Could You Live in Mexico?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Could You Live in Mexico?
Image: Harry Kikstra/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Why live in places like Belize, Honduras or Guatemala when you can live in a vibrant and colorful country like Mexico? There's nothing wrong with those other places, but Mexico offers something unique and special for tourists and locals alike. For starters, the cuisine is flavorful and rooted in Mexican traditions, with popular dishes like tacos de carne asada and pollo en escabeche oriental (just watch out for some of the spicy peppers and seasonings). And if that's not enough, this country is also known for beaches, canyons, mountains and several Mayan ruins and temples (some of the more famous ones are Coba and El Castillo).

But life in Mexico is more than just what tourists see on the surface. In fact, the day-to-day life centers around traffic, noisy streets and lots of air pollution. But these drawbacks don't stop the locals from throwing parties and taking day trips around the country. And these can all be done at an affordable rate, too, since the US dollar goes further in Mexico. But the question for today is: do you have what it takes to live in a country like this? If your answer is "si," then it's time to take this culture quiz now!

Young girl hitting pinata, candy flying
Ryan McVay/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Which of these sweet treats would you hide inside of a piñata?
Pica Goma
Do they have Hershey's chocolate over there?
Mazapan Peanut Candy
Woman with hat
Linka A Odom/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you able to tolerate the hot weather in Mexico?
Like a champ!
For the most part, I would be able to.
Yes, as long as the buildings have A/C.
Probably not
Woman hiking at Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico
MStudioImages/E+/Getty Images
What mountain would you want to hike with a friend?
Paso de Cortes
I hate hiking.


Female hand holding a Dollar note
Chris Whitehead/Cultura/Getty Images Plus
1 USD is equivalent to how many Mexican Pesos?
Eating Mexican dinner
knape/E+/Getty Images
What time of day is "cena" usually eaten?
After 9 p.m.
Between 6 and 8 p.m.
Between 4 and 6 p.m.
Anytime before 4 p.m.
Jarabe Tapatio dancers
Wiki Commons by Sage Ross
Are you interested in participating in the Jarabe Tapatio?
Sure, that sounds like fun!
I'll watch from the sidelines.
The what?
No way, I can't dance.


San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
© Marco Bottigelli/Moment/Getty Images
What city would you live in?
San Miguel de Allende
Puerto Vallarta
Street scenes at the city of Puebla
Kryssia Campos/Moment/Getty Images
In terms of transportation, how would you get around town?
Train or metro
Man riding donkey
DavorLovincic/E+/Getty Images
Do you know how to ride a burro?
No, but I think I could do it.
Nope, not interested.
Sorry, a what?


Woman relaxing in hut on beach
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What region of Mexico serves as the best vacation spot?
Central Norte
Southern region
Central Mexico
El Norte
Mexican Food Sampler platter
Jeff R Clow/Moment/Getty Images
What very-Mexican dish would you want to indulge in?
Chiles en nogada
Tacos al pastor
Backyard party
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What would be the worst part about living in Mexico?
I heard the furniture is a bit uncomfortable.
The constant noise.
Driving can be a pain.
Certain cities have high crime rates.


Dia de los Muertos
Tristan Savatier/Moment/Getty Images
Would it be kind of weird to celebrate Dia de Muertos?
Not at all.
Not going to lie, a little bit.
What's that?
Yes. Very weird.
Corn Tortilla
4kodiak/E/Getty Images
Which of the following is not a common ingredient in traditional handmade corn tortillas?
Masa harina
Man asking for directions
andresr/E+/Getty Images
What is the correct translation for "dónde está el baño?"
Where is the bathroom?
Where is the bus stop?
Where is the library?
What is your name?


Man in sombrero with horse
Ivy Reynolds/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Which of these common Mexican career paths suits your personality the best?
Mariachi band member
Mounted policeman
Street food vendor
El Castillo (Temple of Kukulkan), Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
Matteo Colombo/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Which of these tourist attractions is a must-see for you?
Great Pyramid of Cholula
Monte Alban
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
Dahlias in bloom
Stephanie Zell/Moment/Getty Images
What is the national flower of Mexico?


Wiki Commons by Marrovi
Which of these sports would you watch for fun?
Futbol (also known as soccer)
I'm not much of a sports person.
Customer paying for meal at Tex-Mex restaurant with credit card
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
Are you supposed to tip when dining out in this country?
I think so?
I'm not really sure.
Guatemalan flag over map
FotografiaBasica/E+/Getty Images
Which of these neighboring countries would you love to visit?
I'd love to cross over to Honduras.
I'll stick to the US.


Chihuahua with Mexican hat
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Moment/Getty Images
Which of these Mexico-native animals would you want to adopt as a house pet?
Tourist drinking beer
Orbon Alija/E+/Getty Images
How would you describe your overall personality?
Fun and cheerful
Intelligent and observant
Like the wind that changes every day
Moody and quiet
A female hand reaching to pull toilet paper off the roll
Photo by Brook Rieman/Moment/Getty Images
Are you supposed to flush toilet paper in Mexico?
Nope, bad idea.
Sure, why not?
Only if it's the cheap kind.
Um...I'm not sure.


Checkout in grocery store
Tom Werner/DigitalVision/Getty Images
When it comes to paying for things, you normally reach for ...
Depends on the item
Debit or credit card
United States map
JakeOlimb/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images
If you couldn't live in Mexico, which of these US states would you rather live in instead?
New Mexico
Women holds "Se Habla Espanol" sign
Livingpix/E+/Getty Images
How well can you speak and understand Spanish?
I'm 100% fluent.
I'm pretty good at it.
I'm taking classes right now.
I know "hola" and that's about it.


Man holding two gallons of milk
Juanmonino/E+/Getty Images
How much would you expect to pay for a gallon of milk over there?
Small Business Owners
ferrantraite/E+/Getty Images
Mexico is considered to be one of the hardest working countries in the world. Do you think you would fit in with this culture?
Yes, but I like my off days too.
I'm a little on the lazy side, but I would still move here.
Life is too short to work so much.
Huevos rancheros on a tortilla, the traditional Mexican breakfast dish
Lilyana Vinogradova/Moment/Getty Images
What would a typical Mexican breakfast look like for you?
Atole and tamales
Cafe con leche with a pastry.
I'll stick to cereal.
