About This Quiz
Baby boomers are an extremely large generation that has left a huge imprint on the world. They've left their mark on many different parts of society and continue to do so today. Their generation is known for many things, from attitude to work ethic, and they have influenced the modern world. So, you think you know them?
Do you know how the generation got their name? Do you know what boomers like to do and what they value? How much do you know about the financial situation of the boomers? Do you know the names of the two different boomer groups? If you can answer these questions, that's still only half the battle!
Can you name the band that caused a craze among members of the generation? What about the toys and technology that they grew up with? What do you know about the baby boomers who served as president? You'll need to know the people, places and things that set this generation apart from the others.
Are you a baby boomer? Or maybe your parents are? If you know your stuff, then your age won't matter. If you think you know about the generation of hippies and civil rights, take the quiz to prove your knowledge!
The term "baby boomer" was first used in the 1920s, but not for the generation that came later. It only became widely used after wartime, when babies were being born in large numbers.
The baby boomers were born after World War II ended and troops returned home. This was a time of celebration for the Allies and rejuvenation.
This is false. Baby boomers actually do the most recreational traveling of any generation. They have the most disposable income, and therefore have the means to travel.
The generation gets its name from the spike in births that occurred. It literally happened just like boom, with many children being born at one time.
These baby boomers are called leading-edge baby boomers. They were the first group of boomers, born just after the war.
This is true. Baby boomers typically possess higher-paying jobs and more disposable income. Compared to other generations, they are the most financially well off.
Canada's definition of the baby boomer generation starts around 1947, two years after the United States' definition. This is because of the number of babies that were born up north after that year.
Woodstock is largely synonymous with the baby boomers. The festival took place in 1969, when most boomers were teens. The event was extremely successful.
The Silent Generation was the generation that came before the baby boomers. Often, the Silent Generation were the parents of later baby boomers.
Rock n' Roll was a very popular genre during the youth of baby boomers. Artists such as Buddy Holly were popular at the time.
Radios were a very popular choice of media when boomers were growing up. The radio brought the Top 40 and more.
Television was still new to the world when baby boomers were born. It was invented in the late '20s, and this generation were the first to grow up with the new technology.
Many baby boomers were known as hippies, due to their laid-back attitudes. Hippies also represented the generation's free thinking.
"I Love Lucy" hit the small screen at the time when many baby boomers were just being born. The iconic sitcom was very popular among the generation.
The healthcare industry will be called upon to care for aging boomers. This will heavily affect the industry and the economy in general.
Baby boomers are independent, both in a physical sense and a mental sense. They think freely and know what they have to do.
The Beatles were an extremely successful band that got their start as the baby boomers were coming of age. Beatlemania was the phrase created to describe the worldwide attention that they garnered.
As baby boomers came of age and earned some cash, they started to live for themselves. This was at a time of liberation, when events like Woodstock were happening.
Often, baby boomers think that their generation is unique and special. In many ways they're right - they grew up with the technology no other generation had and saw some incredible world events.
"Easy Rider" is a classic that came out in 1969. It was a reflection of the alternate lifestyle that hippies from that generation experienced.
The first man to set foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969. This was an incredible feat that the baby boomers were lucky to witness.
Baby boomers were a generation that cared about social change and often protested injustice. When they were growing up, they looked up to activists like Martin Luther King, Jr., who fought for civil rights.
These boomers were called the trailing-edge boomers. They were the last boomers of the generation, sometimes holding different views or values than the first half.
This is true. Baby boomers are experienced and also hold some of the highest-paying jobs. They also show no signs of leaving these jobs - boomers are working longer and retiring later.
Baby boomers have the most disposable income of any generation. Their spending power can be attributed to a few factors, including high-paying jobs.
"Yuppies" was a word that was used for the baby boomers, often by older generations. It was used for them when they started to transition from rebellious teens to Young Urban Professionals.
Baby boomers are considered to be people who were born between the 1940s and the 1960s. The lines are a bit blurred when it comes to categorizing them, because Generation X started in the mid-60s as well.
This is true. Baby boomers are the largest generation as of 2018. However, experts expect that millennial adults will outnumber boomers at some point in 2019!
The two groups of baby boomers often feel like they've experienced life differently. The younger group grew up during and after the Vietnam War, whereas the older group protested against the war.
Bill Clinton was a baby boomer, born in 1946. He was president from 1993 until 2001.
Barbies, introduced in 1959, were hugely popular among boomer girls. Most boomers were kids at this time and were the exact market for the dolls.
Baby boomers have no plans to retire yet! They tend to keep active and work longer. Some even start up a brand new career later in life.
Boomers grew up as activists and in a time filled with civil rights movements. Their hearts are often in a good place, and to show it, they are more likely to volunteer than other generations.
He was a rock n' roll icon and actor when boomers were growing up. He was a heartthrob and idol for the generation.
Many baby boomers find themselves still financially responsible for their adult children. Grandchildren are often included, as well.