What College Major Suits You Best?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What College Major Suits You Best?
Image: FatCamera/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

College means different things to different people. Some people go to college with the goal of preparing themselves to make the most money that they possibly can over their lives, and others go to school because they want to challenge themselves intellectually as much as they can and learn about something that really interests them. Then you have some people that just go because they aren't sure what else to do with their lives, and still, others go to socialize and party. But no matter what your reason to go to college is, you're going to have to declare a major. Some pick out their major as soon as possible, while others put it off until the last possible minute.

You're going to have a lot of options at pretty much any school that you end up going to. You might go for something like business, finance, sales or political science if you're into making a lot of money. You might decide to go for social work or nursing if you're into helping your fellow man. You could go for philosophy or English if you're into literature and finding the meaning of life, or you could go for art or theatre if you want to express your creative side.

But the question really is, of all the college majors out there, which one suits you best?

What are you most curious about?
What makes people tick
How to make good money
How to access my creativity
The meaning of life
What kind of person would you like to work with?
Someone that needs my help
Someone that can help me
Someone talented
Someone brilliant
Do you like to paint?
Sure, but I am not that good at it.
Do you mean houses?
Yes, I love it.
Yes, but only abstract art.


Are you good with computers?
No, I stink at them.
Yes, I'm very good.
Yes, but they bore me.
Computers are a waste of time.
Do you like to act?
No, I am shy.
No, that is for nerds.
Yes, I love to act.
Yes, I am interested in experimental theater.
Are you interested in filmmaking?
No, I don't have the vision for that.
It depends. Wil it make good money?
Sure, I would love to make movies.
No, but I would write a good script.


Are you interested in intellectual ideas?
I am not sure what you mean by that.
No, I am interested in facts.
No, that does nothing for me.
Yes, I am fascinated by them.
What would you do if you saw a homeless person?
Offer them some food
Walk on past
Offer them some money
Talk to them
Are you interested in other cultures?
Yes, they fascinate me.
Not in the least
In some way, I am.
I am interested in anything I don't understand.


How logical are you?
Not at all logical
Extremely logical
Not very logical
Who decides what is logical and what is not?
What are you most likely to argue about?
Being wronged by someone
Being judged by someone
Anything, I argue for fun.
Do you have a mind for science?
Umm, I can fake it.
Yes, I have a very scientific mind.
Not even a little bit.
Some of it interests me.


Do you like to figure out how to do things faster?
No, I don't care about that.
Yes, efficiency is very important to me.
I think trying to go fast can hurt productivity.
That can be interesting.
Who would you like to have dinner with from the past?
Mother Theresa
Henry Ford
Do you have a good memory?
I do for faces.
Yes, it is very good.
I can't remember anything.
I only remember what is important to me.


Would you lie to get ahead?
I don't think so.
The truth means different things to different people.
Are you patient?
I am with people, but not with things.
Very much so
I am not patient at all.
It depends on what you mean.
How do your friends describe you?


What is one negative thing about you?
I let people take advantage of me.
I am too hardworking.
I don't take life seriously enough.
I am too argumentative.
What would you like most?
World peace
A billion dollars
To be a famous celebrity
Inner peace
What kind of lawyer would you be?
A civil rights lawyer
A real estate lawyer
I would never be a lawyer.
An intellectual property lawyer


What job sounds the worst to you?
CEO of a big company
A caseworker at a homeless shelter
A car salesman
A police officer
Would you like to work for yourself?
Probably not
If there was enough money in it.
For sure
I think so.
Your best friend is partying too much, what do you do?
See if they need help
Avoid them
Party with them
What is too much to one person is not enough for another.


Do you worry about your friends a lot?
Yes, all the time.
No, why would I do that?
Not that often.
No, I believe people should do whatever they want to do.
Do you have strong morals?
Yes, extremely strong.
I would have to say no.
I am working on it.
I have my own morals.
Can good people do bad things?
Of course
I don't think so.
This is too deep for me.
There is no "good" or "bad."


Would you do a job you hate for a lot of money?
No, I don't care about that, I just want to do something I like.
I might for a while.
What would you be most likely to write?
A self-help book
A book on how to make money
A poem
A novel
What do you think of Machiavelli?
He was a jerk.
He was a genius.
I don't know who that is.
He was a jerk but he was a genius.


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