Dating Etiquette

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Dating Etiquette
Image: mikroman6 / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Did you know that dating only dates back about 120 years? Which is to say, yes, couples have always gone out and done things, but the idea of calling them dates, referring to dates on a calendar, is something that has only happened since the very late 1800s. You were often considered to be courting someone before that time, or maybe just calling on them. 

The rituals of relationships have changed a lot over the decades and centuries. In bygone years, courtship was always a precursor to marriage, and a gentleman would call on a lady by making arrangements with her family. It was almost a business transaction.

You can't stop progress, though, and society has changed along with the rules of dating. Women have become more independent and in charge of their own choices. Dating is not necessarily a precursor for marriage, but perhaps the initial phase of a less structured kind of relationship. We finally have the chance to get to know people and decide if we want to spend more time with them without everyone else judging us. We can have fun! Ahh, romance! 

No matter how far we've come, though, there will always be certain rules to follow. If you think you have them all down, take the quiz and find out!

1 paying for first date
Matt Dutile / Image Source / Getty Images
Who pays for a first date?
The person who asked
The person who accepted
You should discuss it ahead of time.
Decide in the moment.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Traditionally, the man pays for a date, although if two men or two women are on a date, this tradition helps no one. Instead, accept that it's a bit of an awkward discussion and just mention it during the planning phase. It's OK to say you'll cover it or you want to split the cost.

2 dinner choice
Hybrid Images / Cultura / Getty Images
Which of these would likely be a bad choice to order at dinner?
Lobster and foie gras
Fettuccine Alfredo
Steak and baked potato
Quinoa salad
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lobster and foie gras may be the tastiest thing you ever ate, and it may be the house specialty, but on a first date it's not the best choice, simply as a price point. It's probably better to be modest on that first date in terms of what you order, even if you're the one paying. Otherwise, it could look like you're showing off.

3 money
mikroman6 / Moment / Getty Images
What do you always want to have with you, just in case?
A Taser
A change of clothes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Regardless of the plans you made for the date, whether you're paying, they're paying, or you're splitting the bill, make sure you have money to cover it and any incidental expenses. You never know what might happen, and you don't want to get left high and dry.


4 how late can you be
d3sign / Moment / Getty Images
You've heard the expression "fashionably late"? How late can you be for a date?
5 to 10 minutes
Up to half an hour
No more than an hour
Don't be late.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Fashionably late" is a terrible term that means nothing, really. Don't be late for a date. If anything, show up a couple of minutes early. Obviously, emergencies happen, but if you can't be there on time, you need to tell the other person, with as much notice as possible.

5 where to keep your phone
Petri Oeschger / Moment / Getty Images
Where's a good place to keep your phone during a date?
Next to you
In your pocket
Anywhere, so long as it's off
At home
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You're not going to leave your phone at home on a date — no one expects that. But you don't need to be on the thing, either. Wherever you keep it, you should have it turned off for the duration. Nothing tells someone you have no interest in them like ignoring them in favor of your phone.

6 first date awkwardness
Koron / Moment / Getty Images
First dates can be pretty awkward. What's a good way to deal with that?
Ignore it.
Acknowledge it.
Have a drink.
Avoid dating.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

First dates are weird, and we all know it. You're engaging in this ritual that's meant to be a precursor (maybe) to romance, but with strange rules. Since you both know it's weird, you can be forthright about it and mention it to relieve that tension.


7 bringing up your ex
Hybrid Images / Cultura / Getty Images
When's a good time to bring up your ex?
Not on a first date
If the person you're dating does
If it comes up naturally
After dinner
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Discussing your past relationships is bound to come up someday, but maybe the first date is the wrong time to do it. It's such a heavy topic, often a bitter topic, and has too much baggage attached for what should be a fun first encounter.

8 first date topics
We Are / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What topic should you bring up on a first date?
Things you hate
Thoughts on religion
Dating goals
Past legal troubles
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Are you looking for something fun and casual? Are you down for a long term romance? Do you just want someone to hang out and watch Netflix with, with no chilling? Whatever your dating goals are, it's best to lay them out in the beginning so everyone is on the same page.

9 lying on first date
Ben Pipe Photography / Cultura / Getty Images
What's something you should lie about on a first date?
If you're unemployed
If you're not naturally blond
If you're leaving the country soon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You don't want to lie about anything on a first date, even if it's a little embarrassing. If you're going through a rough time, if you're sleeping on a friend's couch — whatever it is — you should just lay it all out at the beginning. It's not really fair to the other person to hold back important stuff like that.


10 make eye contact
VioletaStoimenova / E+ / Getty Images
If you want to show interest on a date, what's a good thing to do?
Just keep nodding.
Make a video with your phone.
Take notes.
Make eye contact.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Eye contact is important in establishing any good relationship. It's hard to do for some people, and that's OK; no one's saying you need to eyeball the other person the entire date. But when you're talking, make sure you hold that gaze sometimes to show you're engaged and interested.

11 bored of topic
Zero Creatives / Image Source / Getty Images
If your date is talking about something you have no interest in, what should you do?
End it.
Tell them you're not interested.
Listen and maybe steer the conversation in a new direction.
Roll your eyes a lot.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's hard not to judge someone right away if they go off on a tangent that either bores you to tears or is something you disagree with. Try to give someone the benefit of the doubt and redirect the conversation to see if there's still some chance that you might click.

12 asking questions
Fran Polito / Moment / Getty Images
Is it rude to ask many questions on a date?
Only ask a few.
Let your date do the asking.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You can't get to know someone without asking questions. You could let someone just talk non-stop, but that doesn't engage you in any way. Ask questions frequently to get to know who they are and what they're all about. That's the best way to determine whether you're going to click or not.


13 avoid swearing
svetikd / E+ / Getty Images
What's something you want to avoid when conversing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you usually swear like a dockworker, that's fine for you, but you're making a first impression here! Keep the swearing to yourself on a first date, just as a matter of politeness and decorum. If you develop a rapport, maybe it'll be appropriate down the road.

14 drink within reason
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is it ever a good idea to drink on a date?
Within reason
Only if your date asks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you like a drink now and then, there's no reason not to have one on a date, but you need to keep it within reason. Getting drunk on a date is not just inconsiderate — it could be dangerous for you. Know your limits!

15 planning in advance
svetikd / E+ / Getty Images
How far in advance should you plan a date?
As much time as possible
It doesn't matter.
Whatever works for you
A few hours is good.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Obviously you'll have exceptions to this rule, but in general, you need as much time in advance of a date as possible if you're serious about it. Give the other person time to prepare, and make sure they're free and available. It's just considerate.


16 suggesting another time
Marco_Piunti / E+ / Getty Images
If you suggest a time to go out and the person says they can't make it, what should you do?
Give up.
Ask why.
Suggest another time.
Try to convince them to do it.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The fact is, sometimes people are legit busy next Friday night, so when you propose a date they really can't go. They also don't need to explain why if they don't want to. If the person says they can't make it, suggest an alternate time. It's what you'd do with any appointment you can't make, right?

17 moving on
Gpointstudio / Cultura / Getty Images
What should you do if you've suggested a couple of dates or times for a date, but the other person says they can't make it?
Move on.
Ask when they want to go out.
Ask what their reasons are.
Suggest a few more times.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you suggest going out Friday night and they say no, try suggesting Saturday. If they say no to that and still haven't offered an alternative, they're likely letting you know they're just not interested. No need to keep pressuring; just say "OK" and move on. It gets weird and potentially creepy if you keep at it, and that's not the impression anyone wants to give.

18 planning for the worst
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's something you should plan for, just in case?
Being sick
Running out of gas
Your date idea not working out
Your ex showing up
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Always have a plan B. Sure, you want to go to dinner at the cool Mexican place that just opened, but what if they gave your reservation away? What if the power went out? What if they got shut down by the health department? Always have a plan in mind in case your date idea doesn't work out, even if it's literally the restaurant across the street.


19 bad weather
William Perugini / Cultura / Getty Images
Which of these do you not want to assume before a date?
That the weather will be good
That the food will be good
That your date will pay
All of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It's best to assume nothing before a date. Back in the day, it was a given that the man would pay, but we've come a long way since then. You can't take anything for granted if you didn't discuss it beforehand, and that even includes the weather holding out or the food at an untested restaurant being divine.

20 call asap
piola666 / E+ / Getty Images
What should you do if you can't make it?
Call as soon as possible.
Ignore it.
They'll figure it out.
Block their number.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You want to be on time, of course, but if you can't make it at all, then let the other person know ASAP. We all have things happening in our lives, and if it's something worth your time, they'll understand. Reschedule for later!

21 dressing for date
Kristina Strasunske / Moment / Getty Images
What's the best way to dress for a date?
Keep it casual.
Dress for where you're going.
The nicest outfit you have
Who cares?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A date isn't a job interview or a funeral — it's a date. If you're going to a fancy restaurant, dress up a little. If it's more casual, dress down a bit. Wherever you're going, that's what you want to dress for.


22 asking for second date
Kathrin Ziegler / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When's the best time to call someone for a second date if you enjoyed the first one?
Any time
Within no more than three days
A week or two
An hour or so after the first date
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you were super into each other, you might plan a second date while you're still on the first date, but, for the most part, you should look at about a three-day window for planning a second. Too super soon might put pressure on the other person, and too much time makes it seem like you don't care. Use that one- to three-day window.

23 opening doors
Liam Norris / Cultura / Getty Images
Should you open doors for your date?
Only if they ask
A man should open doors for a woman.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This is a vague answer, but "maybe" is what you get. It's not impolite to open a door, so try. If the person you're dating doesn't want you to, they should say so. Traditionally the man opens the door for a woman, but times have changed, and, again, if two men or two women are dating, then that tradition is clearly meaningless.

24 greeting your date
Raphye Alexius / Image Source / Getty Images
What's a good way to greet your date?
With a compliment
With a corsage
With a kiss
With a fist bump
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A sincere compliment is always a good way to start your date. It doesn't have to be super poetic and Shakespearean in nature, just something you really believe and something that will show your date you're paying attention.


25 when to kiss
Igor Ustynskyy / Moment / Getty Images
When should you kiss the person you're dating?
After the third date
When it feels right
After you've discussed it
Right away
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There's a lot of history behind the idea of kissing on a first date. Some people never do it, and that's OK. Some people will do it, and that's also OK. Which is right? Both. You should kiss someone when it feels right to both of you, and that doesn't need to have a time limit.

26 bringing flowers
Robert Daly / OJO Images / Getty Images
How do you know the best kind of flowers to bring as a gift for a date?
Whatever's in season
Don't get flowers.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Flowers are a bit of an old-school romantic gesture, but if you really want to know the best kind, then you should ask your date what their favorite flowers are. You could guess and maybe get lucky, or you could get something they hate or are allergic to.

27 touching
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of these do you want to avoid if you've just met this person for the first time?
A hug
A neck massage
Face touching
All of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you're a touchy-feely kind of person, you may want to curb that instinct on a first date. Touching someone you don't know well is never a good idea because it makes them uncomfortable, and it's an invasion of personal space. Even if you think it's just a friendly gesture, you need much more rapport with someone to get to that place than a first date.


28 date location
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you decide where to go for a date?
Pick a place you love.
Decide on a place together.
Check what's good on Yelp.
Whatever's between where you both live
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You want to base your date around what's fun and interesting to both of you. Planning the date yourself means you'll have what you want but maybe they won't, so don't pick your favorite bar or restaurant and just hope your date digs it.

29 ghosted after first date
Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Moment / Getty Images
The person you went out with doesn't call for a second date and won't return your calls. Now what?
Go check on them.
Leave it.
Try finding them on social media.
Ask their friends.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Rejection is a part of life. You'll get rejected from jobs, from loan applications, from all kinds of things. If someone doesn't want to date you, try not to take it personally. Not everyone in the world is your type, right? So you can't be everyone else's type either. Just leave it and move on — it'll make you happier.

30 how many dates in a month
Tetra Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How many different people should you date in a month?
Just one
No more than three
It doesn't matter.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The point of dating is to meet someone you feel a connection with. If that means you need to date eight different people in a month, why not? No one says you have to be sleeping with these people or anything else; you're just trying to get to know them. Don't settle for someone you don't like.


31 current pic
Tom Merton / OJO Images / Getty Images
What's the best kind of pic to use in an online dating profile?
A current one
Something with a good filter on it
Any pic of you is fine.
A professional pic
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You really need a current pic on your online dating profiles — it's the most accurate one you have. The person you're dating is going to meet you eventually, so don't lead them astray. Pretty much everyone has tried using a 10-year-old pic in which they look hotter and thinner, but it doesn't do you any favors.

32 not interested in 2nd date
We Are / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You had your date, and you really didn't enjoy it, but the other person did. Now what?
Ghost them.
Block their number.
Tell them you're not interested.
Make up an excuse to get out of dealing with them.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to rejection. You won't help the other person or yourself if you don't play it straight. Tell them you're not interested, and make it a clean break. Don't feel bad about rejecting someone; it would be worse to string them along or force yourself into a position that makes you uncomfortable.

33 self-deprecating humor
FatCamera / E+ / Getty Images
When should you use self-deprecating humor?
Avoid it.
Whenever it seems funny
Over drinks
It doesn't matter.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

People like self-deprecating humor, and it can be funny, but try to avoid that during the first couple of dates. If you talk badly about yourself, even in a joking way, you set a tone for how you feel about yourself and what you might be willing to let others say about you.


34 amount of texting
Shannon Fagan / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How much texting is too much?
Never text.
As much as you like — they're just texts.
Less is more.
Once or twice a day
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

People used to worry about when to call someone, but odds are you're texting the person you want to date to work out the details. You don't want to blow their phone up, but you don't want to be a ghost, either. Everyone has their phone on them pretty much all the time, so a few texts here and there are fine. Less is more, in general, if you're just working out details.

35 making the first move
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Who should make the first move?
The man
The woman
Discuss it first.
Whoever feels it
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There can't be a rule that dictates feelings. You can't know who has to make the first move or when — that wouldn't make sense. When you feel that the situation is right, when you feel a mutual attraction, that's when you make a move. And, hopefully, they reciprocate.

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