Can You Name All of These HVAC Tools?

By: Robin Tyler
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Name All of These HVAC Tools?
Image: fstop123 / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

A toolbox is an essential must-have in many different types of employment around the world. A car mechanic, for sure!  An electrician ... can't do without one. A handyman, yes of course.

And in the world of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), it is no different. Of course, although many tools are similar, there are many specialized pieces of equipment that are used on a daily basis to not only help with repairs but detect problems. A great example of this would be a leak in the gas system that forms an integral part of your air conditioner. Leaking gas means it certainly is not operating properly, so that means not enough warmth in winter or cold air in summer.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are found all over, in our homes, at our offices and even in our cars. Each of these needs to be maintained to keep the system in peak shape, able to do its job at 100%.

So in this quiz, we are going to see if you can identify the tools an HVAC technician would have in his toolbox. Some are similar to what technicians in other fields would carry, while others are specific to the field.

Can you pick them out?

Good luck!

Multipurpose screwdriver
Zoonar RF / Zoonar / Getty Images Plus
Identify the tool in this picture, a must in any HVAC toolbox.
Multipurpose screwdriver
Flat nose pliers
Flat nose pliers
Zoonar RF / Zoonar / Getty Images Plus
What is this tool called?
Multipurpose screwdriver
Flat nose pliers
WikimediaImages / Pixabay
This should be the easiest tool to identify. It is found in almost every toolbox including in the HVAC industry.
Multipurpose screwdriver
Flat nose pliers


WikimediaImages / Pixabay
To illuminate things, a toolbox should include a ____________
Multipurpose screwdriver
Flat nose pliers
Cordless drill
jeanvdmeulen / Pixabay
When you're making holes, you use the piece of equipment shown here. What is it?
Cordless drill
Flat nose pliers
Multipurpose screwdriver
Heavy duty sprayer
energyy / E+ / Getty Images
You would think this would be found in a garden, but it has its place in the HVAC environment. What is it?
Cordless drill
Flat nose pliers
Heavy duty sprayer


Thick gloves
Buntysmum / Pixabay
Every toolbox should carry protection for its owner. What are these?
Thick gloves
Heavy duty sprayer
Multipurpose screwdriver
CDHGROUP / Pixabay / Hemera Technologies / / Getty Images Plus
Helps you reach the hard-to-reach places. What is this piece of equipment called?
Cordless drill
Heavy duty sprayer
Thick gloves
Wire strippers
dlerick / E+ / Getty Images
Any idea as to the name of this tool?
Cordless drill
Multipurpose screwdriver
Wire strippers


Heavy-duty tape measure
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay
How long is it? This will help!
Heavy-duty tape measure
Wire strippers
Flat nose pliers
Crescent wrench
kyoshino / E+ / Getty Images
In this image, we have a ________________
Cordless drill
Crescent wrench
Thick gloves
Allen key set
Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images
An alternative fastening system, can you name this tool?
Crescent wrench
Allen key set


Metal cutters
Louise Docker Sydney Australia / Moment Open / Getty Images
Identify this HVAC tool that is used often.
Allen key set
Metal cutters
Flat-nose pliers
4volvos / Pixabay
This tool performs a variety of functions. What is it?
Metal cutters
Two-way radio
Drill bits
Hemera Technologies / / Getty Images Plus / Arthur S. Aubry / Photodisc / Getty Images
One tool is useless without these. What are they?
Drill bits


Coil fin straightener
Craig Reed via YouTube
This is a specialized HVAC tool. What is it called?
Drill bits
Heavy duty sprayer
Tape measure
Coil fin straightener
Digital thermometer
Jasmin Merdan / Moment / Getty Images
This measures hot and cold ... but what is it?
Digital thermometer
Coil fin straightener
Stockbyte / Getty Images
A tool for every occasion. What is shown here?
Phillips screwdriver
Digital thermometer
Flat nose pliers


Diane Labombarbe / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Cuts just about anything. Can you name it?
Cordless drill
Safety glasses
Hemera Technologies / / Getty Images Plus
Only for protection, name the tool in this image?
Safety glasses
Digital thermometer
Vacuum pump
ftwitty / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have any idea what this tool is called?
Vacuum pump
Safety glasses
Thick gloves


Needle nose pliers
Brand X Pictures / Stockbyte / Getty Images
When another version of this tool won't work, you turn to this one. What is it?
Tape measure
Vacuum pump
Wire strippers
Needle nose pliers
Temperature clamp
Southwire Tools & Equipment via YouTube
Used for tell how hot or cold certain points in the HVAC system is, this tool is a must! What is it?
Temperature clamp
Needle nose pliers
Cordless drill
PVC cutters
Commercial Industrial Supply via YouTube
Used to create the right lengths of piping an HVAC tech works with every day, can you name the tool?
Temperature clamp
PVC cutter
Side cutters


Infrared digital thermometer
Lebazele / E+ / Getty Images
The most accurate way to take temperature readings is with this tool. Do you know what it is called?
PVC cutters
Vacuum pump
Infrared digital thermometer
Side snips
Comstock / Stockbyte / Getty Images
The tool shown in this image is a ___________
Infrared digital thermometer
Side snips
Flatnosed pliers
Refrigeration gauges
AC Service Tech LLC via YouTube
Are you able to identify this strange-looking tool, a must in any HVAC toolbox?
Side snips
Refrigeration gauges
Heavy duty sprayer


Caulking gun
Brand X Pictures / Stockbyte / Getty Images
This is usually filled with silicone. What is it?
Cordless drill
Tube of glue
Refrigeration gauges
Caulking gun
Micron gauge
Fieldpiece Instruments via YouTube
Another gauge! What is this HVAC-specific tool called?
Infrared digital thermometer
Caulking gun
Micron gauge
Refrigeration gauges
Core removal tool
Jon HVAC via YouTube
What tool is shown here?
Core removal tool
Micron gauge


Extension cord
Bill Oxford / E+ / Getty Images
Could you please identify what we have in this image?
Core removal tool
Extension cord
Cordless drill
Heavy-duty scissors
Jonathan Kitchen / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Another important tool that is often overlooked, what is shown in this image?
Extension cord
Allen key set
Crescent wrench
Heavy-duty scissors
Side cutters
Tubing cutter
Louise Docker Sydney Australia / Moment Open / Getty Images
This tool is used daily in the world of the HVAC technician. What is it?
Tubing cutter
Drill bits
Core removal tool
Heavy duty sprayer


Wet Dry vacuum cleaner
Wiki Commons by Nynexman4464
Not something you would think would be needed in the world of HVAC ... but it comes in very handy.
Wet/Dry vacuum cleaner
Heavy duty sprayer
Tubing cutters
Refrigeration gauges
Leak detector
Eddie L. via YouTube
Can you identify this tool?
Extension cord
Leak detector
Wet/Dry vacuum cleaner
Safety glasses
Ear muffs
DonNichols / E+ / Getty Images
A tool for protection, what is shown in this image?
Leak detector
Heavy duty gloves
Safety glasses
Ear muffs


Pipe wrench
VisualField / E+ / Getty Images
Found in every toolbox in the world, what do we have here?
Ear muffs
Pipe wrench
Flat nosed screwdriver
Steel-toed boots
Blue Mountain Images / Moment / Getty Images
Always keep a pair of these handy! What are they?
Steel-toed boots
Safety glasses
Pipe wrench
Ear muffs
Manifold gauges
Lennox Learning Solutions via YouTube
More dials! What are these called?
Manifold gauges
Micron guage
Temperature gauge
Steel-tipped boots


Welding torch
RyersonClark / E+ / Getty Images
Sometimes metal has to be joined. You do it with this. What is it?
Heavy duty sprayer
Welding torch
Glue gun
Manifold gauge