Can You Identify These Lizard Species?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Identify These Lizard Species?
Image: Fuse / Corbis / Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's mind-blowing to think that there are species of lizards on Earth right now, just basking in the sun on a rock somewhere, that have barely changed at all in millions of years.

Lizards are just a hearty group of little beasts that seem to be able to endure a lot and keep on keeping on. They're also incredibly cool. From the tiniest little gecko you can keep as a pet in a tank in your house where it might eat a cricket a day, to the massive and terrifying Komodo dragon which can take down man-sized prey, there's a wicked diversity in the world of lizards. 

It's hard not to be fascinated by these throwbacks to prehistoric times. They're like a living reminder of a history we can never truly know, of what the world might have looked like long before humans ever showed up. That's a pretty cool thing, and it deserves a little respect and recognition.

Speaking of recognition, now's your time to shine by showing us how many species of lizards you recognize. There are many of them in the world. Do you think you can pick out 40 of them? Let's find out!

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu / Moment / Getty Images
You can find this nefarious creature in Madagascar. What's it called?
Black and White Tegu
Crested Gecko
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Veiled Chameleon
Plumed Basilisk
KenCanning / E+ / Getty Images
This lizard can run across water for short distances. What is it?
Plumed Basilisk
Standing's Day Gecko
Chinese Water Dragon
Fire Skink
Nile Monitor
Franz Aberham / Photodisc / Getty Images
This lizard can grow to be larger than a human. What is it?
Collared Lizard
Red Tegu
Knight Anole
Nile Monitor


Marine Iguana
Gfed / E+ / Getty Images
You can only find this lizard on the Galapagos Islands. What is it?
Gidgee Skink
Marine Iguana
Mangrove Monitor
Frilled Lizard
Green Anole
Zen Rial / Moment / Getty Images
This lizard sometimes goes by the name "American chameleon." What's its more formal name?
Mali Uromastyx
Gold Tegu
Desert Iguana
Green Anole
Veiled Chameleon
MarkBridger / Moment / Getty Images
In Hawaii, this lizard has become an invasive species. Do you know what it is?
Grand Cayman Blue Iguana
Veiled Chameleon
Cape Monitor
Frilled Lizard


Red Tegu
Wiki Commons by Dick Culbert
Name this bulky lizard that can grow to 4 feet in length and makes an oddly good house pet.
Red Tegu
Desert Iguana
Centra American Banded Gecko
Argus Monitor
Australian Water Dragon
Richard Sharrocks / Moment / Getty Images
Swimming and climbing are two of this lizard's strengths. Name it!
Prehensile-Tailed Skink
Bibron's Gecko
Australian Water Dragon
Ornate Uromastyx
Bearded Dragon
simonkr / E+ / Getty Images
This Australian lizard is kept as a pet throughout the world. What is it?
Bearded Dragon
Common Tegu
Gargoyle Gecko
Northern Alligator Lizard


Blue-Tongued Skink
Robin Bush / Photodisc / Getty Images
Because of its little legs, this lizard is pretty slow. What is it called?
Caiman Lizard
Green Water Dragon
Blue-Tongued Skink
Sailfin Dragon
Burton's Legless Lizard
Henry Cook / Moment Open / Getty Images
No, it's not a snake. What is it?
Spiny-Neck Monitor
Green Basilisk
Asian Water Monitor
Burton's Legless Lizard
Caiman Lizard
Tambako the Jaguar / Moment / Getty Images
This lizard is closely related to the tegu. Do you know it?
Caiman Lizard
Bibron's Gecko
Leopard Gecko
Gidgee Skink


Buddy Mays / Corbis / Getty Images
This lizard is a desert-dwelling vegan. What is it called?
Knight Anole
Black Iguana
Southern Alligator Lizard
Crested Gecko
Nancy Nehring / Moment Mobile / Getty Images
People thought this species was extinct until 1994. Name it!
Fat-Tailed Gecko
Crested Gecko
Panther Chameleon
Black Monitor
Egyptian Uromastyx
Wiki Commons by Eitan f
Bedouins used to hunt this lizard for its leather. What is it?
Crocodile Monitor
Argus Lizard
Thorny Red Dragon
Egyptian Uromastyx


Flying Gecko
up close with nature / Moment Open / Getty Images
This lizard's camouflage is so good, it's nearly impossible to see it in the wild. Name it!
Flying Gecko
Cape Monitor
Giant Water Dragon
Spear-Tailed Skink
Fire Skink
Wiki Commons by Haplochromis
Burrowing is one of this lizard's skills. Do you know its name?
Savannah Monitor
Fire Skink
Day Gecko
Rough-Scaled Lizard
Frilled Lizard
Natphotos / Photodisc / Getty Images
The original "Jurassic Park" featured a dinosaur inspired by this lizard. Do you know what it is?
Mourning Gecko
Frilled Lizard
Red-Tailed Skink


Galapagos Land Iguana
guenterguni / E+ / Getty Images
Darwin first described these lizards as "ugly." What are they?
Mexican Beaded Lizard
Rough Knob-Tailed Gecko
White-Throated Monitor
Galapagos Land Iguana
Gila Monster
ebettini / E+ / Getty Images
This is the only venomous lizard in the United States. Name it!
Gila Monster
Ornate Uromastyx
Banded Gecko
Silver Monitor
Giant Hispaniola Galliwasp
Wiki Commons by Onagro
Some people believe this lizard is venomous, but it's not. Do you recognize it?
Beaded Lizard
Horned Monitor
Giant Hispaniola Galliwasp
Zephyr Gecko


Jackson's Chameleon
Bill Adams / Moment Open / Getty Images
This African lizard can now be found in Florida, Hawaii and California. What is it?
Jackson's Chameleon
Spiked Basilisk
Green Tegu
Archer's Gecko
Gargoyle Gecko
DavidCallan / E+ / Getty Images
You can only find this lizard at the Southern tip of New Caledonia. What is it?
Hart's Dragon
Red-Crested Skink
Savannah Monitor
Gargoyle Gecko
Komodo Dragon
jokoleo / Moment / Getty Images
This is arguably the biggest, most dangerous lizard on Earth. What's it called?
River Monitor
Komodo Dragon
Fire-Bellied Dragon
Rock Iguana


Posnov / Moment / Getty Images
Another name for this lizard is "thorny devil." What else is it called?
Mountain Horned Dragon
Green Tegu
Argus Monitor
Monkey-Tailed Skink
R. Andrew Odum / Photodisc / Getty Images
These herbivores are known to eat toxic plants with no problems. What are they?
Leopard Gecko
Asian Water Dragon
Monkey-Tailed Skink
Blue Anole
Mountain Horned Dragon
Wiki Commons by Tom Oates
This lizard is sometimes called a pricklenape agama. What else is it called?
Mountain Horned Dragon
Jeweled Lacerta
Fat-Tailed Gecko
Gold-Dust Day Gecko


Mexican Beaded Lizard
James Gerholdt / Stockbyte / Getty Images
A bite from this lizard will lead to a solid day of excruciating pain. What is it?
Green Anole
Feathered Uromastyx
Desert Monitor
Mexican Beaded Lizard
Northern Alligator Lizard
Wiki Commons by Marshal Hedin
You can find this lizard along the Pacific Coast and up to the Rocky Mountains. What is it?
Northern Alligator Lizard
Red Tegu
Caiman Lizard
Mangrove Monitor
suebg1 photography / Moment / Getty Images
People sometimes call this the "giant dragon lizard." What other name does it go by?
Gold Tegu
Lined Day Gecko
Brown Anole


Texas Horned Lizard
Jeremy Woodhouse / Photodisc / Getty Images
This lizard will sometimes be called a frog or a toad, even though it's neither one. Name it!
Texas Horned Lizard
Argentine Tegu
Southern Alligator Lizard
Beaded Lizard
Tokay Gecko
Photografica / Moment Open / Getty Images
They named this lizard after the sound it makes. What is it?
Shingleback Skink
Rhinoceros Iguana
Tokay Gecko
Argus Monitor
Steve Taylor Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images
In a very technical way, this little New Zealander isn't even a lizard. What do you call it?
Flying Gecko
Panther Chameleon
Mangrove Monitor


Savannah Monitor
Jasius / Moment / Getty Images
These lizards are sometimes trapped for their leather. Do you know what they are called?
Savannah Monitor
Green Water Dragon
Gila Monster
Cuban Rock Iguana
manoa / Moment / Getty Images
This large lizard is remarkably tame and tends to make a decent pet if you have the time to care for it. What is it?
Fat-Tailed Gecko
Caiman Lizard
Cuban Rock Iguana
Sailfin Dragon
Eastern Fence Lizard
Wiki Commons by SchloughM
Some people call this a prairie lizard or a pine lizard. What else is it called?
Desert Iguana
Veiled Chameleon
Argentine Tegu
Eastern Fence Lizard


Dumeril's Monitor
Wiki Commons by Katerina Zareva, EERC Sofia Zoo
This lizard eats mostly crab, but it may try some other fish or rodents in a pinch. Name it!
Gidgee Skink
Dumeril's Monitor
Water Monitor
Frog-Eyed Gecko
Wiki Commons by Kvak
This desert lizard could live up to 20 years in captivity. What's it called?
Frog-Eyed Gecko
Crocodile Monitor
Knight Anole
Jeweled Lacerta
Fabrizio Moglia / Moment Open / Getty Images
You can feed this little fellow bugs or smashed fruit. Do you know what it's called?
Jeweled Lacerta
Common Tegu
Fire Skink
Crested Gecko


Leopard Gecko
Tanya Little / Moment Open / Getty Images
This popular pet originally comes from around India. Do you recognize it?
Gold Tegu
Nile Monitor
Leopard Gecko
Jackson's Chameleon