Can You Name the Monster Movie From an Image?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Name the Monster Movie From an Image?
Image: Warner Bros/Amblin Entertainment

About This Quiz

Horror movies can be divided up into a number of sub-sections that each have their own unique spin on terror. Slasher movies give us terrifying killers who stalk their prey often across numerous sequels. Body horror is all about some nightmare altering who and what we are physically. The zombie genre explores the walking dead, while vampire horror features bloodsucking creatures of the night. When it comes down to it though, no sub-genre is anywhere near as cool as monster movies.

A good monster movie can be fully immersed in horror or dabble in sci-fi. It can have elements of comedy like "Gremlins" or it can even have a Western flair like "Tremors." You can make a musical horror like "Little Shop of Horrors" and you can make it into a box-office smash film like Stephen King's "IT," which broke records and gave everyone nightmares. Monsters can be used to represent all of our fears and anxieties in the coolest and most fun ways imaginable, plus they can make you jump a little bit if they're done right. If you feel like you have an eye for monsters in movies, let's see how many you can recognize from a single image!

Zanuck/Brown Company / Universal Pictures[
People were afraid to go swimming after which of these movies?
"A Monster Calls"
Q2 Classic Universal Monster
Universal Pictures
Which movie features what is now considered a classic Universal monster?
"They Live"
"The Mummy"
"Creature from the Black Lagoon"
"Day of The Triffids"
Q3 Frog DNA
Amblin Entertainment
Frog DNA helped make the monsters in which of these films?
"Jurassic Park"
"The Garden"
"Silent Hill"
"Dark Water"


Q4 Kevin Bacon
Stampede Entertainment
Can you name the movie where Kevin Bacon fights giant worms?
"Lair of the White Worm"
Q5 Christmas Movie
Warner Bros.
Which of these monster movies is technically a Christmas film?
Q6 John Carpenter
The Turman-Foster Company
John Carpenter directed Kurt Russell in which horror classic?
"The Thing"


Q7 John Krasinski
Platinum Dunes/Sunday Night Productions
John Krasinski wrote, directed and starred in a recent monster movie. What's it called?
"Bird Box"
"A Quiet Place"
Q8 Matthew Broderick
Centropolis Entertainment/Fried Films
Can you name the 1998 movie that stars Matthew Broderick as a scientist?
"The Descent"
"Kong: Skull Island"
Legendary Pictures/Tencent Pictures
The actors who play Loki, Captain Marvel and Nick Fury all appear in which monster movie?
"The Mist"
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters"
"Kong: Skull Island"


Q10 Steve McQueen
Fairview Productions/Tonylyn Productions/Valley Forge Films
This classic was Steve McQueen's first movie. What's it called?
"The Fly"
"The Blob"
"The Thing From Another World"
"Soylent Green"
Q11 Sam Raimi
Renaissance Pictures
Director Sam Raimi made this movie back in 1981. What is it?
"The Crazies"
"The Evil Dead"
"Dark Night of the Scarecrow"
Q12 James Cameron
Piranha Productions
James Cameron made his directorial debut with the sequel to which of these?
"They Live"
"Night of the Creeps"
"Army of Darkness"


Q13 Betty White
Fox 2000 Pictures/Phoenix Pictures
If you want to see Betty White cursing like a trucker, which movie should you watch?
"The Beast of Yucca Flats"
"Manos: The Hands of Fate"
"Back Country"
"Lake Placid"
Q14 After The Terminator
20th Century Fox/Brandywine Productions
Which movie did James Cameron direct after "The Terminator?"
"The Abyss"
"The Mist"
Q15 Kaiju
Legendary Pictures/Double Dare You
Do you know which movie makes extensive use of the word "kaiju" to describe monsters?
"Robot Jox"
"Pacific Rim"
"The Terminator"


Q16 H.R. Giger
20th Century Fox/Brandywine Productions
Which of these movies featured creature effects by H.R. Giger?
"Rawhead Rex"
"From Below"
Q17 Form of a Clown
American Zoetrope
Which movie features a monster that takes the form of a clown?
"Sleepaway Camp"
"What We Do In Shadows"
Q18 Jazz Song
American Zoetrope
A popular 1938 jazz song lent its name to which movie?
"Rawhead Rex"
"Jeepers Creepers"
"Near Dark"
"Who Goes There?"


Q19 Jason Statham
Gravity Pictures/Flagship Entertainment/Apelles Entertainment/Di Bonaventura Pictures/Maeday Productions
Jason Statham took on a prehistoric shark in which of these movies?
"The Meg"
"Five-Headed Shark Attack"
Q20 Keanu Reeves
American Zoetrope/Osiris Films
Which was the first of three films Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder starred in together?
"The Crow"
"Death Becomes Her"
"Bram Stoker's Dracula"
"Devil's Advocate"
Q21 New York Gets Destroyed
Bad Robot Productions
New York gets destroyed in which found footage film?
"A Quiet Place"
"The Thing"


Q22 Boris Karloff
Universal Pictures
Boris Karloff played the title monster in which of these?
"The Wolfman"
"The Beast of Yucca Flats"
Q23 Arnold Schwarzenegger
Lawrence Gordon Productions/Silver Pictures/Davis Entertainment
Which movie featured Arnold Schwarzenegger fighting a monster in the jungle?
Q24 Wales
PolyGram Pictures/The Guber-Peters Company
Do you know this movie that was partially filmed in Wales?
"The Host"
"An American Werewolf in London"


Q25 Dwayne The Rock Johnson
New Line Cinema/Access Entertainment/Dune Entertainment/Flynn Picture Company/Wrigley Pictures/ASAP Entertainment/Seven Bucks Productions
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson took on monsters in what video game adaptation?
"Pitch Black"
"The Thing"
"The Descent"
Q26 Horror Musical
The Geffen Company
Do you know which movie was a horror musical?
"Deliver Us From Evil"
"The Faculty"
"Little Shop of Horrors"
Q27 David Cronenberg
Brooksfilms/SLM Production Group
David Cronenberg directed which of these remakes?
"The Thing"
"The Fly"


Q28 Bong Joon-Ho
Chungeorahm Film/Sego Entertainment
In 2006, Bong Joon-Ho directed which of these movies?
"The Host"
"Train to Busan"
Q29 started the longest-running film franchise
Toho Studios
In 1954 this movie started the longest-running film franchise in history. What is it?
"20 Millon Miles to Earth"
"The Blob"
Q30 Stephen King Book
Dimension Films/Darkwoods Productions/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
A TV show came after this movie, based on a Stephen King book. What is it?
"The Mist"
"Salem's Lot"


Q31 Group of School Kids
Taft Entertainment Pictures/Keith Barish Productions
A group of school kids takes on classic Universal movies in which film?
"Destroy All Monsters"
"The Monster Squad"
"King of the Monsters"
"Detention of the Dead"
Q32 Female Cast
Celador Films/Northmen Productions
The cast of which of these films is nearly all women?
"A Quiet Place"
"The Cave"
"The Descent"
"Darkness Falls"
Q33 Giant Bug Movie
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
Do you know which of these is considered the first "giant bug" movie of the '50s?
"Kingdom of the Ants"
"The Tingler"


Q34 Ymir
Morningside Productions
The monster in which movie is called the Ymir?
"The Day The Earth Stood Still"
"Plan 9 From Outer Space"
"20 Million Miles to Earth"
"The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms"
Q35 first of a five film horror comedy series
Sho Films
Which of these is the first of a five-film horror/comedy series?
"Killer Klowns From Outer Space"
""The Crazies"
"It Came From Another World"
Q36 They'll get you in the end
Ghoulies Productions
"They'll get you in the end" was the tagline of which film?
"The Gate"


Q37 Compete Directly
Daiei Film
Which movie was made to compete directly with Toho's "Godzilla?"
Q38 John Boyega
StudioCanal Features/Film4/UK Film Council/Big Talk Pictures
Future "Star Wars" hero John Boyega fought monsters in which of these movies?
"The Day The Earth Stood Still"
"Attack the Block"
Q39 Vin Diesel
PolyGram Filmed Entertainment/Interscope Communications/Gramercy Pictures
Which move made Vin Diesel a household name?
"Pitch Black"
"The Witch Hunter"
"Near Dark"
"Devil may Cry"


Q40 Pixar
Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios
Pixar gave us which of these movies?
"Monsters, Inc."
"The Guardians"
"Monsters vs Aliens"