Quiz: Is your computer secure?

Estimated Completion Time
1 min
Quiz: Is your computer secure?
Image: Martin Poole/Stockbyte/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Yes, computers can make life easier, but they also can put your private information at risk. Find out how much you know -- or don't know -- about computer security by taking our quiz.
What is the process of encoding information in a way so that only someone with a key can decode it?
Systemic variation
In computer security terms, what is a hash?
A delicious way to cook potatoes
An encrypted value
A decryption key
What does SSL stand for?
Secure Sockets Layer
Secret Service Logarithm
Systematic Security Level


What is a firewall?
Antivirus software
Software that logs Internet activity
A filter for an Internet connection
What is a proxy server?
A server that retrieves data from host servers before sending it to a computer
A virtual server that can behave like a mail server, Web server or FTP server
A waiter who never seems to be in the restaurant when your water glass is empty
What is another term for a zombie computer army?
Phishing pharm
Romero's Revenge


What does DDoS stand for?
Dangerous DOS open Security
Digital Default of Servers
Distributed Denial of Service
Which kind of malware typically resides in a larger, innocent computer program?
Trojan horse
Computer virus
What is phishing?
A decryption method that uses complex algorithms
A method of online identity theft
A way to send spam mail to millions of people at once


What's another name for crackers -- malicious hackers who infiltrate secure systems in order to steal information or cause damage?
Black hats
Digital rogues