Can You Pass The FBI Special Agent Test?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Pass The FBI Special Agent Test?
Image: Shinsuke Ikegame

About This Quiz

Are you ready to be in the FBI? Well not just in the FBI, but accepted as a special agent?  Are you fearless, analytical, and brilliant? Oh, and do you look good in a suit? The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice, and if you're thinking about having a career in law enforcement, it is the cream of the crop. Among many other things, the FBI works to stop terrorism, corruption, organized crime, cybercrime, and civil rights violations: it also investigates serious crimes such as major thefts or murders. One thing is for sure if you're doing something that is against the law, the last people you want to see knocking at your door are a bunch of FBI agents.

How do you think you would do if you were to take a test to see if you were able to be a special agent? This is one test you probably don't want to cheat on: if the FBI can catch bad guys all over the world, the odds are they can figure out if you're cheating on their employment admissions test. Are you ready to uphold the words "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity"? Take this quiz to find out whether you're FBI material.

Are you a leader or a follower?
I'm totally a follower.
I'm mostly a follower.
I'm a good leader.
I can be either depending on the situation.
Can you work in chaos?
No, that drives me crazy.
I try.
I do okay.
I thrive in it.
Have you ever thought of joining the military?
No, that would be awful.
I haven't thought about it seriously.
Sure, a bunch of times.
I think of it a lot.


How do you solve arguments?
With a quick roundhouse kick.
By screaming.
I avoid them.
I speak my mind but also am willing to admit when I am wrong.
Do you have a lot of energy?
No, I am tired all the time.
I have some energy.
I am pretty energetic.
I have tons of energy.
Who were you playing cops and robbers as a kid?
The bad guy.
The victim.
A cop.
A detective.


How early do you show up for work?
I'd arrive 10 minutes late.
I am right on time.
A few minutes early.
I'd arrive 10 minutes early.
Do you like surprises?
I love them!
They're okay.
Not so much.
I hate them.
Do you make your bed every morning?
I never make my bed.
I kind of make my bed every morning.
I make my bed on most mornings.
Yes, every morning.


If you tripped over your cat, would you yell at it?
Sure. Stupid cat was trying to hurt me.
If I were hungover, maybe.
I doubt it.
No way, I love my cat!
How smart are you?
Are you trying to mess with me?
I am pretty smart.
I think I am smart.
My intellect is above average.
How would you handle your life being threatened?
I would handle it with tears.
I would run like crazy.
I would handle it with dignity.
The better question is how would the person that threatened me handle being arrested?


Do you have a strong sense of justice?
No, I love to get away with things and don't care who else does.
I think it is about average.
I would say that my sense of justice is about as strong as anyone else's.
Yes, I have an incredibly strong sense of justice.
Do you like puzzles?
I hate them.
Easy puzzles, maybe.
Sure, they are fun.
I love puzzles.
Are you good at logical reasoning?
I don't get it.
I am okay I think.
Sure I am.
I am really good at it.


How patriotic are you?
I'm not very patriotic at all.
I am about average.
I like my country.
I love my country.
How do you look in a suit?
I look awful in a suit.
I don't look bad in a suit.
I look pretty good in a suit.
I look ridiculously good in a suit.
How physically fit are you?
I am in awful shape.
I'm not in that great of shape.
I am in good shape.
I am in great shape.


Would you get bored on stakeout?
It depends, could I sleep?
Not if there was good food.
Maybe, but I would still do my job well.
Have you ever been arrested?
Yes, is that bad?
Who wants to know?
No, but I have been lucky.
I never break the law.
What is your favorite movie featuring the FBI?
"Catch Me if You Can."
"Donnie Brasco."
"The Silence of the Lambs."
"The Departed."


Would you like a desk job or an outside job?
I wouldn't want either kind of job.
I would want an outside job.
I would want a desk job.
I would want a combination of both.
Are you good at telling when people are lying?
How would I know?
I don't think so.
I can usually tell.
I totally can tell.
Are you a college graduate?
I am still in school.
No, I dropped out.
No, but I got through high school.
Of course.


How do you make decisions?
I make decisions with my heart.
I make decisions by guessing.
I make decisions by following a hunch.
I make decisions by using my head.
What kind of art do you like?
I enjoy sculpture.
I enjoy drawing.
I enjoy painting.
I enjoy photography.
Are you happy with yourself?
I can't stand myself.
I try.
For the most part, I'm happy with myself.
I'm very happy with myself.


What television show featuring the FBI sounds best?
"The Blacklist."
"White Collar."
"Criminal Minds."
Where do you get your news?
I get my news from television.
I get my news from USA Today.
I get my news from The New York Times.
I get my news from all sorts of places.
Would you die for your country?
Are you joking?
Wait. What?
Umm...I might.
Of course.
