About This Quiz
We've all been there. We're driving down the freeway, and Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" comes on the radio. We crank the volume and belt out, "It doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not!" Wait, what? Whoa. That's not at all how that song goes! Are you confused? We were too. For the record, the line is, "It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not!" And that's far from the only song where we misunderstand the lyrics. Did you know Aretha Franklin's "Respect," doesn't go, "R-E-S-P-E-C-T/Take out TCP?" But, hey, we're having fun with it, so why does it matter?
It may come as a surprise (or not, if you have kids) then that there's an entire industry out there devoted to intentionally changing the lyrics of today's popular songs. Kidz Bop, which debuted in 2001, takes hits by the likes of Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Drake, One Direction and many more and swaps out the "scandalous" lyrics in favor of more kid-friendly words - sung by kids, of course. References to sex? Gone. Curse words? Out of here. Alcohol turned into water, like a miracle straight out of the Bible.
So, the real question here is, could you identify today's songs with more virtuous lyrics? Let's see if you've got what it takes to identify the real tune behind these kid-friendly versions.