Can You Identify These Canadian Animals?

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Identify These Canadian Animals?
Image: Brent Mooers / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

From a squirrel on the way to work to a deer in a field on the way home, there's wildlife all over Canada — whether you know it or not! You don't need to venture far into the woods to see animals, as they can be found in even the biggest cities as well. While in the city, it's most common to see smaller animals like chipmunks or raccoons, on rare occasions you can see other large animals. You've seen them, but can you name them?

In Canada, you've probably learned all of your Canadian animals in school. However, many animals are easy to get confused with one another. Usually, if you can identify distinct features or behaviours of an animal, then you'll be able to tell which of the two animals it really is. Other animals, such as grizzly bears and black bears, are much easier to tell from one another. One big factor is their different coloring and size. Canadians have an amazing opportunity to encounter these incredible animals almost any time that we step outside. We just have to know the best way to observe the animals in their daily lives and keep safety in mind.

If you can tell a beaver from an otter, then this is the quiz for you. See how well you know your Canadian animals with this quiz!

Great horned owl
Izumi T / Moment / Getty Images
Do you know this distinct-looking bird?
Barn owl
Great horned owl
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Great horned owls are majestic birds we often find in our own backyards. Excellent hunters, these birds are capable of picking up animals like small dogs. It's always essential to keep an eye out for your pets for this reason!

Jeff R Clow / Moment / Getty Images
You'll find this animal deep in the woods. What majestic animal is this?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The moose is another important animal to Canada that often comes up in conversation with visitors from other countries. While moose are mostly secluded animals we don’t see every day, even we marvel at the sight of them!

Picture by Tambako the Jaguar / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this animal known to be one of Canada's big cats?
Mountain lion
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A beautiful grey cat, the lynx is easily confused with the bobcat. When looking at a lynx, you'll find that its back legs are taller than the front. Unlike many other big cats in the country, it also has a very stubby tail.


Canada Goose
© Justin Lo / Moment / Getty Images
The animal shown here is known to migrate in the winter. Do you know what it is?
Canadian goose
Correct Answer
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Despite being such an iconic Canadian bird, it doesn't appear on any of our coins. They're known for flying in their V formation, which allows them to keep watch on their fellow birds as well as have it easier while flying.

Black bear
Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images / Moment / Getty Images
Though strong and powerful, this animal surprisingly isn't the biggest of its kind. Which animal is it?
Grizzly bear
Polar bear
Sloth bear
Black bear
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Coming into contact with any bear would be intimidating, but did you know that the black bear is not as large as a grizzly bear? It's still important to be well-versed in what to do when encountering a bear, regardless of its size.

Timber Wolf
Jim Cumming / Moment / Getty Images
Do you know the large canine that lurks in the forests that's pictured here?
Timber wolf
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

One of the largest of its kind is the timber wolf, and you can find it in our Canadian woods. Usually traveling in packs, the wolves are often family. Did you know that when a wolf finds a mate, they are mates for life?


Arctic hare
Posnov / Moment / Getty Images
Unless you live somewhere like the Northwest Territories, you probably won't see much of these. Can you name them?
Arctic hare
Eastern cottontail
White-tailed jackrabbit
Snowshoe hare
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Arctic hares like to stay where it's cold and snowy most of the time. While when you spot one, you'll usually notice that it seems to be alone, these hares live in huge groups. Three might be a crowd, but 200 is a small town!

Jeff R Clow / Moment / Getty Images
This fish lives in the many lakes of Canada and sounds like a common pet. What is its name?
Lake trout
Correct Answer
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Catfish are known for having long whiskers, but did you know that these are used for tasting? Not only does it help with feeling around, but it also identifies what the catfish is about to eat. Catfish come in thousands of different species as well.

Daniel Hernanz Ramos / Moment / Getty Images
Which animal shown here can't roar as most like it can?
Clouded leopard
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When you think of a cougar, you probably picture it roaring or stalking its prey. These animals are among the many predators in the Canadian forests, along with wolves, bears, coyotes and even wolverines.


Beluga whale
Mar Merelo / Moment / Getty Images
Can you name this adorable and intelligent animal that's found in cold waters surrounding the country?
Killer whale
White shark
Humpback whale
Beluga whale
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You've probably seen them on countless Marine Land commercials, but catching a glimpse of these beautiful creatures in the wild is like nothing else. If you see one whale, you'll likely see many of them, as they travel in pods.

White-tailed deer
Jérémie LeBlond-Fontaine / Moment / Getty Images
Of the following, which animal shown here has a "flag"?
Mule deer
White-tailed deer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The "flag" on a white-tailed deer is better known as its tail, as they lift it when scared or running from something. In addition to this species, there are many other types of deer in Canada, such as the mule deer, which is also similar to the black-tailed deer.

Scott Suriano / Moment / Getty Images
It's hard to catch this speedy animal. What is it?
Correct Answer
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The pronghorn is the fastest in the country, but you have to be when you're hunted by other fast animals! Though they strongly resemble an antelope, they aren't classified as them. These animals inhabit the Great Plains.


Sandra Standbridge / Moment / Getty Images
When you think of this animal, the word "honey" might come to mind. What animal is it?
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Badgers live where it's mostly open, such as fields where they scavenge for food and spend lots of their time digging. Unfortunately, badgers are an endangered species in Canada, but their population is under strict management.

Red fox
mlorenzphotography / Moment / Getty Images
Can you name the small member of the canine family shown here?
Arctic fox
Red fox
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The red fox is somewhat different than a wolf or coyote in that they are usually very solitary. When it's time to mate, however, they come together and most commonly stick with their chosen mate for life. Did you know that a female red fox is known as a vixen?

Bighorn sheep
Sandra Leidholdt / Moment / Getty Images
It's hard to miss this mountain-dweller when you see it, but can you tell what its name is?
Bighorn sheep
Dorset horn sheep
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The bighorn sheep isn't afraid of heights. When they're born, it's high above the ground on the ledge of a mountain. Luckily, they aren't clumsy, and they're built to traverse the rocky and unpredictable terrain.


Jérémie LeBlond-Fontaine / Moment / Getty Images
Which majestic animal found throughout most of Canada is pictured here?
Mule deer
White-tailed deer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

With most species in the deer family, the males are the only ones with antlers. This isn't true in the case of the caribou, where males and females both have them. However, caribou in the wild don't live very long and do well if they reach 5 years old.

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The only thing not to love about them is their smell! Do you know which animal this is?
Striped polecat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They're hard to miss with their black-and-white coloring! A skunk knows how to ward off danger. First it hopes you’ll leave after seeing it. Then it warns you with a few movements. If you’re still there, it resorts to spraying!

Garter snake
Rebecca Richardson / Moment / Getty Images
If you don't like serpents, then this isn't the photo for you! But can you still name this animal?
Garter snake
Rubber boa
Queen snake
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While walking around your neighborhood or backyard, you've probably had a look at this common garter snake. Though they can be scary on the first glimpse, the garter snake isn't usually venomous or poisonous and can't do too much damage.


Polar bear
Kerstin Meyer / Moment / Getty Images
Look at the back of a toonie and you'll see which animal shown here?
Grizzly bear
Black bear
Panda bear
Polar bear
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Polar bears are found in Northern Canada, but they're not an animal that you would want to come face to face with. Their large size and great strength make them exceptional predators that can take down many other animals on the tundra.

Vancouver Island Marmot
Youtube via Shaw TV Nanaimo
You'll find this creature towards the West Coast, but do you know what it's called?
Vancouver Island marmot
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Unfortunately, the Vancouver Island marmot is one Canadian species that has been on the decline. They like to inhabit mountainous regions, and there are just around 200 of them still left in the country. One great organization that's helping to protect them is the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Foundation.

Pixabay / KOlgal12
This fast bird is often found on the water. What is it?
Marbled duck
Correct Answer
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Waterfowl can fly at around 60 kilometers per hour, so they have to slow down in construction zones! Did you know that eating dirt is beneficial for waterfowl? It's used to help them ingest their main diet, such as insects.


Monarch butterfly
Marcia Straub / Moment / Getty Images
Which animal, which adds a little more beauty to the country, is shown here?
Black swallowtail
American snout
Monarch butterfly
Eastern comma
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Monarchs love milkweeds for many reasons. There's poison within the milkweed that the Monarch can ingest but predators of the butterfly cannot. Animals are smart, but the monarch is on the next level for teaching itself this trick!

AYImages / E+ / Getty Images
Even if you've lived in Canada, you probably haven't encountered one of these solitary animals. Which of the following is it?
Pine marten
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the Canadian forests lives an animal that's often thought of as vicious. Wolverines are known for being aggressive, but generally, they keep to themselves. Provoking or bothering them is never a wise idea, however.

Atlantic puffin
mantaphoto / E+ / Getty Images
Can you name this cool-looking animal that resembles a tropical bird?
Bald eagle
Turkey vulture
Atlantic puffin
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You can't take these birds out of the water! It's easy to see these birds in the spring, as they have an intense orange beak which dulls throughout the year. If you're going to look for them, make sure you pack your coat because it gets cold in their habitat.


Picture by Tambako the Jaguar / Moment / Getty Images
This animal is ambidextrous, just like we are. What are they?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Raccoons are often treated like pests for their tendency to get into garbage and other things around a yard. When they aren't in your yard, they are often on the hunt looking for food such as snakes or small birds.

KenCanning / E+ / Getty Images
Poking around Canadian terrain is this little animal called what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The porcupine is not exactly an animal that you want to come in contact with, but they're great to get a look at from afar. These critters were once thought to shoot quills, but it has been proven that the only way to get them is by touching the quills yourself.

Youtube via Vermont Multimedia Group
They look cute, but they’re not pets. The ferret-like animal shown here is called what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The fisher is small but a skilled hunter. While a fisher probably won't try to hunt you, they might try to hunt a small cat, so it's always good to stay on watch in your backyard. Typically, they look for small animals like rabbits or birds to eat. They also love a good feast of fish every now and then as well!


Brown bat
-AZ- / E+ / Getty Images
It's hard not to think of these animals without associating them with the night. What is it?
Brown bat
Flying squirrel
Mega bat
Vampire bat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Brown bats are nocturnal and have exceptionally long life spans. One bat can live to be almost 20 years old. One heartbreaking thing about their life span is that many bats aren't able to sustain themselves and die quite young.

Snowy owl
pixzzle / E+ / Getty Images
One variation of this species, the animal shown here, goes by which name?
Snowy owl
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

With incredible hearing, these birds are great at getting enough food to survive. Their white feathers allow them to blend in with the snow in the arctic conditions that they live in. They have no trouble surviving in the coldest of temperatures, just like Canadians!

R. Andrew Odum / Photodisc / Getty Images
While venomous, it likes to keep quiet and to itself. Which of the following is it?
Night snake
Garter snake
Prairie rattlesnake
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This snake tends to live in Southern Ontario. It's mostly calm so long as you don't threaten it. They're often so well hidden that you won't even see them. What you don't know can't hurt you, right?


Honey bee
proxyminder / E+ / Getty Images
Which animals is working hard to keep our country's environment flourishing?
Honey bee
Drone fly
Parasitic flies
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Honey bees are important in almost every habitat, and they're crucial to Canada as a whole. Without them, the vegetation in the country would start dying. Honey Nut Cheerios is one example of companies doing their part to help sustain the bees that we rely on.

Pine Marten
Richard McManus / Moment / Getty Images
A popular tree might cross your mind when thinking of this animal. Which of the following is it?
Pine marten
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Though it can look very much like a red fox, the pine marten is actually much different. Did you know that they are born like cats and dogs where they're both blind and deaf? The two senses start developing as they grow older.

Harp seal
Tier Und Naturfotografie J und C Sohns / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images
The cute and cuddly-looking animal shown here is known as what?
Sea lion
Harp seal
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Harp seals live in harsh conditions, so they always need to be prepared. Since they can't just go out to the store to pick up a coat, they instead grow their own each year in order to keep themselves warm. They also have a unique ability to stay underwater for long periods of time.


KenCanning / E+ / Getty Images
The animal shown here is found on the loonie. Do you know what it is?
Canadian goose
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The loonie was given this unique name for a reason — there's a loon on one side. While this bird is uniquely Canadian in many ways, it's also found in the United States. Did you know that the loon can indicate an environment that is especially healthy?

Jouko van der Kruijssen / Moment / Getty Images
You won't find a more playful animal in the Canadian wild than this one. It's known as what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Otters are much more than just playful, they also are happy to help out their fellow otters. Adoption is not uncommon in the otter world, as otter mothers are always happy to help out in raising young. This was found to be true in an aquarium which tested the theory with their mother otter.

Enn Li Photography / Moment / Getty Images
The animal pictured here, known for its tall antlers, is called what?
White-tailed deer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Elk is part of the deer family, and it's also called a wapiti by the Native Americans. Just as most others in the deer family, the elk lose its antlers every year. They love the mountains, so if you want to get a look at them, you'll have to pack your hiking clothes.


mikeojohnson photography - / Moment / Getty Images
Its huge teeth are unmistakable, but what is its name?
Beluga whale
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A walrus is found up near the North Pole but has nothing to do with Santa. Not much can pose a risk to it except for polar bears that are always looking for a bite to eat. To be prepared for Arctic cold conditions, the walrus is packed with thick blubber that works to keep it warm.

Corey Ford/Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
An elephant has two, but this animal only has one. This unicorn-like animal is known as what?
Sea lion
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Narwhals are known for some gigantic tusks at their lip. They're made of ivory which grows in a spiral pattern. Unfortunately, this majestic animal is under protection as they are close to being threatened.

jeffhochstrasser / E+ / Getty Images
The animal shown here is almost synonymous with this great country. What is it?
Pine marten
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The beaver is a huge part of Canadian culture, showing up on the Canadian nickel. Did you know that these adorable animals slap their tails against the water when they are scared? It also serves as a warning.


RichLegg / E+ / Getty Images
A visit to the open Great Plains will let you get a glimpse of this majestic animal. Do you know its name?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

With large muscles to help it survive in the terrain, the bison is over 1,000 pounds. Unfortunately, like many other species, the bison population has been on the decline due to a few factors such as loss of habitat.

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Brent Mooers / Moment / Getty Images