E+/Getty Images
The capitals of Maine and Vermont, two states in the far Northeast, are Augusta and Montpelier, respectively. Which capital is further north?