Can you name these muscles of the body?
By: Becky
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
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About This Quiz
Your body works hard every day. But do you know the muscles that make your body move? Take this quiz to find out how well you know the muscles that allow you to work, play and survive.
Which group of muscles would be all in your head?
The word cranial refers to things related to the skull. The word cranium may also be used.
Which of these muscles helps to extend the elbow?
The triceps muscles are located on the back of the upper arms. Most mammals have triceps muscles.
Which group of muscles do runners often "pull"?
The hamstring is one of three muscles on the back of the thigh. Squats are great for your hamstrings.
When a child "makes a muscle," which arm muscle does he/she typically show?
Your biceps help you flex your arms. Large biceps are a relatively common sign of strength.
Which muscles help form a "six-pack"?
The abdominals are actually a group of muscles. They are sometimes called "abs."
What muscles do you sit on?
The gluteus maximus is not the only muscle in your rear. It is, however, the largest of the gluteal muscles.
If you're a runner, you may develop strong _________ muscles?
Your quadriceps are located on the front of your thighs. Some people just call them "quads."
Which of these muscles is in your shoulders?
Your deltoids are located in your shoulders and the tops of your arms. The name comes from the Greek letter delta, which is triangular, like the muscle.
Which muscle group works to flex the neck and spine?
The erector spinae extends vertically along the spine. The group is made up of three columns of muscles.
What muscles help you wiggle your ears?
This group of muscles surrounds the ear. Damage to the facial nerves may result in damage to these muscles.
Which of the following muscles helps you breathe?
The diaphragm functions involuntarily. That means you don't have to think about using it - although you can when you want to.
What group of muscles helps your shoulder move?
The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles. These muscles help stabilize the shoulder.
Which muscles help you do the twist?
Although there are a lot of muscles involved in doing the twist, obliques are the answer were looking for. Your obliques are on the sides of your midsection.
Which of these muscles helps you smile?
This muscle is located on both sides of the mouth. We think people need to use it more.
Which of these muscles helps you chew your food?
This muscle is easy to remember. The verb "masticate" means "to chew."
Which muscle helps pump blood through the body?
The cardiac muscle is the heart muscle. The movement of this muscle is involuntary - thank goodness.
Which muscle can help you wiggle your chin?
The mentalis is located under the lower lip. This muscle can also help you pout.
Which muscles might help you do "jazz hands"?
This muscle is easy to remember. Think long palms. Believe it or not, about 14% of people lack this muscle.
Which muscles would you use if you wanted to cross your legs?
The sartorius muscle runs the length of the thigh. It's the longest muscle in humans.
Which muscles would you use to blow a kiss?
The orbicularis oris surrounds the mouth. It is one muscle with four quadrants.
Which muscle is located near the shin?
The tibialis anterior helps flex the ankle. It's easy to remember, because it is located near the tibia.
Which muscle would you use to wink?
This muscle is easy to remember. The word "oculi" refers to the eye.
What muscle helps you move your knee?
The vastus medialis is located inside the knee. It also helps stabilize the kneecap.
Which muscles would help you hit a tennis ball?
Your pectorals are responsible for pushing and pulling. They are located in your chest.
If you wanted to shrug, which muscles would you use?
The trapezius muscles are located between your shoulder blades. They are sometimes called traps, but not trapezoids.
What muscle do you use when you furrow your brow?
This muscle is located between the eyes and causes those vertical wrinkles between your eyebrows. It can also help you flare your nostrils.
Which of these muscles helps you move your baby toe?
flexor digiti minimi brevis
Need help remembering this muscle? Note the word "minimi" can be compared to "little" or "baby."
What type of muscles help the organs function?
Smooth muscles are also called visceral muscles. The diaphragm is a smooth muscle.
Which muscles would help you whistle?
The buccinator muscles help you blow and suck. They are located in your cheeks.
Which type of muscles are attached to the skeleton?
The skeletal muscles are used mostly for voluntary movements. Most of the muscles in the body are skeletal muscles.
Which of these muscles helps you say "aaaahhh" at the doctor's office?
This muscle is located at the side of the base of your tongue. Damage the lingual nerve and you may find it doesn't work.
If you wanted to rotate or flex your knee, which muscle would you use?
The popliteus muscle is a deep muscle of the leg. It is located on the back of the leg, just under the knee.
What muscle on the front of your head helps you raise your eyebrows?
The occipitofrontalis is a three-part muscle. The front section helps you express yourself.
How many muscles are there in the human body?
We humans have about 650 muscles. Muscles are classified by type, function and shape
Which of the following muscles helps you keep your upper eyelid open?
This muscle is sometimes called Müller's muscle. Damage to this muscle may cause the eyelid to droop.
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