About This Quiz
If you've ever wondered why the English language is so overwhelmingly difficult to master, even as a native English-speaker, you aren't alone. When the topic of teaching literacy is brought up, the main focus falls on reading and writing, while spelling remains an afterthought. Spellcheck is a useful tool for automatically correcting errors, whether they're the result of rushed typing or uncertainty, but it doesn't teach the whys and hows of English spelling.
There are some words that, no matter how many times you use them in a paragraph, you'll always find a challenge to spell accurately. Do you want proof? When F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "The Great Gatsby," he spelled "yacht" as "yatch" and "upon" as "apon" throughout his entire original manuscript. Thankfully, the use of mnemonic devices and other memorization techniques can go a long way in terms of correcting past spelling patterns (as can gaining an understanding of why certain words are spelled the way they are in the first place.)
Consider these questions like a spelling bee, but without the pressure (and you can do it in the comfort of your own home). All you'll need for this quiz is the ability to make decisions about spelling. If you get an answer right, that's great! If some questions leave you stumped, that's also a positive - now's your chance to learn all about the linguistic and historical factors that determine how a word is spelled.