Can You Pass This Basic Astrology Test?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Pass This Basic Astrology Test?
Image: Martin Child / Getty Images

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What started as a calendrical system in the ancient world has captivated the globe ever since. By assessing the movements and positions of the stars, astrologers have claimed to divine insights about life on Earth since as far back as the second millennium B.C. While astrology lost its reputation as a bonafide science after the discoveries of heliocentrism and Netwon's law, it nonetheless continues to prevail as a cultural phenomenon worldwide. 

There are many branches of astrology derived from cultures like the Hindus, Chinese and Maya. Eventually, the zodiac caught on in the Western world, with figures like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson being strong proponents. Just as Western astrology's popularity began to decline, British astrologer R.H. Naylor wrote a horoscope for Princess Margaret upon her birth. The world adored it. He started a weekly newspaper column, and soon enough, a global trend was born. These days, you can of course find your horoscope in magazines and papers across the world. 

So, whether you believe that your sun sign in Virgo explains your pickiness or that your Scorpio designation is to blame for your unbridled intensity, there's a lot of history to learn about this beloved tradition. How much do you know about what's in the stars? Take the following quiz to divine the truth! 

Astrology wheel
THEPALMER / E+ / Getty Images
You've probably seen the astrology wheel before. But do you know how many signs are on it?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The 12 zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) represent the earth's 24-hour rotation around its axis. The zodiac wheel, meanwhile, represents the annual rotational movement of the sun.

Constellation Ophiuchus
JoeLena / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Avid astrology followers nearly lost their minds a in 2011, when some astrologers rediscovered a "new" zodiac sign, supposedly assuming position between Nov. 30 and Dec. 17. Do you know what it was?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although astronomers discovered it in 1604, Ophiuchus, located just northwest of the Milky Way, remains one of the least well-known constellations. The name stems from the Greek "serpent-bearer" and is symbolized by a man with a snake in his grip.

Astrological wheel
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While a calendar year begins in January, the astrological wheel starts in March. Do you know what the first sign of the Zodiac is?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and spans from March 21 to April 20 each year. Kicking off spring equinox, Aries appropriately symbolizes birth, fertility and the fruition of life.


Pisces constellation
Marc Ward/Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
Now, do you know the last sign in the Zodiac?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The last Zodiac sign, Pisces, represents death and consciousness. The sign stretches from February 19 through March 20, and astrologers also deem Pisces among the more enigmatic and mysterious of the signs.

Zodiac symbols
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Each astrological sign possesses a unique symbol to represent them. Which of these symbols corresponds with Gemini?
The scale
The twins
The ram
The virgin
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The twins represent Gemini, a sign characterized by its dual nature. Astrologers often describe Geminis as possessing two different personalities, and they are also known to be very flexible.

Four elements
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Each sign possesses a corresponding element: earth, air, water or fire. Do you know which of these signs is NOT an earth sign?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Given the name, one might assume that "Ares" is an air sign, but it's actually a water sign. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus are earth signs, which tend to be practical and grounded in reality. If you need someone to plan or analyze, Earth signs have your back.


Person looking at stars
Photo by Supoj Buranaprapapong / Moment / Getty Images
Can you guess approximately what percent of American, Canadian and British people believe that astrology impacts their lives?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Astrology may have simmered out and died in academic circles, but it remains quite popular in the cultural sphere. Some may check their horoscope "just for fun," but at least 25% in one poll admit they believe it has some impact on their lives.

Enūma Anu Enlil
Metropolitan Museum of Art. via WikiCommons
The "Enūma Anu Enlil" is a hallmark cuneiform text about celestial "omina" uncovered during the first dynasty of Babylon. Do you know which four categories it primarily covers?
The earth, the sun, the planets and the goddess
The moon, the sun, the weather god and Venus
The earth, wind, fire and water
The balance, the scorpion, the moon and the sun
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ancient Mesopotamians separated the "Enūma Anu Enlil" into these four distinct categories named after chief gods associated with the contents: Sin (the moon), Shamash (the sun), Adad (the weather god) and Ishtar (Venus). This text contains omens about a range of phenomena including crescents, eclipses, two suns, thunder, lightning and risings of the planets.

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Can you guess how many people call themselves professional astrologers in the U.S.?
Around 600
About 1,000
Over 7,000
About 50,000
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to the American Federation of Astrologers, there are more than 7,000 professional astrologers in the U.S. Despite astrology's decline in academic spheres, it continues to maintain social relevance.


Water pattern
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All of these signs are water signs ... except for one. Which one is not like the others?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are water signs. Astrologers characterize water signs by their fluidity. They tend to 'swim' easily from their imagination to reality and back, making them a highly sensitive and creative bunch.

Hand of God and star
Dimitris66 / E+ / Getty Images
Astrologers like the Harranians and the Hindus view the planets as ________?
Scientific elements
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While many versions of astrology ascribe to a mechanistic view of the universe, ancient peoples like the Harranians and the Hindus believed that the planets functioned like powerful deities. As such, they believed one could persuade these godlike beings or communicate with them supernaturally.

VladGans / E+ / Getty Images
If you read your daily horoscope, you're probably gleaning information based on your sun sign. However, each person also has a moon sign. Do you know the difference?
Sun sign reveals natural self; moon sign reveals self determined by nurture
Sun sign reveals external behavior; moon sign reveals inner emotions
Sun sign reveals inner emotions; moon sign reveals external behavior
Sun sign reveals personality traits; moon sign reveals romantic compatibility
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Astrologers use a calculation that includes one's birth date, time of birth and place of birth to determine their moon sign. The moon sign reveals your inner-most emotions and mood, which may or may not contradict your external behavior. Some people possess the same sun and moon sign, for instance, but many do not.


Assyrian ruler
Nastasic / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
The ancient Mesopotamian people primarily looked to the stars for which reason?
To categorize people into groups that would work well together
To inform the royal court of looming disaster or success
To determine one's individual personality traits
To determine relationship compatibility with other individuals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to historians, the planets sometimes revealed to ancient Mesopotamians insights about illness, epidemics or significant weather events. More often, though, they reportedly foretold information about military matters or the personal lives of the ruler and family.

Zodiac signs and sun
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The Babylonians divided the ecliptic (the sun's purported orbital circle) into equal parts, which symbolized the zodiac signs. So, each sign consists of how many degrees?
50 degrees
10 degrees
30 degrees
90 degrees
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Babylonians divided the 360 degrees of the sun into 12 equal parts, which equal 30 degrees each. They called each sign the domicile of a planet and subdivided them into units of 10 degrees called "decans."

LazyPixel / Brunner Sébastien/ Moment / Getty Images
Another form of astrology provides answers to one's queries based on the current position of the stars. Which is it?
Aristotelean astrology
Hellenistic astrology
Interrogatory astrology
Mesopotamian astrology
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Interrogatory astrology is a type of consulting that remains very close to divination, rather than the determinism inherent in other types of astrology like catarchic. It requires that the astrologer prepare to "read" a situation through rituals and purification practices.


Air pattern
beastfromeast / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Which one of these signs is NOT an air sign?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Air signs include Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Astrologers typically portray these signs as individuals who express their emotions freely and communicate effectively. They tend to be idealistic and open to the ideas of others.

Fire pattern
borisyankov / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these signs is NOT a fire sign?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fire signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Like fire, astrologers characterize them for their spontaneity and intense passion. They tend to be excitable, impulsive and incredibly persuasive, according to devout astrology followers.

World leader
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Which astrological sign is most likely to become a world leader, according to research conducted by Vocativ?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to one study, there are more Scorpio major world leaders than any other signs. Known for their ambition, famous Scorpios include Theodore Roosevelt, Marie Antoinette, Hillary Clinton, Indira Gandhi, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther and Leon Trotsky.


Morteza Jaberian via WikiCommons
Do you know from which region the Mandaeans' "Book of the Zodiac" is derived?
Iraq and Khuzistan
Modern-day Iran
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Mandaeans are a Gnostic sect that still exists in Iraq and Khuzistan. The ancient book explores the concept of celestial omens, but historians remain unsure whether the ideas stemmed from Mesopotamia, the Greeks or Indian traditions.

Ancient books
naphtalina / E+ / Getty Images
The astrological teachings of a group of Iranian settlers, the Magusaeans of Asia Minor, can be found in a text written by which influential author of the time?
Pliny the Elder
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Heavily influenced by Babylonian ideas, the Magusaeans' ideas ultimately spread to the Greeks. In addition to Pliny the Elder's works, they wrote "Geoponica," an important collection of agricultural folklore and beliefs.

Zodiac contellations
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What was the original intended purpose of the zodiac?
To predict one's death
To help farmers determine when to sow and harvest
To determine fertility in women
To help cultivate harmonious romantic relations
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The zodiac was originally created as an agricultural calendar as a way to help farmers track their harvests and know when to sow seeds. They used the position of the star constellations in the sky to do so.


Zodiac astrology constellations
ilbusca / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Where does the theoretical basis for astrology come from?
Newton physics
Hellenistic philosophy
Aristotelian philosophy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Hellenistic philosophy period of Western philosophy starts just after Aristotle's ideas and concludes with the rise of Neoplatonism. These astrologers believed that the sun and moon revolved in orbits with centers near Earth's center and that the stars remained fixed around a finite sphere.

Fortune teller
Renphoto / E+ / Getty Images
Alongside academic traditions like astronomy, meteorology and medicine, the public widely considered astrology a scholarly practice for much of human history. What is it often referred to as today, though?
A cult
A pseudoscience
A religion
A hoax
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While scientists historically ascribed to tenets of astrology, today, most classify the practice as a pseudoscience. This means that the facts intrinsic to astrology remain incompatible with the scientific method. The term is often used pejoratively to describe subjects like astrology, alchemy and alternative medicine.

Connected planets
photo by Rubén Chase Carbó / Moment / Getty Images
Which term refers to the type of astrology that reveals whether a specific moment is astrologically conducive to success?
Interrogatory astrology
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Catarchic astrology directly opposes genethlialogy, which determines a solidified fate based on one's birth. This is the type of astrology that became popular in Mesopotamia. Essentially, rather than the cards being set in stone, one could view the cards and alter them.


stellalevi / E+ / Getty Images
When astrology arrived to India, the people made Hellenistic astrology much more complex. Which of these did they add to the methodologies?
The moon and the sun
Three categories of yogas
Two additional signs (Virgo and Cancer)
Mechanistic physics
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Indians added an intricate system of three categories of yogas, or planetary combinations, which correspond to the different zodiac domiciles. They also incorporated planetary "Dashas," or directional effects, which continue to distinguish Hindu astrology from Western astrology to this day.

Receiving a degree
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In which of the following nations can you still obtain an advanced degree in astrology?
United States
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In India, only a small percentage of the elite have been trained in Western physics to this day. As a result, astrology continues to retain scientific validity, and several prominent universities offer advanced degrees in the subject.

Medieval Artquids Islamic Astrology Chart
powerofforever / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Can you guess when astrology became a part of Islamic civilization?
In the 10th century
In the 16th century
In the 8th and 9th century
In the 4th and 5th century
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Astrology entered the Islamic tradition through three distinct paths: Hellenistic, Indian and Sāsānian astrology. Islamic society (Abū Maʿshar in particular) then introduced Harranian astrology through the incorporation of astral influences based on Aristotelian physics.


traveler1116 / E+ / Getty Images
The works of astronomers like Copernicus began to challenge astrology's authority starting in approximately which century?
19th century
12th century
16th century
11th century
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In the 16th century, Copernicus effectively displaced Earth from the center of the universe, posing a logistical challenge to the entire crux of astrology. Soon after, the ideas of Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Descartes and Newton caused astrology to lose its scientific integrity. Kepler tried to reconcile astrology with his theory of mechanistic physics but failed.

Ancient Astronomer
aluxum / E+ / Getty Images
Which famous Greek astronomer wrote "Apotelesmatika," which translates to "Work on Astrology"?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ptolemy was a famous astronomer in the second century A.D. In "Work on Astrology," he compiled information about lunar omens from a papyrus dating to about 500 B.C. as well as fragments of a Greek text written in the second century B.C., which King Nechepso wrote to the priest Petosiris.

Ancient Babylon
duncan1890 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Do you know the name of the official prognosticator in ancient Mesopotamia, whose job involved advising the royals about omens sent from the planets?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A priestly or prophetic figure, the baru interpreted the celestial "omina," or ancient warnings, from the sky and passed the information on to the ruler. The baru would also advise the leader on how to best avoid negative fates via a strategic plan of action.


Woman arrested
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Can you guess which of these signs is arrested more frequently than all the others, according to data compiled by the FBI?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

According to FBI data on criminals and birth dates, some conclude that cancers must be the most dangerous of all the zodiac signs. Not only have police arrested them in the U.S. more frequently, but they also allegedly commit more serious crimes.

President Washington
John Parrot/Stocktrek Images / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images
Which of these signs dominate the U.S. presidency?
Scorpio and Pisces
Gemini and Virgo
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Scorpio and Pisces signs have historically held U.S. presidential office more frequently than any other. Gemini presidents, meanwhile, are the least common - there have only been three in history.

September calendar
johnnyscriv / E+ / Getty Images
Let's say that your birthday falls between Sept. 23 and Oct. 23. Which astrological sun sign would you be, then?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Represented by the balance, astrologers appropriately say that Libras love to attain balance and harmony in their lives. They tend to appreciate high art and intellectualism and are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.


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Some people claim this astrologer predicted major events like the rise of Hitler, John F. Kennedy's assassination, and the attack on the World Trade Center. What is this purported oracle's name?
Liz Greene
Wililam Lily
Alan Leo
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Around 1555, the famous oracle Nostradamus began publishing cryptic poetry attracted the patronage of prominent individuals like Queen of France Catherine de' Medici. Long after his death, fans continue to connect his work to major historical events of today. The quatrains supposedly predicting Hitler include, "From the depths of the West of Europe, A young child will be born of poor people, He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop; His fame will increase towards the realm of the East ... Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers, The Greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister. Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn, When the child of Germany observes nothing."

Astrological Clock
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Which important U.S. figure used astrology to predict a man's death?
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Benjamin Franklin
Henry Ford
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin reportedly used astrology to predict the death of famous 18th-century almanac publisher Titan Leeds. He allegedly started as Franklin's good friend and peer, but he became a rival when Franklin published "Poor Richard's Almanack." When Leed didn't die as predicted, Franklin called him "The Ghost of Mr. Leeds" and requested he leave Earth.

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In the Middle Ages, several Catholic popes relied on astrology. Do you know the first to do so?
St. Lucius
St. Urban I
Leo the Great
St. Sixtus IV
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sixtus IV became the first pope to interpret a horoscope, and leaders like Leo X and Paul III soon followed in his footsteps. After the Middle Ages, support for astrology waned in the Catholic church.


Fitness woman
Yagi Studio / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which sign is twice as likely as others to go to the gym, according to a U.K. study?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Astrologers often call out Leos for their pride and vanity, so it might make sense that they are significantly more likely to hit the gym. A survey of 10,000 U.K. women found them twice as likely to exercise in a gym regularly.

Tom Merton / OJO Images / Getty Images
Which sign is twice as likely to become famous as other signs, according to research by Cartoon Network?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

About one in five child stars are Sagittarius sun signs, and they remain the most likely to become famous - at least, that's what Cartoon Network research says. Indeed, many top pop stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus and Billie Eilish are Sagittariuses.

Old book
copyright rhinoneal / Moment / Getty Images
Which one of these very famous writers did NOT mention astrology in their literature?
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
Geoffrey Chaucer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Astrology was a popular subject in monumental works of literature like Dante's "Inferno," Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" and Shakespeare's "Henry VI," "Rome and Juliet, "Julius Caesar," "Hamlet" and "King Lear." "Comets, importing change of time and states," Shakespeare writes in "Henry VI."


Dendera Zodiac
Impr. impériale via WikiCommons
Historians date the earliest known Zodiac, the Dendera Zodiac, to the first century B.C. Do you know from which ancient civilization it's derived?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While historians think Mesopotamia influenced the Egyptian zodiac, Egypt still possesses the first known evidence of one. The Dendera Zodiac contains signs we know today, like the scorpion (Scorpio), the balance (Libra) and the bull (Taurus).

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