Can You Name the Spanish Words From These 5 Categories?

By: Dustyn Deerman
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Name the Spanish Words From These 5 Categories?
Image: Pixabay by 777546

About This Quiz

¡Hola! ¿Hablas español? 

For a large number of us, Spanish was an elective class growing up or a class we took in college to obtain core credits toward graduating. For another group of us, Spanish is either a primary or close secondary language, and something that is a daily part of our lives. Regardless of where our knowledge of this beautiful language stands, there is no arguing that knowing [at least] a second language not only opens us up to the opportunity to communicate with even more people, but it gives us the chance to better understand other cultures.  

Spanish is the primary language in 20 countries worldwide, with hundreds of millions of people speaking it. Needless to say, having at the very least a basic knowledge of the language could serve all of us well! 

So, we want to see how well you would do with Spanish terms and phrases from five categories: Animals, Foods, Daily Routines, Household Items and Places. All of these are things you would either hear or see while traveling, or you could very well encounter them right in your home town. Do you have the vocabulary to ace this quiz? If anything, maybe you'll learn something new today!

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Q 07 beach animal
Unsplash by Jeremi Bishop
If you're on the beach in Mexico, which of these animals would you most likely come across?
La cobaya
La serpiente
El hámster
La tortuga
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Out of all of these animals, you are more likely to see a turtle, or "la tortuga," come up on the beach from the water. This term, which is a part of the Animal category, has been popularized often as a name for restaurants or bars all over the world.

Q 08 Breakfast
Pexels by Burst
At breakfast, what type of food are you likely to enjoy?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You may want your huevos with jamón (ham) or pan (bread). "Huevos" translates to "eggs" in English, and is part of the Food category. You'll want to keep this one in your mental library if you are ever ordering breakfast at a Spanish-speaking restaurant.

Q 06 Produce
Pexels by Pixabay
Out of these places, where would you go to pick up some produce items?
El banco
El cine
El mercado
La iglesia
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you are needing to go grocery shopping, you will want to go to a market, which in Spanish is "el mercado". This is part of the Places category and is an important one to know in Spanish.


Q 16 Movie Theater
Pexels by Nathan Engel
Where would you go to catch the latest blockbuster?
El cine
La panadería
El parque
La farmacia
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

As part of the Places category, "el cine" is a good one to remember when traveling. A trick to remember that it means "the theater" would be the fact that "cine" is the first part of the English word, "cinema."

Q 12 Bull
Unsplash by Zdeněk Macháček
Of these animals, which one will you see in a large ring with a picador?
El caballo
La vaca
El burro
El toro
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"El toro" translates to "bull" and is part of the Animals category. If you ever find yourself at a bullfight, you'll likely hear the picador (bullfighter) shout, "Toro, toro!" to get the bull's attention.

Q 11 City
Pixabay by 1209
If you're not in the countryside, where are you mostly likely to be?
En la ciudad
En la discoteca
En la casa
En la selva
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you're not in the countryside, you're most likely to be "in the city," right? This is exactly what "en la cuidad" translates to, and is part of the Places category.


Q 05 Getting ready
Unsplash by Lumin
"Cepillarse los dientes," translates to what activity just about everyone does in the morning?
To eat breakfast
To take a shower
To wash your hair
To brush your teeth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Cepillarse los dientes" does translate directly to "to brush your teeth" in English. Similarly, you could also say, "lavarse los dientes" which means "to clean your teeth." Either way, this is a good phrase to lock down as part of the Daily Routines category.

Q 17 yo amo los perros
Pixabay by StockSnap
What animal are you saying you adore when you share with someone, "Yo amo los perros"?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Any dog person should know this phrases in every language! "Yo amo los perros" translates to "I love dogs" and is part of the Animals category. If you're more of a cat person, simply say, "Yo amo los gatos."

Q 19 Perishable foods
Unsplash by Brett Jordan
Where would you keep all of your perishable foods?
La alacena
El congelador
La despensa
El refrigerador
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"El refrigerador" is one of those Spanish terms that is very close to its English translation and is part of the Household Items category. The refrigerator is of course a place for your perishable foods, but you could also opt for "el congelador" which translates to "the freezer".


Q 25 A trabajar
Unsplash by Farrel Nobel
When you say, "Voy a trabajar," where are you going?
To work
To the bathroom
To the store
To bed
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Voy a trabajar" translates to "I am going to work," which would certainly fall under the Daily Routines category. If you wanted to be more specific, say if you were going to the office, you could state, "Voy a la oficina."

Q 01 Directions
Unsplash by Jordan Rowland
Where are you trying to go if you say, "¿Donde está la biblioteca?"
The library
The bathroom
The grocery store
The club
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

¿Donde está la biblioteca? means, "Where is the library?" and it is in the Places category. This is usually one of the first phrases taught in introductory Spanish classes. If you think about it, though, isn't it a little ironic that you'd be asking where the library is with such limited fluency?

Q 02 Pet animal
Pexels by Snapwire
What type of animal are you trying to pet if it is referred to as "el gato"?
A dog
A gator
A cat
A bird
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"El gato" means "cat" in Spanish, and is in the Animal category. This is definitely a term to know, especially since you'll for sure come across them at any point in your travels, not to mention in Spanish-speaking countries.


Q 21 Church
Pexels by David Kovacs
If you needed to go to a place of worship, which of the places below would you choose?
La iglesia
La universidad
La playa
La pescadería
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"La iglesia" translates to "church" and is part of the Places category. Other useful terms for this could be, "templo" which means "temple," "mezquita" which means "mosque," "sinagoga" which means "synagogue," and "catedral" which means "cathedral".

Q 18 Pasame la sal
Unsplash by Jasmin Schreiber
If you say, "Pásame la sal y la pimienta," at the dinner table, what will you receive?
Fork and knife
Potatoes and vegetables
Salt and pepper
Bread and butter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Pásame la sal y la pimienta" translates to, "pass me the salt and pepper" and is part of the Foods category. Whether you're at a restaurant or a guest in someone's home, you'll want to remember this phrase. Just be sure you say please (por favor)!

Q 32 tiburon
Unsplash by Tim Marshall
¡Cuidado, un tiburón! is something you do not want to hear if you're in the ocean. What animal is near?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Oh boy, let's hope no one ever hears this saying while swimming in the ocean. "Tiburón" translates to "shark" and is a part of the Animals category. Now, if you heard someone say they saw "un delfín," that would be a much different situation, as this translates to "dolphin".


Q 33 Coffee con leche
Unsplash by Alex Boyd
If you take your coffee "con leche," what are you adding to it?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While all of these are perfect additions to any cup of coffee, if you ask to have yours "con leche" you are asking to have it with milk (or cream). This term is a part of the Food category, and a good one to have in memory when ordering somewhere primarily Spanish.

Q 10 Routine by woman
Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez
Which of these routines is most likely to be done by a woman?
Ponerse las lentillas
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Maquillarse" means "to put on makeup" and is part of the Daily Routines category. Most commonly, this is something that is done by women in the morning as part of getting ready for the day.

Q 22 Driving through countryside
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"Mira los caballos" is said to you as you're driving through the countryside-- what animal are you looking at?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Mira los caballos" translates to "look at the horses," which is a part of the Animals category. No one can deny taking a moment to look at horses when given the opportunity, and that doesn't change when in Spanish-speaking areas.


Q 14 Lavadora
Unsplash by crissie kremer
Which item below best fits in the phrase,"Pones _______ en la lavadora?"
Los libros
La madera
La ropa
Los platos
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Pones la ropa en la lavadora" translates to, "put the clothes in the washing machine." Since we are talking about clothing going into a washing machine, this would be part of the Household Items category.

Q 26 Airport
Unsplash by Roman Chyller
When traveling, what is one of the most important places you'll need to know?
El gimnasio
El hostal
El correo
El aeropuerto
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Aeropuerto" translates to "the airport," which is definitely a term you will need to remember if traveling, and is a part of the Places category. "Estación de autobuses" is another one to keep in mind, as this translates to "bus station".

Q 20 morning or night
Unsplash by The Creative Exchange
Which of these is part of most people's day, whether it happens in the morning or night?
Limpiar la casa
Tomar el desayuno
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Bañarse" translates to "take a shower" and is in the Daily Routines category. If you wanted, you could also say "tomar una ducha" which translates to the same thing.


Q 23 Spanish dish
Pixabay by Ben_Kerckx
Arroz, carne, judías verdes, garrofó y pimientos describes typical ingredients of what traditional Spanish dish?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Paella (part of the Food category) can be made with a number of ingredients, however, the ones listed above are some of the most traditional. They translate to: rice, meat (which is usually chicken or seafood), green beans, lima beans and peppers.

Q 30 Wind down
Unsplash by Anthony Tran
What is one way to wind down at home?
Ver televisión
Lee un libro
Tómate un baño
All of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These are all good ways to relax! "Ver televisión" means "watch television," "lee un libro" means "read a book" and "tómate un baño" means "take a bath," All of these can go under the Daily Routines category.

Q 03 Burrito
Pixabay by samuelfernandezrivera
If you're out at a restaurant and order the burrito con pollo, frijoles y queso, what are you about to eat?
A burrito with chicken, beans and cheese
A burrito with chicken, rice and cheese
A burrito with beef, beans and cheese
A burrito with shrimp, rice, and cheese
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Frijoles y queso means beans and cheese, and it is in the Food category. You'll definitely need to know this one since it is a universally delicious dish in every Spanish-speaking country.


Q 34 Cierre la puerta
Ashley Corbin-Teich / Image Source / Getty Images
If someone asks you to "cierre la puerta," what are they asking you to do?
Clean the table.
Close the door.
Clean the window.
Open the door.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Cierre la puerta" means "close the door" in Spanish, and is in the Household Items category. If you're wanting to say the opposite and have someone open a door, you would instead say, "abre la puerta."

Q 15 hacer el almuerzo
Unsplash by Becca Tapert
What routine are you taking part in when you "preparar el almuerzo"?
You make lunch.
You get out of bed.
You make dinner.
You have a shave.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Hacer el almuerzo" translates directly to "to make lunch" and is part of the Daily Routines category. You could also say "preparar la comida," which means "to make food" if you were wanting to speak more generally.

Q 29 Hammer
Pixabay by Grieslightnin
You have a framed photo that needs to be hung up, which of these items do you reach for?
El espejo
La lámpara
La cama
El martillo
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"El martillo" means "a hammer" in Spanish, which is also in the Household Items category. Let's not forget, though, you won't be able to hang that picture without una uña (a nail)!


Q 27 spiders
Pexels by Pixabay
Creepy crawlies are everywhere--what is the correct Spanish translation for spiders?
Las arañas
Los insectos
Los serpientes
Los gusanos
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Las arañas" is the correct Spanish word for "spiders," which falls under the Animals category. If you were to come across a tarantula and wanted to tell someone in Spanish, that one's easy-- there's no translation needed!

Q 09 Boil water
Unsplash by John-Mark Smith
On what are you likely to boil some water?
La tostadora
El grifo
El horno
La estufa
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"La estufa" translates to "the stove" and is part of the Household Items category. It is related to "el horno" as that actually translates to "the oven," but you wouldn't boil water inside the oven, would you?

Q 13 Vegetables
Pixabay by Free-Photos
If you're wanting to order a side of vegetables, which of these would be incorrect?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Naranja" could be a good order for breakfast time since this translates to "orange." As part of the Food category, you'll want to know some of the key veggies and fruits when ordering food in Spanish-speaking locations.


Q 28 Dinner
Unsplash by Spencer Davis
Which of these statements is correct if you want to go to dinner?
Quiero ir a almorzar.
Quiero ir al desierto.
Quiero ir a cenar.
Quiero ir a desayunar.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Quiero ir a cenar" translates to "I want to go to dinner," which would be grouped with the Food category. If you want to say you want to go to breakfast, simply switch out "cenar" with "desayunar" and if you want to go to lunch, say "almorzar" instead.

Q 04 Limpia el piso
Pixabay by orzalaga
Which of these items best completes this phrase, "Limpia el piso con una ______?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Limpia el piso" alone means "clean the floor," so out of these options "escoba" fits best, as this means "broom" in Spanish. This term is part of the Household Items category.

Q 31 Travel stay
Unsplash by Markus Spiske
The next time you travel, where will you most likely stay?
En una tienda
En una posada
En un dormitorio
En un aula
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"En una posada" translates directly to "at an inn" but when said will be understood as "hotel" or even "hostel." This phrase falls under the Places category.


Q 24 Mop
Pexels by Pixabay
If you want to "limpiar los pisos," which of these items would help you the most?
Un trapo
Una taza
Un plumero
Una fregona
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Una fregona" translates to "a mop" and is in the Household Items category. While any of the above could technically be used while you are cleaning your house, a mop is definitely going to do the best job with the floors!

Q 35 end of the day
Unsplash by Jonathan Borba
Your day has finally ended, so what is the last thing you do?
Ir a casa
Escuchar el radio
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Acostarse" translates to "go to bed," which is in the Daily Routines category. But, if you wanted to be technical, the last thing you would do with your day is actually going to sleep, in which case, you would say, "dormirse."

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