Could You Complete “Red Dead Redemption” With Your Honor Intact?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Could You Complete “Red Dead Redemption” With Your Honor Intact?
Image: Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games

About This Quiz

When the creators of "Grand Theft Auto" created "Red Dead Redemption" and "Red Dead Redemption 2," they didn't just set a crime story in the past, they created a whole new world. Players who had perhaps never seen a western movie were drawn into the stories of Marsden and Morgan as they struggled to do the right thing while doing the wrong thing. Like all great western antiheroes, the player characters of "Red Dead Redemption" games are at their most sympathetic when they are forced into the painful decision to do something wrong for the right reasons.

Following the exploits of a gang of outlaws roaming the west in search of a place to build a peaceful community, the best intentions of the heroes are corrupted, and the stories usually end in poignant tragedy. The Old West was a time and place that was sure to test anyone living in it. Still, the surreal representation of it in "Red Dead Redemption" ups the ante, making every confrontation fraught with risk, every strange a dark mystery, and every adventure the potential to ruin the lives of the game's characters, or even end them.

Do you have the discipline and character to stand up to a world of brutality, greed and lies, or will the old west of "RDR" eat you alive? Can you maintain your honor?

01_stealing horses
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
At the start of the game, you always get sent on simple errands to learn the controls. How do you handle these jobs?
These are chances to practice stealing horses!
I use this to feel out the game and see how it presents me with moral dilemmas.
I try to stay on the straight and narrow.
I might see if I can commit just a little crime for fun ...
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
How dark is your sense of humor?
As dark as the black dog at night in the winter at the North Pole.
Not at all dark
Maybe a little dark
I like my jokes like I like my chocolate: 70% dark.
03_customize an outfit
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
You've been given the chance to customize an outfit for the first time. What hat do you give your character?
A black military scout hat with a wide brim
A white derby
A fur hat
A bulldogger hat


Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What's your style of play with regard to games like racing demon?
Cheat to win!
Play fair, and play friendly!
Don't take anything too seriously.
Play hard! Show everyone you mean it!
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
You have a little money early on in the game and you should buy supplies. What do you get?
Oil for my gun, of course!
Snake oil
Canned food
Tomekbudujedomek/Moment/Getty Images
Other than video games, what do you do to relax?
I watch professional sports.
I read books.
I watch scripted television shows.
I play board games.


Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
You've got a free hand to do some traveling. What part of the map would you explore first?
The mountains in the north
West Elizabeth
08_quiet life
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
How would you have fared in the Old West?
I probably wouldn't have needed to be a criminal, since I know things that would have been worth a lot of money back then.
I'd have stuck my neck out at some point and probably gotten killed.
I'd have tried to live a quiet life.
I'd go down in a blaze of glory as a legendary outlaw!
09_Lemoyne Riders
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
Gang strongholds are a tough but handy way to make some money without wrecking your honor. Which gang would you like to pick on?
The police
Murfree Brood
Lemoyne Riders
Night Folk


10_bank robbery
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
Does some part of you wish you could live in the Old West, if only for a few days?
Of course! I'd be the king!
Maybe for a day or so, just to see it when it was new.
No way! People didn't brush their teeth back then!
Yeah. I'd love to stick up a bank in the Old West!
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
You're on a mission and the cops come after you even after it's over! What do you do?
I shoot my way out but loot every NPC I kill.
I'll surrender rather than kill everyone.
I'll see if I can push the cops back enough to get away.
I'll shoot up the first wave, toss some molotovs, and call it a day.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What is the first thing you rave about to friends who haven't played "RDR"?
Roping is tons of fun.
Photography in the game is a joy.
Horses are loads of fun.
Gunfights are a blast.


13_The machine gun on the wagon2
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
When planning for a battle, what weapon do you make sure to equip?
The machine gun on the wagon
Any repeater rifle
The Schofield
The rare double-barrel shotgun
MATTHEW PALMER/Moment/Getty Images
Have you ever done any real fighting or gunplay in real life?
No, neither
Yes, a bit of both
I've been in plenty of scrapes, but none with firearms.
I've fired guns at targets, but I've never been in fights.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
Which of the following opportunities would you take in a mass-combat situation in "RDR"?
Kill a bunch of NPCs in a house with a stick of dynamite
Disarm via sawed-off shotgun
Kill wolves with incendiary ammo


Allison Michael Orenstein/Stone/Getty Images
Where do you rank on the totem pole at work?
I'm near the bottom, but there are plenty of people for me to look down upon.
I'm near the middle.
I'm on top.
I'm on the bottom.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What do you use to hunt deer?
Sticks of TNT
A rifle
Shotgun slugs
18_stand my ground
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How do you deal with antagonists in your work life?
I find ways to destroy them!
I try to avoid conflict with them if at all possible.
I stand my ground against them.
I spread rumors about them.


Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What do you do the most in saloons?
Get into gigantic brawls with that weird trapper guy
Get a haircut and a shave
Get some food and drink
Gamble and then stick up the table when I lose
20_The Good, the Bad and the Ugly2
Produzioni Europee Associate/United Artists
Which of the following western films is your favorite?
"The Hateful Eight"
"The Magnificent Seven"
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What's your preferred way of filling the camp coffers?
Robbing banks and/or trains!
Treasure hunting
Hunting rare animals
Robbing shops!


22_cowboy clothing
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Be honest: did you buy any cowboy clothing in real life after playing "RDR"?
Oh, yeah. Move over, Johnny Cash.
I picked up a pair of boots.
I got a hat, you bet.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
When you are occasionally naughty, what type of mask do you prefer?
The hockey mask
The executioner mask
The bandana
The skull mask
Jordan Siemens/Stone
Having played "RDR," would you consider going big game hunting in real life?
Are you kidding? I'm doing that tomorrow!
Not any more than I did before.
Not really. Seems like a lot of work.
I'd love to, but I worry that I can't buy explosive shotgun slugs.


25_mad preacher
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What do you typically do when you run into the mad preacher by the river?
Shoot in his direction and then chase him around the countryside.
I just leave him alone.
I hang around until he freaks out at me.
Kidnap him, take him all the way across the map, and then let him go.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
When hunting bison, how many do you typically shoot in one go?
As many as I can, for the practice
Only one. I can't carry two bison hides.
Two. I get to load up on beef.
Four or five, to get one perfect pelt.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
What do you personally think about your player-character's companions?
They aren't nearly evil enough.
Frankly, I don't like a lot of them.
They seem OK, for the most part.
They're fine! All of them are just fine.


Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
Other than being stealthy, what's your most common impulse when you play stealth games?
Find the biggest gun and then just use that.
Try to make it through without leaving any trace.
Seek out the sub-missions!
Find creative ways of making waves.
Rockstar Studios/Rockstar Games
If you were in Arthur Morgan's shoes, what would you do with your life?
I'd go back east and rob every bank from Boston to Miami!
I'd go to Australia!
I'd dedicate myself to taking out all the other outlaws.
I'd go after the Pinkertons with everything at my disposal!
30_Call of Duty WWII2
Sledgehammer Games/Activision
Other than "RDR," which of these games do you really enjoy?
The "Hitman" series
"MLB The Show"
The "Assassin's Creed" series
The "Call of Duty" series


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