Can You Identify These Australian Fish?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify These Australian Fish?
Image: Ryan Newton/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

For too long, the marsupials have captivated the attention of Australian wildlife enthusiasts. Sure, koalas are as cute as a bug's ear and everyone has secretly wanted to try boxing a kangaroo, but have you ever looked in the rivers, lakes and oceans around Australia? They're positively teeming with unique wildlife. Some of it is small and unassuming, some of it is massive and dangerous. With over 5,000 species of fish, there's plenty to go around.

Australia's uniqueness is present as much in its waterways as it is on the land. Some species have been introduced from far away, like rainbow trout, but many species of fish can only be found in Australia, like the blind cave gudgeon. Surrounded on all sides by oceans, it has some of the most remarkable marine species in the world, too. If you want to catch the best champion giant black marlin, you do it in Australia!

So do you think you know the difference between a barramundi and a bullrout? Can you identify an Empire gudgeon at 50 paces? Is there any chance you'd not know an un-speckled hardyhead when you saw one? If you think you have what it takes, dive in and take the test!

Giant Black Marlin
Al McGlashan
This massive and dangerous-looking fish is prized by sport anglers. What is it?
Bony Bream
Giant Black Marlin
Northern Saratoga
Starry Triggerish
Murray Cod
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
This is the largest freshwater fish in Australia. What is it?
Murray Cod
Golden Perch
Mangrove Jack
Australian bass
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
This freshwater fish needs brackish, salty water to spawn. What is it?
Pink Snapper
Sleepy Cod
Australian Bass


Climbing Galaxias
Wiki Commons by StellaMcQ
This tube-shaped fish lives mostly in coastal streams. What is it?
Sleepy Cod
Golden Perch
Climbing Galaxias
Bony Bream
Giant Trevally
Wiki Commons
This highly aggressive fish is prized by anglers thanks to its size. What is it?
Giant Trevally
Jungle Perch
Yellowtail Kingfish
Eel-Tailed Catfish
Wiki Commons by Bahudhara
This fish looks like two other fish mixed together. What is it?
Yellowfin Tuna
Sea Mullet
Barcoo Grunter
Eel-Tailed Catfish


Steven Trainoff Ph.D./Moment Open/Getty Images
This fish is popular as a food item all over the world. What is it?
Bony Bream
Two-Spined Blackfish
Pete Atkinson/Stockbyte/Getty Images
This slim fish is related to the flying fish. What is it?
Mangrove Jack
Queensland Lungfish
Carp Gudgeon
Golden perch
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
This shiny-sounding fish is related to a very common North American species. What is it?
Golden Perch
Brown Trout
Pink Snapper
Freshwater Sawfish


Largetooth Sawfish
Wiki Commons by Simon Fraser University - University Communications
This industrious-sounding fish looks like a shark but is actually a ray. What is it?
River Blackfish
Giant Grouper
Largetooth Sawfish
Macquarie perch
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
This fish is often dark gray or black and is a threatened species in Australia. What is it?
Red Emperor
Sea Mullet
Macquarie Perch
Northern Saratoga
Queensland Lungfish
kenji 007
This large fish can grow to be over 4 feet long. What is it?
Queensland Lungfish
Mangrove Jack
Barcoo Grunter
Sea Mullet


DigiPub/Moment Open/Getty Images
This bright little fish is often kept in home aquariums. What is it?
Caro Gudgeon
River blackfish
This small-scaled fish is unique to Australia. What is it?
King George Whiting
River Blackfish
Brown Trout
doug4537/E+/Getty Images
This fish was imported to Australia from England. What is it?
Spotted Flagtail
Brown Trout
Flat Needlefish
Bloomfield River Cod


Bony bream
This small fish can be found all over northern and central Australia. What is it?
Bony Bream
Jungle Perch
Carp Gudgeon
Red emperor
This colorful tropical fish is highly valued for its meat. What is it?
Sleepy Cod
Red Emperor
Two-Spined Blackfish
Barcoo grunter
Tones' Backyard
This fish is sometimes known as a jade perch. What is it?
Flat Needlefish
Yellowtail Kingfish
Bloomfield River Cod
Barcoo Grunter


Grouper giant
Hal Beral/Corbis/Getty Images
This massive fish can grow to over 8 feet in length and 800 pounds. What is it?
Giant Grouper
Northern Saratoga
Sea Mullet
Carp Gudgeon
Heiko Bleher
These little fish look like they have feet. What are they?
Jungle Perch
Pink Snapper
Spotted Flagtail
Yellowfin Tuna
Steven Trainoff Ph.D./Moment Open/Getty Images
This popular fish is also known as ahi. What is it?
Yellowfin Tuna
Sea Mullet
King George Whiting


short finned eel
Nick Volpe
These long fish start life as transparent larvae in the ocean before heading to fresh water as they mature. What are they?
Short-Finned Eel
Mangrove Jack
Bloomfield River Cod
Starry Triggerfish
Mangrove Jack
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
This fish is often found near tree-lined areas. What is it?
Mangrove Jack
Starry Triggerfish
Luke Messenger
This dangerous fish is usually well camouflaged. What is it?
Spotted Flagtail
Sea Mullet


Northern Saratoga
Wiki Commons by Ginkgo100
This fish is sometimes caught as a sport fish but is usually not eaten due to numerous little bones. What is it?
Jungle Perch
Northern Saratoga
Short-Headed Lamprey
Sea Mullet
Sleepy cod
Wiki Commons by BeauMans
This lazy-sounding fish is one of the most popular fish for eating in Australia. What is it?
Starry Triggerfish
King George Whiting
Jungle Perch
Sleepy Cod
pink snapper
Wiki Commons by brian gratwicke
This colorful fish is valued commercially and with sport fishermen. What is it?
Carp Gudgeon
Bony Bream
Pink Snapper
Flat Needlefish


Bloomfield River cod
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
If you catch this freshwater fish, you're legally required to return to safely to the water. What is it?
Bloomfield River Cod
Flat Needlefish
Starry Triggerfish
Wiki Commons by NOZO
This fish is also called a mosquitofish. What is it?
Yellowtail Kingfish
Barcoo Grunter
Jungle Perch
Taylor Bros Adventures
This sport fish is often very hard to find in the wild. What is it?
Jungle Perch
Spotted Flagtail
King George Whiting


Two-Spined Blackfish
Mark Jekabsons
These fish often have a leopard-like pattern. What are they?
Brown Trout
Giant Trevally
Carp Gudgeon
Two-Spined Blackfish
Sea Mullet
Nicholas Free/E+/Getty Images
This popular, tasty fish mostly feeds on algae and detritus. What is it?
Sea Mullet
Spotted Flagtail
Carp Gudgeon
King George Whiting
Wiki Commons by Rick Stuart-Smith/Reef life Survey
This fish is sometimes called an elbow slapper. What is it?
King George Whiting
Starry Triggerfish
Bony Bream


Carp Gudgeon
Wiki Commons by Codman at English Wikipedia
These small fish work really well in aquariums. What are they?
Short-headed Lamprey
Carp Gudgeon
Spotted Flagtail
Yellowtail Kingfish
Wiki Commons by Nholtzha
This fish likes to hang around wrecks under water. What is it?
Yellowtail Kingfish
Murray Cod
Starry Triggerfish
Wiki Commons by Izuzuki
The skin of this ocean fish is sometimes turned into leather. What is it?
Starry Triggerfish
Freshwater Sawfish
Barcoo Grunter


Short Headed lamprey
This eel-like fish can grow to about a foot and a half in length. What is it?
Australian Bass
Short-Headed Lamprey
Boney Bream
Flat Needlefish.
Humberto Ramirez/Moment/Getty Images
This fish is also called a houndfish. What is it?
River Blackfish
Flat Needlefish
georgeclerk/E+/Getty Images
This fish gets its name from an Aboriginal word that means "large-scaled silver fish." What is it?
Spotted Flagtail
Jon Dory
Sleepy Cod


Gummy shark
Ryan Newton/Moment Open/Getty Images
This fish is also known as a Sweet William. What is it?
Gummy Shark
Queensland Lungfish
Giant Grouper