Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Pilot?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Pilot?
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About This Quiz

Being a pilot takes experience, education, and years of practice to be able to handle the stress and rigors of aviation. Whether you want to be a commercial pilot hopping from city-to-city or an ace in the military, being 30,000 feet in the air is an amazing thrill! Take this quiz to see if you have what it takes to be a pilot!
How do you feel while looking up at a skyscraper from the ground?
I love it!
I've wet my pants doing that.
I get pretty dizzy.
I've never done that before.
Have you flown before?
Oh yes, many times.
Never. That's crazy! Those wings don't even flap.
A few times.
Only in a simulator.
What is your favorite thing about flying?
It is a lot faster than driving.
Soda and peanuts.
You mean besides that kid screaming in my ears? Just kidding, I love meeting random people.


How many years of post high school education are you willing to put into a career?
Two years.
Whatever it takes.
I don't know, I'm busy as it is.
I can probably fit in at least four years.
You have a big project due tomorrow, and are only partially through it. What do you do?
Work overnight and without sleep if I need to.
I go to bed and tell everyone I'm extending the due date.
I take an hour nap and try to plug through with no guarantees.
I have no idea.
What do you want the captain of a plane to give you if you were to check out the cockpit?
I want to sit in the co-pilots chair.
Maybe a free drink. No, I'm not talking about the pop.
A pair of those awesome plastic wings. I'll be the coolest coworker in the office.
His hat. Because I'm going to vomit at around 20,000 feet.


You're flying a plane and you see a bird bounce off the front window. What do you do?
Nothing. We won.
I freak the heck out! That's what I do!
I might cringe a little.
I'd see if there are more birds coming.
There are a ton of instruments on a plane. What do you think about that?
No problem. I let my knowledge and training take over.
Oh, boy...
I'm cool as a cucumber.
Sure, I'll have to change my sweaty shirt, but I got this.
Which is your favorite flying movie?
"Top Gun"
"Iron Eagle"
"Memphis Belle"


What percent convinced are you that you want to be a pilot?
This is gettin' real isn't it?
How well do you handle roller coasters?
The more twists, turns and dives, the better.
Well, I like the ones that don't move.
I like everything except for that big climb and dive.
Aside from the vomiting I love them.
What would your pilot nickname be?
Screamy McScreamerson.
Atta Boy!


How many flight hours do you think you need before you know everything?
Yeah, I'll never know EVERYTHING.
100 is good for me.
1,000 should do it.
What is the most determined thing you've done this year?
Well, I got my PhD, so there's that.
Getting out of bed 365 days.
I got a new job and am nailin' it.
I joined a dating service.
What do you do if you are flying and everything around you is going nuts?
I keep on flying.
Grab the parachute.
I keep on keepin' on... whatever that means.
I try to calm all the fires at once.


What kind of pilot do you want to be?
A fighter pilot.
A crop duster.
A commercial pilot.
I like my little Cessna.
Which of your personality traits would stand out as a pilot?
I keep it cool.
I think best when I am panicking.
I have a good bedside manner.
I'm a strong leader who likes to pass out donuts at the beginning of the flight.
What do you think about turbulence?
I think it's kind of fun.
Scares me to no end.
I'll admit it's a bit creepy.
I'm okay with it. Not cool with it, but okay with it.


What would scare you most about a plane?
Strong turbulence.
Flying over the ocean.
Leaving the cockpit to find that the entire airplane is empty - except for me.
Which weather do you think has the lowest visibility?
Light rain.
Why would you want to become a pilot?
I love the idea of flying.
I want to control my own fate.
It's a great way to pick people up at the bar.
I saw a movie once.


What was your favorite flight simulator game as a kid?
"Flight Simulator"
"Air Combat"
"Microsoft Flight"
"Birds of Steel"
How well do you work on teams?
I'm a great team player.
I don't work well with others.
I'm an amazing team player as long as people do what I tell them to.
I guess I'm okay.
Which field of study do you think will benefit you most as a pilot?
Leadership training.


What do your friends think about you wanting to be a pilot?
They are down!
My friends laugh at me. Then they laugh a little more.
I haven't told anyone yet.
I really don't care.
How good are your time management skills?
Time management is my jam.
Can I answer that later?
Good, as long as I have a distant deadline.
Not as good as I would like.
Do you enjoy travel?
Love it!
I am more of a homebody, but I'll sometimes travel as far as Target.
I enjoy going away for vacation.
Yes, but I don't travel much.


Have you lived in many different places?
I've lived in several states and a couple countries.
I've lived in one city, but a ton of apartments.
I still live in my hometown.
As a kid I was a military brat - so yeah.
What are your opinions of auto-pilot?
I use it when I can, but am always on the ready.
If I were a pilot I would feel that auto-pilot was designed to steal my job.
I wouldn't trust auto-pilot.
I think it's great for just flying, but leave the take-off and landing to me.
Which of these adrenaline rush activities are you totally down for?
Sky diving.
Bungee jumping.
Red light, green light.
